All About The Powerful Force of Love Affirmations

Love affirmations are among the most common types of positive affirmations people have been using for a long time. It is no secret that everyone is a product of love. Without our parents, we would not be here in this world. Hence, it is safe to say that love makes the world go round. Everyone wants to feel loved daily, as according to them, it makes for a healthy heart. However, not everyone has the charm or the beauty to attract prospective partners, which makes them self-conscious and insecure.

Before we move further, we want to tell you that you deserve to be loved. You deserve to have a stable relationship simply because you are loved. No one can take that away from you.

Even though we have different types of love, many affirmations are written towards romantic love. Thus, that will be the focus of our article today. Keeping sane and healthy emotional health is important for us to love even more. Loving someone requires a healthy state of balance between your emotions and mindset. Not only that, your physical aspect plays a huge role in why many people fall in love with one another. Even though you are not confident with your looks, you should make up for it.

This article tells you everything you should know about love affirmations -- how it work, how to express them well, and how affirmations can touch your heart and become a form of expression towards your prospective partners to gain the attention and affection you have always wanted.

More About Love Affirmations

Love affirmations are known to be unconditional. Love is a primary emotion that everyone feels, and affirmations can truly help you achieve your goals in the relationships department -- be it a stable one or looking for a stable one.

More About Love Affirmations

Affirmations are positive phrases that help you achieve whatever you want with a positive attitude and outlook in life. Using it in love will allow you to accept and receive the love you think you deserve from your partner, whatever language you speak. Affirmations transcend languages, so whatever you use, as long as you put your mind to it, you will reach your end goals as quickly as it can be.

Remember that love is a very powerful emotion, and knowing how to harness it towards your own favor is appreciated. Some people think that they are terrible at expressing their love. Still, some might love hearing it from their partners, and they are very much receiving it appreciatively. The point here is that the moment you combine acceptance, love, and affirmations, you have a powerful force at your service.You must have to use it properly.

Love in Other Forms

Even though we mentioned earlier that we will be focusing more on romantic love in this post, we must mention in passing the other forms of love that people experience around the world. Examples of that include loving your friends. Platonic love is a prevalent form of love, and showing that you love your friends, showering them with many gifts, and others will help you create lasting friendships that will stand the test of time.

Another one is the love you share with your family. I know that you wish for abundance and release of positive energy. Finding yourself the one to provide for their needs is a great expression of love for you. Of course, you want to be wealthy so that you can provide for your family's needs and wants. And why do you want to do that? What's the driving force behind that? It's love.

Ubiquitous or universal love is the sort of love that motivates us to volunteer our time in charitable endeavors or to lend a helping hand to a stranger. A sensation of profound inner fulfillment can also be experienced while we are contemplating breathtaking views from the mountaintop or when we are enjoying a spiritual or religious experience, among other things.

It is a feeling of brotherhood for the human race as a whole and the entire universe, which includes all beings and materials. Even though all individuals are capable of experiencing and cultivating this level of love in one's life, some people sense a call to devote their lives to it.

We cannot take note of many other forms of love here, but knowing how powerful love can be in many shapes and forms is enough to show us that love makes the world go round.

Some More Notes About Love and Affirmations

Even when you want people to just let memories fade, the words you choose will have a powerful impact on them. In fact, it is not unusual for simple statements such as "I'm glad for..." and "I adore how..." to go a long way in conveying how much someone is valued and loved.

Love Affirmations - Some More Notes About Love and Affirmations

It is extremely important to express gratitude to your spouse through genuine thanks, handwritten letters, and hearing about how much they mean toward others. To do this, you must communicate to partners how much they matter to you, how they have been unique from others, as well as how much you care about them.

In short, positive words, a strong mindset, a true connection towards love and the power of affirmations, and a welcoming mind are the ingredients of having a powerful force at your disposal, known to everyone as the concept of love. These ingredients bring romance, affection, and love towards you, so be ready to receive these with open arms.

How to Write Effective Love Affirmations

It is important to remember that the main purpose of positive affirmations, in general, is to ward off negative energy, allowing everyone to practice positivity and making each person feel worthy of the love they are about to receive, from their body to their mind and soul. Thus, do not include any negative words or phrases in any of your affirmations.

For example, you want to avoid cheaters from entering your life. Instead of stating, "I don't want cheaters in my life," you might say, "I only want faithful individuals in my life."

See what we did there? Instead of putting negative words together in one positive affirmation, we rephrased them and made them more specific. This is very important as you will repeat them every single day. We should only let positivity in our lives, from the entry point, which is our mouth.

Next, write affirmations that you want to manifest in your life and repeat them every day. This does not mean that you should write 52 positive affirmations and repeat them as your daily positive affirmations. It can be very tiring if you do that, so choose up to five positive affirmations that speak to you, then repeat them from the moment you wake up in the morning, towards the middle of the day, until you fall asleep at night.

Sample Love Affirmations You Can Use

Here are some samples of love affirmations you can use to start your affirmation journey. You can use these directly or use them as guides in writing your own affirmations. Even though these samples are great, it is much more powerful if you can write your own affirmations because it is more specific. The positive energy will know where to go if you show them a clear map.

  1. I'm in love with myself.
  2. I exude affection.
  3. I am the feeling of love.
  4. I am encircled by people who care about me.
  5. I am cherished.
  6. I have an unwavering love for myself.
  7. I'm surrounded by love on all sides.
  8. Self-acceptance comes naturally to me.
  9. My affection is limitless.
  10. I am receptive to accepting affection.
  11. I have all of the love I could ever want or need inside of me.
  12. I have a deep and abiding affection for myself.
  13. I'm here to be in love with someone.
  14. I am deserving of acknowledgement and celebration.
  15. My love is completely unconditional.
  16. My own heart is the purest form of love there is.
  17. Love is always coming into my life.
  18. I have access to love at any time of day or night.
  19. Love has no boundaries.
  20. I am now ready to be loved and to be loved in return.
  21. I attract companions who are caring, supportive, and dedicated to me.
  22. I'm drawing the attention of my true love.
  23. I am appreciative of the affection that has been shown to me.
  24. I pardon others for their wrongdoings in the past.
  25. My heart is completely exposed.

Our Final Thoughts

Love affirmations are known to be one of the most powerful ones to exist. It is very important to know that love and affirmations truly go well together, as they both encourage positivity to enter your life. Writing your own affirmations can be even more effective as they are more targeted, so try to write positive affirmations on your own.

Keep them short and specific, and focus your mind on believing that these affirmations work. Once you have your mind game sorted, you are now ready to manifest success in love and relationships. Always remember that you are deserving of a loving relationship, and you are able to attract people who can make you feel loved and special.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS

If you like love affirmations, you’re going to LOVE LOVE AFFORMATIONS


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!Learn more at

love affirmations

"I am" affirmations refer to affirmations that start with the words "I am." It is basically the most powerful type. We all know that affirmations are generally positive. When you direct those affirmations to yourself. It brings you so much power that you can feel the positive energy coursing through your veins and all over your body.

These kinds of affirmations are very powerful in the sense that you have claimed these to happen, thanks to the present tense you used. Add to that the constant repetition and your firm belief in the power of affirmations. You are one tough person to beat.

In this article, we will explain how "I am" affirmations work, and their advantages. How to write the perfect "I am" affirmation for every concern covering everything.

What are "I am" Affirmations?

As mentioned above, "I am" affirmations are positive affirmations that start with "I am," and they are mostly directed at you. These kinds of affirmations are the ones that are very good for a change of mind, allowing you to feel great and grateful because these positive affirmations are happening to you.

What are "I am" Affirmations?

These are very powerful statements that are very ideal if you want massive healing in your life and an abundance of joy and happy thoughts in your life. I am affirmation declarations are your tales, your truths, and the qualities you admire in yourself. You are your harshest critic, and you know whatever you want out of life and how to achieve it.

These affirmations are uniquely you, and only you can receive the blessings that you manifested and you solely deserve. You deserve the success and the influx of opportunities coming your way, thanks to these two words. These affirmations work wonders in your life, allowing your heart to accept the goodness of the world, making you worthy of these blessings coming your way. These affirmations are so powerful that they shield you from negative energy right in the morning, which will last until the evening.

When you utter these affirmations directed at yourself, it allows you to finally see the beautiful picture of yourself living a beautiful and healthy life, making these dreams a reality in front of you. Writing these positive affirmations and feeling the power of these words allow you to practice how affirmations should be treated.

Perks of "I am" Affirmations

All affirmations work the same, but as mentioned earlier, "I am" affirmations receive so much love from people, students, housewives, office workers, and everything else, simply because they are very powerful. You do not need to write an essay explaining why affirmations should work for you. Instead, these affirmations work because they are written as though you are releasing ideas in a free manner out of your head each day. Then you repeat them constantly to magnify the power it holds.

"I am" affirmations are also powerful because these are true intentions that you want to have in your life. You say these words because you care about yourself and what the future time holds for you. These words hold so much power, and thus, these should be treated with the utmost respect by believing in them as firmly as you can.

Belief: The Secret Ingredient

Positive affirmations do work, but adding feeling and belief into it makes it more powerful than ever.

When you manifest that these affirmations work on you, it helps if your mind also speaks the same way as your body. When you have a personal connection to these affirmations in the form of believing that these will work, it allows you to receive any blessings you have bestowed upon you. Thus, you might want to focus more, letting your feelings connect with those words, and then you will learn to enjoy the power of these words in any way you have professed them.

For example, suppose you want good grades in school. In that case, you must have the necessary feelings along with your words -- confidence, firm belief, and happiness. If you want to land that role on Broadway, say, "I am getting this role," along with the strong sense of confidence and grace that will allow you to function exceptionally. If you want your teacher to be good to you, support your affirmations with feelings of calm and confidence, and it will work just fine.

The entire point of this paragraph is that you should incorporate the good feelings associated with your affirmations to reach your goals, be it your esteem, money, a great opportunity, and more.

Frequency of Affirmations Each Day

Repeating affirmations every single day is also a part of the equation. Many people believe that you should utter all affirmations every day so that they would grow and foster in your mind and heart. Others do it like how people do mantra chants, while some cherry-pick their affirmations from the list they prepared.

So how often should we utter affirmations each day? Everyday. However, you should choose up to three affirmations a day that you want to focus on. To tell you the truth, it can be overwhelming if you try to utter 36 affirmations every single day, all at the same time. This is one of the mistakes they usually commit when doing positive affirmations. You are allowed to utter as many affirmations as you like, but making things light would help you talk more about it in a more positive way.

Remember that affirmations should be a source of encouragement, making us feel confident and seize the moment whenever possible. It can ruin the peace you have in your heart if you try to cram all affirmations all at once. Affirmations should be an easy task for you to get your mind on board. In short, don't be pressured.

Why Do You Need to Practice Daily Affirmations

Doing daily affirmations allows you to keep growing and creating a whole new mindset focused on making yourself the magnet of positivity in the universe. Daily affirmations also give you a learning opportunity to fine tune your affirmations to target your specific needs as directly as possible. The positive feelings you have in daily affirmations can guide you into a more joyful and amazing life.

i am affirmations - Why Do You Need to Practice Daily Affirmations

Each time you utter these affirmations in front of the mirror, it allows you to absorb more energy to dwell on your strengths, allowing the stories you hear as fuel to further claim the blessings you already deserve. It all boils down to trust, and once you trust them, the release of blessings is almost immediate, especially if you put your heart and soul to it.

The bottom line is: trust your guts, believe in the power of affirmations, practice them daily, and soon after, you will experience an overwhelming amount of hope inside your system that is strong enough to eliminate fear and negativity out of our system. It makes us feel surrounded with positive energy, allowing us to feel blessed, healthier, and much more successful.

Sample Affirmations You Can Use

Feel free to use these sample affirmations if anything speaks to you. Alternatively, you can write your own, as you have an awareness of the aspects of life you want to address. This makes it more complete, and it gives you a boost in your beliefs and vibration of success in your space.

  1. I am accountable for making wise decisions that will propel my personal and organizational goals.
  2. I am fortunate to have all I need to succeed in my life.
  3. I am stronger than all of the obstacles and problems that stand in my way.
  4. I can draw simple abundance.
  5. I'm used to having a lot of money.
  6. I consider myself fortunate to have a wealth of health, prosperity, and positive willingness.
  7. I am enjoying all I have, and this is what I consider to be my plenty.
  8. I have enough money to satisfy all of my desires.
  9. With my hard effort, I am drawing money from all directions.
  10. I am willing to put all of my talents and knowledge to work to get wealthy.
  11. I am determined to increase my bank balance.

More Affirmations for Everyone

  1. I'm not only thinking about being wealthy; I'm working hard to achieve it.
  2. I'm waking up to a new day to welcome happiness.
  3. I am resolved to be happy in life.
  4. I am content with myself and do not need to show it.
  5. I'm in a marriage with happiness and pleasure.
  6. I'm content with what I've got.
  7. I am one-of-a-kind and smart.
  8. I'm comfortable in my own skin.
  9. I am tougher than I appear.
  10. I'm committed to getting healthy every day.
  11. My present makes me happy and content.
  12. I was created to rule and flourish.
  13. I am in charge of creating the overarching strategy for my life.
  14. I am connecting with myself on deeper levels to attain what I desire.

Uttering these words during activities that focus on mindfulness and meditation, such as yoga and other forms of exercise, allows you to be in touch with your emotions, finding the clarity of mind and the firmness of your resolve in affirmations. There are times that it can be hard, but focus and firm belief is all you need. When your mind is clear and free, your wisdom gets magnified, allowing you to be ready for the influx of blessings and positivity to follow. Your story may soon inspire other people to put belief in the power of the letter.

Final Thoughts

"I am" affirmations offer the strongest powers and forces that allow you to reach your goals. When you use "I am" to start your affirmations, it works in attracting all the good things to you and allows you to forgive and have a forgiving heart for those people who wronged you. Affirmations keep you motivated to reach your goals and overcome any challenge. When you visualize your dreams and aspirations, affirmations serve as that magic powder that can make everything alive.

Watch your relationships with the different community members prosper and improve for the better. Your wallet gets filled with overflowing money and an overall fun life with the lack of negativity in your life. In short, your life will get pretty exciting as you welcome possibilities in inspiring and welcoming those positive vibes all over.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS

If you like”I am” affirmations, you’re going to LOVE “I AM” AFFORMATIONS.


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

i am affirmations

There are a lot of books and other items sold everywhere about affirmations for women. These items claim to make each day positive and full of happy thoughts for women. Unsurprisingly, many people buy it because they believe in the power of affirmations.

Little did they know that they did not need to spend thousands of dollars because some of these items were just marketing strategies. Some books basically copied affirmations from other authors, meaning they did not write it themselves.

This is a bad sign already as it has negative energy with them. It can affect the way you affirm yourself with these words every morning, daily. If you truly care about your life, love, mind, and body, you will only surround yourself with people who share the same positive sentiments as you. That's when you can fully achieve your goals because you have realized how affirmations can make you a powerful woman.

Many people out there produce cash grab opportunities for them to be wealthy without realizing the impact they make on others. Women do not need that. We want to help you with affirmations that work, and this post is for you.

We will teach you how to write an affirmation for every aspect of your personal life, as we do not want you to waste your time and feel neglected because of the poorly-written affirmations you are using from these books. By the end of this article, you will be assured of infinite amounts of happiness and joy because you used affirmations that work.

Positive Affirmations in a Nutshell

Affirmations for Women - Positive Affirmations in a Nutshell

Positive affirmations are sentences with words that claim positive energy for you. You utter them several times a day, and these words serve as a magnet that pulls all kinds of optimistic energy, allowing you to focus on your goals, making you ready to accept the challenges with a smile and filling yourself with confidence to secure your future. For those of you who are unfamiliar with how positive affirmations work, let this article guide you.

Positive affirmations can cover many aspects of your life. Affirmations work if you want to achieve a perfect score on tests if you are a student. It will also work if you want to show more kindness towards other people. If you want to have a healthy body for your family, you can also achieve that using affirmations. Basically, the proper use of affirmations can ensure success for you and your friends and loved ones.

Affirmations become strong if you treat them with a great deal of respect towards the power of the universe. If you do not practice affirmations wholeheartedly, it will not have the slightest effect on you. Thus, for positive affirmations to work, you must talk of it like you mean it. You must embrace affirmations, as they can really change your life and help you live your life to the fullest that you deserve. Trust in the power of positive words, and you will receive free blessings because you deserve it.

Why Affirmations for Women are Needed

Affirmations for women are needed simply because there are still people who do not take women seriously in this day and age. Sad to hear that, but it's true. Some people fail to see how unique of a person a female is. Others see women as beautiful people and nothing else, which can be disheartening for women who can conquer the world. It can make a woman seem less confident because nothing cheers them up. No one boosts their ego.

Writing affirmations that work AND fully believing in the potential to challenge the status quo helps women start chasing their dreams because there is something to fuel their desire in doing so. They basically feel encouraged, and thus they are motivated to continue taking charge and control their lives. This also allows them to create goals that will lead them to their ultimate goal -- living their life with a stronger will to live, inspire, and enjoy life to the fullest.

Some Benefits of Positive Affirmations

These positive statements carry so much power and strength, more than you can imagine. With positive affirmations, it is easy for you to be confident in your own skin, feel good and blessed about your appearance, and improve your mindset into thinking that you can inspire people with just a single action.

It's amazing how affirmations can wipe out any trace of apprehension and strengthen your relationships with your friends and family if you truly believe in it. Remember that a determined mind makes it a complete equation for affirmations to work.

Sample Affirmations You Can Use

If you want to start on the journey towards affirmations and potential growth, check these sample affirmations out. Write them in your journal, read them loudly on the top of your voice (but not too loud, or you might disturb others), and recognize the power and worth these words hold. You can also write the rest if you do not hear the voice from these affirmations speak to you.

  1. I am clever and self-sufficient enough to pursue my ambitions.
  2. I am improving and growing with each passing day.
  3. I am aware of my strengths and how to effectively utilize them.
  4. I am capable of taking projects from idea to completion.
  5. I am free of self-doubt and can effectively draw others to me.
  6. I make significant contributions.
  7. I am not worthwhile settling for anything less. I can't wait to see the outcome of my hard work.
  8. I am very much pleased with myself.
  9. I like what I'm doing and the way I do it.
  10. I feel comfortable with myself as I should be.
  11. I am distinct. I am deserving of the finest in my life.
  12. Within me, I can love and find serenity.
  13. I am brimming with vitality and acceptance.
  14. I am eager to take on new tasks that will improve my skills in the office.

More Affirmations for You!

  1. I can accomplish everything because I am a success magnet.
  2. I value myself more than anyone does.
  3. Everything makes me giggle and makes me happy.
  4. I am built for success and always seek to take action.
  5. I am grateful for all of life's blessings and strive to be a better woman.
  6. I've been updated. Learning is a lifelong process for me, and I am a voracious student.
  7. I understand that things won't happen overnight. I am gentle with myself.
  8. I am mending and have a deep love for love, living, and happiness.
  9. I am healthy and at peace, and I am ready to drive affirmations in my life.
  10. Life expects me to give it my all, and I'm doing it right now.
  11. In this world, there are limitless possibilities, and I am on my path to triumph.
  12. Life is enjoyable and vibrant, so I have fun with it.
  13. Everything in and around me is in order. I am secure.
  14. Path monsters do not scare me. I dare to confront them.

The point of these affirmations is to let you know that you are worthy, you matter, and you are the light and source of joy to everyone around you. You deserve and have the right to receive every gift coming your way. If you are a mom, other mothers love you because you are a radiant example of motherhood that they aspire to have. Finally, affirmations allow you to overcome each challenge and live in the moment. You will be unshakeable and unstoppable, and your success story will encourage every woman admiring you out there to stand up, reach for their dreams, and take the first step towards the realization of those.

Final Thoughts

Affirmations for women serve as morale boosters for them. Without these positive words, they will not have to live their lives to the fullest or be encouraged to achieve their goals and aspirations in life. Of course, writing positive statements about different facets of your life is one thing, but putting your mind, heart, and soul to it, as though you truly believe in yourself that you can do it and that affirmations really work, without a doubt, is another.

Accept the fact that affirmations have so much power even though they seem to speak otherwise. Believe in the power of those words, live a life filled with hope, and watch as everything aligns to bless and honor you, simply because you are a powerful woman who believes in herself more than anyone else.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS

If you like affirmations for women, you’re going to LOVE AFFORMATIONS FOR WOMEN


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

affirmations for women

Affirmations and self-love are made for each other, that's for sure. When we say positive words of affirmation to love ourselves, it makes us accept that we deserve to be loved and have worth in life. However, as many others may have told you, it is easier said than done. We acknowledge that it is indeed hard, but affirmations have the power to condition your mind that you are destined for greater things.

All you need is to believe in yourself. Affirmations can help you see the beautiful you, worthy of your love and attention. It can be a lot of work, especially for those with low esteem, but we did not say that it's impossible.

Affirmations Self-Love - What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are keys to self-love, trust us. These words will make you feel good about your body, your life, and your ways, in general, every single day. It has the power to push away negative energy and generate confidence that will fuel you into becoming a powerful person full of happiness and peace. 

Saying a few positive affirmations is the start towards loving yourself, and the more you practice it, the more you can feel the change in time. Lastly, saying these kind words of affirmation is a sign that you care about what you are feeling, and people can easily see that.

This article will tell you everything you should know about self-love and affirmations. We will teach you how to be grateful for what you have and attain true success and healing by quotes that we say over and over daily.

What Are Affirmations?

As we mentioned countless times, not only in this post, affirmations are positive words that bring kindness, joy, and love towards you. When you utter them in the morning to start your day in front of the mirror, it provides a release of positive and happy thoughts that condition your mind into thinking that you can be happy every single day and so much more.

Affirmations are not only for happiness, though a considerable chunk of positive affirmations that we know are about feelings of happiness and ideas of smiling every single day.

When you repeat these words every day, it can create an atmosphere that welcomes positivity. It sends a domino effect that will show you many opportunities to grow, smile, learn, create, and be joyful and positive every day.

It is important to note that repeating affirmations can affect how your brain thinks, and it picks up quite fast. Through repetition, your mind is conditioned and set that your beliefs will be a reality since you keep repeating them. In short, through affirmations, the universe hears your affirmations for loving yourself, and it lets everything happen in a short time.

Self-Love Does Not Mean Selfishness

Affirmations Self-LoveSelf - Self-Love Does Not Mean Selfishness

Nowadays, people have no time to think of others as we become busier and more occupied as time goes by. We are more concerned about how we survive daily, live through another day with a healthy body, and basically care more about ourselves than taking care of others. Now is the right time to practice self-love because you must remember that you cannot give anything that you don't have. You cannot love anybody else if you don't know how to love yourself first.

You will not write affirmations about losing weight that are worded like this: "I'll practice acceptance when I reach my goal weight." No, you must love yourself even if you do not lose any weight yet. Also, self-love should never mean vanity because vain people do not love themselves unconditionally.

They just love themselves when people tell them that they look pretty, smart, and beautiful. You do not have to depend on what your friends can see to love yourself. You must see your true beauty within you because that's the most important thing. Remember that you are an amazing and unique person worthy of love and affection because you love yourself. We hope that makes sense.

Common Misconception

One of the common misconceptions about self-love is that it usually means that you must be selfish to do that. Back then, if we can remember clearly, that's how our parents have taught us: always care for others first, before yourself. That seems to be the perfect way of showing love and respect towards all people around the world back then. However, things have changed now.

Lastly, self-love means compassion and empathy for others. You still want to help others, but before you can do that, you must help yourself first. You cannot tell someone to be careful when you are not. It just shows a lack of self-respect towards yourself if you keep on doing that. Share because you can, not because you must.

45 Self-Love Affirmations You Can Try

This list does not mean that you have to read every single one of them every day. Pick the things that you can identify the most, then start from there. The more specific, the better. Also, if you do not feel any connection towards the sentences in this list, you can always write your own.

  1. My life is a blessing. I intend to use this blessing with optimism, joy, and zeal.
  2. Today, I've decided to be myself.
  3. I am deserving of infinite compassion.
  4. I have a great deal of compassion and understanding towards others and their individual paths.
  5. I've decided to stop saying sorry for being myself.
  6. I'm at peace with everything that has happened.
  7. My life is full of happiness and abundance.
  8. I let go of my negative thoughts and embrace positivity and optimism.
  9. I am pleased with myself.
  10. I am not the entirety of my errors.
  11. I have all of that I require.
  12. I am beautiful, and I feel beautiful. I can effect change in my life. I'll look on the positive side.
  13. I am fortunate!
  14. I am fit, well-groomed, and self-assured. My self-confidence and harmony are mirrored in my physical well-being.
  15. Every day, I am continuing to increase my wealth!
  16. I am self-assured and powerful!
  17. I am deserving of love!
  18. My inner beauty is radiant. I am sufficient!
  19. My self-esteem is skyrocketing!
  20. I am the person I should be!

More Affirmations For You

  1. I am deserving of love.
  2. I am more than my physical body!
  3. I am overjoyed with my many accomplishments!
  4. I'm not going to take criticism personally!
  5. I have a compassionate heart!
  6. I'm proud of the person I'm becoming!
  7. I deserve the good fortune that comes my way!
  8. I do not welcome negativity in my life!
  9. My decisions are guided by my inner wisdom!
  10. I don't need anyone else to be happy.
  11. I'm a diamond in the rough; all I need now is some polishing!
  12. Self-love comes easily to me!
  13. I accept my imperfections wholeheartedly!
  14. I have a compassionate heart!
  15. I have what I need to enjoy life!
  16. My difficulties are simply learning experiences!
  17. My uniqueness is important to me!
  18. I will be proactive when necessary!
  19. I'm evolving into the human I would like to be.
  20. I am equipped to reach my goals.
  21. I become more lovable when I practice self-love.
  22. The universe is conspiring to make my success a reality.
  23. My flaws make me special and unique.
  24. Good things are due to me.
  25. My fears do not control me; I control them.

Final Thoughts

Positive affirmations make you confident that your soul is prepared to take on a journey filled with a promising future once you believe in the power of loving yourself through positive words. What's amazing is that positive affirmations are simple to do. Watch as your personal relationship with yourself starts to attract the progress that you deserve.

Self-love and affirmations go hand in hand. Before you can love yourself, you need positive words to encourage you to keep going. Positive affirmations condition your mind that whatever you repeat will eventually come true, and the optimistic feeling it brings to your mind, body, and soul fuels you to see the silver lining in things.

It allows you to be a much better person who can give a lot of love because they have so much of it coming from themselves. In short, they work together to bring happiness and progress in our lives.

Always remember that words have power. Negative words can hurt feelings and leave deep scars. In contrast, positive words warm hearts and provide comfort and encouragement to anyone who needs it. Words are powerful, and using them for positive affirmations will bring nothing but an abundance of blessings and good things that radiate positivity.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS

If you like affirmations for self-love, you’re going to LOVE AFFORMATIONS for self-love.


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

self-love affirmations, positive, love, affirmation, change, mind

There are a lot of reasons why positive affirmations for women work. For one, they are very hardworking, confident, and capable of doing so many things these days. They also receive more stress and causes of sadness and despair more than ever. For a modern woman who is now capable of working for her family, achieving her dreams and aspirations in life, and so many others, having a bad day at work or something wrong with her relationships can affect her disposition for days to come. That's why a word of positive affirmation would be useful to a woman because it will soothe her like the coldest water on her parched throat.

Some might think, do women need specific types of positive affirmations exclusive for themselves? Of course! There are some things that women do but men cannot. For one, they cannot bear children. Only women have the power to bring life and nurture a baby from her conception down to her delivery. For a woman, taking care of her children is the highest form of love she can give to them daily.

Positive Affirmations for Women - Positive Affirmations in a Nutshell

Also, a woman's body is different from a man's because they also experience menstrual cycles that can bring negative feelings, especially to those with bad bouts of dysmenorrhea and mood swings. They experience more hormonal changes, that they need positive affirmations to ensure that their overall health would never be compromised.

Thus, positive affirmations for women are very much needed these days. This article will tell you how to create effective positive affirmations for women and how to do it so that they can feel happiness and joy overflowing every single day.

Positive Affirmations in a Nutshell

Before we start talking about the different positive affirmations for women, let's talk about what affirmations are in the first place.

Positive affirmations are powerful words, phrases, or sentences that people usually repeat every day as a mental exercise. People usually do affirmations to proclaim or declare that they will reach their goals. They will be powerful enough to control their lives the way they want it, have strong and healthy bodies, and so on.

Positive affirmations basically condition your mind that you are already set for success, boosting your confidence and allowing you to have a stronger personal connection with God. There are many other things these words can do to a person, so these are very popular among so many people. Many people have attested that uttering positive words repeatedly every day has made them happy, accept bumps along the road, and focus on their true goal -- their future.

How Powerful are Positive Affirmations for Women

How Powerful are Positive Affirmations for Women

Many studies have shown how powerful uttering positive affirmations in the morning for most women is. Many studies have confirmed that it conditions women's brains and prepares them for challenges they might face every day. When they are prepared, they are also oozing with a confident energy that will allow them to overcome any challenge that comes their way.

It helps them believe in themselves even more, especially that there are still societies that are not yet accepting of women's empowerment and what women can contribute to their societies. Positive affirmations, in practice, may equip them to be prepared when the right time comes for whatever they are wishing for.

Also, many experts had attested that women's trust levels had soared when they exercised positive affirmations in their everyday lives. It shows that saying a positive sentence about yourself in the morning can change your life for the better.

How to Create Positive Affirmations that Work

There are no specific rules for women in writing positive affirmations that will definitely work. However, they must treat this activity as more life-changing than a mechanical part of their routines. Here are some steps that women can write affirmations that harness the inner femme within them.

  • Have a dedicated affirmation journal.

You do not need to have a fancy-looking or expensive journal for your affirmations. Even a simple notebook will do. Use this notebook as you write your affirmations here, thinking about different things you want to improve in your life. Keep it within your reach every time you utter these words of wisdom to yourself.

  • Think of the negatives you want to improve.

Affirmations should never have any negative words in them. Still, you must think of your weaknesses and counter them with an affirmation worthy of negating. For example, if you want to catch up with your old friends, you can say, "I am messaging them to check upon them, and they are excited to talk." Always remember to oppose the pessimistic aura with a positive affirmation addressing the weakness, without explicitly stating negative words and phrases on it.

  • Create a list based on your needs.

You will see the kindness of the universe if you focus on one part of your life first in writing your affirmations. If you want money matters to be stable, focus on writing up to five affirmations. Then, when you feel that you want to move on, create a new set for your peace of mind, and so on. It can be overwhelming if you try 25 positive affirmations about your different facets of life all at once. Slowly but surely is the key.

  • Keep the affirmations short and specific.

Never write a whole essay on how you want your body to improve. The beautiful moment will be ruined if that happens. Keep your affirmations into one sentence that is specific to your needs. For instance, if you want someone to give you a gift on your birthday, write, "I am receiving a box of _______ from my friend." It is specific, easy to understand, and not that hard to say. Affirmations do not need to be perfect. As long as you embrace positivity, it will surely work for you.

  • Say these out loud.

You do not need to scream and shout, especially if other people are living with you. Start by saying these affirmations loud enough for you to hear when you wake up in the morning. Then you can repeat the rest whenever you need it. These statements will earn more power if your mindset is a fertile ground for it. Again, you must respect the people around you and affirm those words to yourself.

  • Think of this as a fresh start.

Yeah, we're sure that you had aspired to these dreams before you started doing affirmations. However, you must continue dreaming about it with affirmations as your fresh start. You'll think of your dreams again, then reinforce their power on your beliefs through affirmations. Back then, there might be something limiting your action to hope for the best. Still, now, with the help of these words, it will do amazing action on your esteem, banishing fear from your system and letting you grow into a wonderful female with blessed outputs.

31 Affirmations to Begin With

Try this list of affirmations, to begin with. Of course, you can always write your own. However, you can also use this as a guide if you have no clue about writing affirmations that best fits you.

  1. I accept my body as it is. It was made to amaze.
  2. I adore my distinct female body. It has special features that define me.
  3. I am beautiful as I am. Nothing needs to change. I'm not perfect, but I'm lovely.
  4. I adore my physique and take good care of it. I respect and appreciate my body's abilities.
  5. I am in charge of my body and nurture it with love, respect, and attention.
  6. I often flex, move, stretch, and posture my body, marveling at its flexibility.
  7. I am a powerful lady who will only get stronger.
  8. I am allowing my body to get much-needed rest, healing, and recovery.
  9. I honor my body's requirements and treat them accordingly.
  10. I chose to spread love, joy, and thankfulness today. I want to see life in a positive light all the time.
  11. I am thankful for this great day and all of its potential. I know I'm in for a treat.
  12. Whatever happens today, I know I am a bright, strong, and free woman.
  13. Today I am my best self. I live the life that provides me and others peace, joy, and pleasure.
  14. My life has meaning. Today, I respect my purpose and encourage others to do so.
  15. I am whole without anyone or anything else to complete me.
  16. I am attractive and worthy of all that is beautiful.
  17. I only assess myself on whether I am being the greatest person I can be, not others. This is more efficient.
  18. I let go of fear and take action despite perceived limitations because I believe the cosmos meets all my needs.
  19. I welcome today as a chance to improve. I only make wise choices today.
  20. Despite today's challenges, I remain optimistic. I am a winner.
  21. I am precisely in a position where I should be. I welcome today's challenges and opportunities to learn and improve.
  22. I only sow positive seeds today. I don't waste time in rage, resentment, or envy.
  23. I am dedicated to living a happy and fulfilling life and influencing others.
  24. I own my happiness today. I don't let anyone else determine my mood since I am in charge.
  25. Having so much more to contribute to the world makes me feel radiant.
  26. I like and love myself. To enhance myself and society, I decided to focus on my strengths.
  27. And I am aware that positive change is possible. Every day I become better.
  28. Every day brings increased confidence. I keep growing and becoming a stronger lady for myself and others.
  29. I achieve any goal I set. I believe in my dreams. No aim is too far.
  30. I won't ever stop getting better and better. I'll keep improving forever.
  31. I am healthier than I was last year at this time, and I am getting better every day.

You can also write affirmations about the matters of the heart, your relationship with the Lord (if you are practicing any religion), issues of your worth, learning how to express gratitude, making important decisions, and so on. The possibilities are endless.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS

If you like positive affirmations for women, you’re going to LOVE positive AFFORMATIONS for women.


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions.

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

self-love affirmations, positive, love, affirmation, change, mind

Self-love always comes to mind whenever we talk about affirmations. It is funny to think that we always refer to affirmations to show our love for ourselves. It makes sense because we need an affirmation to assure that we love ourselves. It boosts our confidence to hear something uplifting. Sometimes, all we need to hear from ourselves is a single sentence telling us that we are beautiful, worthy, and receive love from everyone.

However, there are times that we are always tired by our daily ordeals, people asking us to change to fit their narrative, and other factors, making us feel that we are inadequate and therefore usher negative energy into our lives. Self-love affirmations can help us change the energy to a positive one while making sure that we feel powerful with these words. These words have the power to release infinite amounts of joy and happiness to our lives only if we believe hard enough to make it happen.

We need words, phrases, and sentences that can be seeds sown in our life to make us feel healthy and at peace with our minds. With self-love affirmations, we are more willing to accept our flaws and live with them without any complaints. After all, self-love means accepting everything about us, the smooth and the rough ones included in the package.

This article will tell you everything you should know about self-love affirmations, how they work, how you can make some for your use, and the benefits you can get from believing and affirming these promises to yourself.

What are Self-Love Affirmations?

Simply put, self-love affirmations are affirmations filled with positive promises and claiming good energy about yourself. It can be especially hard if we feel that we are not enough, to begin with. These words will help you practice positivity about yourself, to begin with. If you think positively, you will not have any problems accepting everything and thinking that you deserve the loving and care you are claiming for yourself.

Self-love affirmations can also be a good start towards self-love in general. Each day, it can be hard to be positive because there will be people attacking your body image, your esteem, your worth in life, your beliefs, and so on. For those already having it tough as it is, it can be harder to repeat quotes that tell you you're perfect. Having these words beside you every day and repeating them every morning in front of the mirror can boost your confidence and make you feel loved by the universe and the people around you.

Self-Love Affirmations are Powerful

self-love affirmations, positive, love

However, you do not need to worry about having to repeat everything, and that's it. There's more to just that in self-love affirmations. When you read self-love affirmations to yourself, you have to believe in it, and repeating it will double the power it holds. Soon after, you will start feeling that everything is falling into place.

Eventually, people who were rude to you before will begin to respect you. More people will learn from you. More people share that you are inspiring their lives. Hearing those will make you more confident. Therefore, your self-love affirmations will hold so much power in your life that other people get that energy from you.

That shows how powerful these words can be. When used properly, success and opportunities will soon follow, and you have to be ready to accept all of them. However, remember that before you can love yourself, you must fix the relationship you have with yourself and forgive yourself for anything that you may still have problems with, such as your past issues, embarrassments, or anything that keeps you from being free to accept and love yourself.

It's not easy, we know, but everything has to start from somewhere. When you learn to forgive and embrace yourself, all flaws and imperfections included, that's where you will feel the steps toward complete self-love in your heart and mind. Those feelings would help you understand how you must love yourself in every way you can.

Self-Love is Never Bad

self-love affirmations, affirmation, change, mind

However, when people talk about loving themselves, most people would think that you are selfish. When a person talks about how they love themselves by believing in them, people treat them as selfish pigs. The lack of understanding and information about self-love makes people think that, maybe, they will be more likable if they show compassion by helping others first, them dealing with themselves after.

Remember that it is never a bad thing to love yourself because you must love yourself before loving everyone else. Again, you cannot give what you don't have. Trust me, it's okay to spoil yourself every now and then, because if not you, who will? The same goes for affirmations. It would be best to proclaim anything that can make you happy, grateful, unique, and comfortable with yourself. If you want to do an amazing job in your work or school, then claim that you will lead the pack. There's nothing wrong with that.

Back then, it may sound selfish because you must care for others' welfare before yours. The concept there is that they will return your concern to them when you need it. Nowadays, it's not the case anymore. People are busier than back then. They have no time to check if others are eating well, sleeping well, or are still alive at the very least. Nowadays, true love comes from loving yourself first.

When you tell yourself that you accept who you are, what you are, and how you do, it will make you capable of loving others. You can have relationships that last. You can see the true beauty of love and how it works when you love yourself first. It is the key to making self-love affirmations work.

Self-love Affirmations: How to Do Them

Now that you know how self-love affirmations work let's talk about how we make some for ourselves. It would be best if you remembered first that you will appreciate how these words work for you when you get your head into it. Actions speak louder than words, so always embody it while repeating it. That's how simple it is.

Here are some of the tips you should follow to create self-love affirmations that work.

  • Know your weak points.

We know most people would start by highlighting all the positives you want to get in your life. However, that can be boring as you would already know what you want. This step we are recommending is unique because we are asking you to identify your weaknesses. Are you pessimistic? Are you always lazy? Are you losing your focus every now and then?

Please list all of those weaknesses you have, then take a look at them and accept them. Now that you have acknowledged these weaknesses of yours, write affirmations that will counter the negativity it has. For example, if you are lazy, you can write, "I am productive as I can finish all the tasks for today." See how specific that affirmation is? It could counter the negative and affirm that you are doing your best to counter it.

By practicing this step, it would make your affirmations for self-love much easier to write. It will be a good tool for you to create affirmations for your life.

  • Repeat your affirmations aloud.

After you have written your affirmations in a journal or wherever you wrote them, you must repeat them loudly five times a day. It does not need to be consecutive. You can start by repeating one in the morning, then when you feel like you need it, do it again.

The last one should be uttered at night, especially if you affirm yourself in terms of friends, fears, and abundance. By doing that, it would radiate all the positive energy the universe is giving to you.

  • Visualize your affirmations.

It would be easier for you to believe in your self-love affirmations if you could see them in your head. Build an image of your journey becoming a reality. You can see that it helps significantly in achieving your potential.

There are many tips you can also follow, such as writing in the present tense, working on your breathing, and getting someone to repeat the affirmations with you. Follow these tips to ensure the success of your self-love affirmations.

Our Takeaway

Self-love affirmations may sound selfish back then, but nowadays, everyone does it. Self-love is not selfish as you need to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Remember that forgiveness and acceptance will open the doors toward many possibilities in making your affirmations work in your favor. 

Think of your weaknesses, then craft affirmations to counter that, repeat them aloud, and visualize them happening in front of you. Never underestimate the power of repetition and universal love and understanding gifts because the universe always listens to a stubborn heart.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS 

If you like self-love affirmations, you’re going to LOVE SELF-LOVE AFFORMATIONS


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

self-love affirmations, positive, love, affirmation, change, mind

Daily affirmations are important in starting our day right. Why? Simply because the fact that you are starting your day with infinite amounts of love, positivity and great energy is more than enough to channel the stream of blessings and manifestation in your favor.

If you start your day right in the morning, it will always end up on a great note, even though you might have bouts of negativity and bad luck in between. The positive energy you gathered at the start of your day will ultimately overpower the bad energy throughout the day, which you will love the most.

If you start your morning with daily affirmations, it will set the tone and course of your day. Suddenly, if you encounter negative experiences throughout the day, you will find yourself seeing the silver lining in every situation and that you deserve that free care in the end.

How Can Daily Affirmations Be A Powerful Tool

daily affirmations, affirmations, positive, love

Affirmations can be a powerful tool for staying focused and preventing feelings of defeat. Continuing with the previous example, an affirmation to relieve anxiety or negativity about body image could be phrased like this: Each day, I am much closer to my goal weight. Cutting the pessimistic talk, which is loosely defined or self-critical, an affirmation like "I work with my body to keep myself healthy" could be created.

"It feels fantastic to eat very well and move my body" is an affirmation that helps overcome bad feelings or beliefs about exercise. A fruitful affirmation, once again, is specific to a worthy outcome; it is the complete antithesis of what negative self-talk says, and it helps one visualize a successful outcome.

Although affirmations are generally phrased in the present tense (to give the impression that they are already true), they can also be integrated with guided or self-directed illustrations to focus on future success. In hypnosis and self-hypnosis, this technique is known as "future progression."

Constructing the multisensory experience about being in that present time when one has already accomplished a future goal is what future progression imagery entails, even though the symbolism is taking place within one's own, in the present moment.

Understanding How Affirmations Work

Although creating affirmations is simple, recent research suggests that affirmations massively improve sentiments of well-being and increase the probability of making better decisions. As you've probably realized, when people are stressed, they are more prone to self-doubt and feeling overwhelmed in general.

Affirmations appear to be working by reassuring us of self-efficacy that is not immediately apparent when we are disheartened. On the other hand, Affirmations appear to help us reflect on our fundamental beliefs and draw on positive personal experiences.

How The Brain Works With Affirmations

Several brain regions are believed to be associated with the advantages seen when using affirmations. Previous research has linked the ventral striatum and the ventral medial prefrontal cortex to allocating a positive value towards something (such as reaching a goal) and viewing it as a reward.

Focusing on one's personal strengths has been linked to increased activity in the medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex.

Furthermore, when confronted with difficult situations, self-affirmations may work in part by engaging the anterior cingulate cortex and the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex to monitor and control emotions (avoiding negative emotions or remaining more objective).

A recent study demonstrated how your brain and daily affirmations come together to accomplish a better effect for you in the end.

A recent study sought to shed some light on the brain function of 67 physically inactive participants while performing a self-affirmation task. Participants in this study were first required to rate a list of eight values, such as creative thinking, connections with loved ones, religious convictions, and so on.

Although creating affirmations is simple, recent research suggests that affirmations massively improve emotions of well-being and increase the probability of making smart choices.

One week later, those in the affirmation condition were encouraged to comment on their highest-ranked value while undertaking functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Those in the control condition were required to consider which of the eight values they had ranked lowest.

In each condition, participants were instructed to remember a time in the past that was positively and significantly associated with the worth they were focusing on (for example, having fun with family and friends), and then to envision a time in the future when they would also encounter something positive related to that same value.

Participants in both the affirmation and control groups were also shown past- and future-oriented declarations about every day, entirely neutral events like charging a cell phone.

After that, respondents in both groups were subjected to health-related messages designed to encourage more physical activity and less sedentary behavior. The researchers also examined brain activity in areas correlated with beneficial valuation and reward, self-related preparation (such as good self), and emotion regulation.

The researchers discovered that those in the affirmation condition showed significantly more interaction in the positive valuation and reward network (ventral striatum [VS] and ventral medial prefrontal cortex [VMPC]) when engaged in the affirmation versus imagining the everyday scenario. The VS and VMPC are affiliated with both expecting and receiving a reward in that mindset, which you truly deserve.

The incentive can be something tangible, such as food, or something intangible, such as something deeply meaningful. Significant growth in these regions was also linked to less sedentary behavior in the future. Furthermore, the team's findings suggest that affirmations may have an even bigger influence on brain-related activity when it comes to future choices (as opposed to past events).

Although their research did not directly address these questions, the researchers hypothesize, drawing on statistics from other studies, that prosocial and self-transcendent affirmations are more tightly related to later good behavior than self-serving affirmations and the truth.

How Daily Affirmations Affect Your Life

daily affirmations, affirmations,  life, day

When you start practicing affirmations, limiting beliefs that you may have previously held will appear less daunting. You will gain confidence in making the necessary changes to achieve success. You will feel that all your dreams will come true, just like how Oprah had dreamed to conquer the world before.

Affirmations, like any other habit, take 21 to 30 days to become ingrained in the brain. Affirmations should be cultivated daily to change your thoughts. When you do that, you can feel the universe and its perfect support towards healing, not a blank space in sight.

Here is a list of 57 daily affirmations to help you improve any aspect of your life. Take time to read this post of positive affirmations to help you transform your life for the better. Choosing which ones would reveal and motivate your potential is very easy. Choose the ones that resonate within you.

Daily Affirmations To Manifest Everyday

  1. I'm a success, with lots of abundance and strength.
  2. I am certain.
  3. I am strong and loud, and everyone told me I help them succeed.
  4. I am powerful.
  5. Every day, I get better and better in my esteem.
  6. I have a limitless pool of possibilities today, and the obstacles serve as a reminder for me to work harder.
  7. I want to be content with my esteem.
  8. My life is currently happening here, right now. I welcome positive change that can bring me happiness and power.
  9. I'm blessed with and enveloped by wonderful friends and family.
  10. I choose to ascend above negative thoughts and let go of negative thoughts.
  11. I am strong, resilient, brilliant, and brave, and I cannot be destroyed.
  12. Nobody else but me determines how I feel and hold.
  13. I am willing to take responsibility for my own well-being.
  14. I make other people happy and feel joy by being myself.
  15. My objectives and desires are just as important as everyone else's.
  16. I believe that with courage and hard work, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to at these times.
  17. I'm content with who I am, and I'm excited about who I'm becoming.
  18. My contributions help to make the world a better place to care for the others.
  19. I forgive others for making mistakes, and I pardon myself when I'm doing the same.
  20. I don't mind if a few people can not accept me.
  21. Others admire me for sticking to my convictions.
  22. I am one-of-a-kind and stunning.
  23. I trust in myself as a person and in all of my abilities and habits, no matter what fears tomorrow might hold.
  24. I am a quick and competent learner.
  25. I am beautiful and adored.
  26. I'm an artist using my word and movement.
  27. I am considerate.
  28. I am courageous.
  29. I am a responsible individual who uses my talents and the ability to share wisdom and glorious experiences to others..
  30. I will always give it my all.
  31. Even when I'm not making much progress, I'm constantly learning. On some other days, I make tremendous progress toward my objectives.
  32. I value my school, instructors, and schoolmates because they all contribute to my development as a better person.
  33. I have high expectations for my academic performance. I can achieve what I set out to do if I put in the time and effort for my happiness.
  34. When I get a failing grade, it motivates me to do better the next time.
  35. I'm determined, and I want to reach for the stars.
  36. I'm freeing myself from fear, discernment, and self-doubt.
  37. I choose to think only positive thoughts that I choose to hold and see the power within.
  38. My anxiousness does not have complete control over my life. Yes, I do deserve and allow free thinking.
  39. I take deep breaths, remain composed, and remain calm in living with the spirit.
  40. I am not scared of what might happen, and I have faith in myself. I do not compare myself.
  41. I've made it this far, and I'm proud of myself.
  42. This is only one instance in my life and does not describe who I am.
  43. This is a single instance, not my entire life. Things will improve and make me much stronger.
  44. These are just ideas. Only I can choose how I want to feel in my heart every morning.
  45. I let go of negative thoughts and feelings about myself.
  46. I always look for the best in people.
  47. I am beautiful and confident in who I am.
  48. I am on a journey in which I am constantly growing and developing.
  49. I am stable in my words and actions.
  50. (For pregnant women and mothers) I am at ease, and my baby will be born quickly because I love my baby with all my heart.
  51. (For pregnant women and mothers) My baby will enter the world with strong, healthy contractions.
  52. (For pregnant women and mothers) I trust my impulses and body to notify me of what I need when it comes to giving birth.
  53. (For pregnant women and mothers) My gorgeous and sweet baby will be born healthy and at the best possible time for us.
  54. (For expectant mothers and mothers-to-be) My baby is protected, adored, and safe.
  55. I am tenacious and capable of handling problems expertly.
  56. I don't have to rely on the opinions of others to be accepted.
  57. That's fantastic; I give it my all. I wrote every positive thought I could speak, and I repeated it.

How To Include Daily Affirmations in Your Life

Daily affirmations, in general, can be used in various simple, low-cost ways of helping you make positive changes. A quick and simple web search will whip up many free audio programs with daily affirmations and unique illustrations, but you can also create your own, which you love the most. 

You can also buy an inspiring book that can boost inner peace and have an impact in your life to achieve your inner peace. Here are a few ideas.

  • Cast aside some peaceful space for this exercise.
  • Make a list of certain goals you want to achieve. Make your list brief, specific, and concrete.
  • Choose one goal, to begin with. You are more inclined to stick with an objective that aligns with your personal beliefs than one that somebody else sets for you.
  • Take note of any negative thinking you have when attempting to concentrate on your goal.
  • Write a truthful statement that is the complete antithesis of the negative self-talk for each negative statement. Make your statements brief and to the point.
  • Even if the goal is for the long term, start writing the positive statements as if they've been true (for example, "I enjoy moving my body and feeling fine" or "Each day, I feel a lot better, happier, and healthier.")

The community can also help you to gain the respect you need to take charge of your present and the future. There are so many ways to do your daily utterances, and you should be grateful to the amazing stream of possibilities, whether in speech, works, brains, or business.

Do these exercises and feel the blessings of the Earth delivered, right there waiting for you, in any shape or sound. Give them the permission they need to enter your life, and embrace a life filled with possibilities as soon as you wake up. These can be very helpful to always give you a positive feed of perspective.

Daily affirmations also help you achieve your goals, because you want to manifest growing and simply living your life with joy and a positive mindset. It is a choice if you want to do this, but the challenges you face will give you an opportunity to rise in a spiritual manner, enjoying all the qualities of your issue. Exhale all the negative energy and turn back on yesterday.

Relationships would benefit from this, meaning that you will not be running in a blank path because you have no guidance. With daily affirmations, you dictate to condition your mental state, as a mantra. You also seize incredible opportunities that you might encounter, be it in a university or your career.

These are effective for so many people, because this is a great source of effective energy, and it will not leave you depleted of energy. Kids and moms would be able to trust on these, affirming their positive convictions. Many people believe that this can be a form of encouragement that reminds people what their purpose in life is. When they have these in their minds, this may have supported them in achieving their dreams.

There is a reason why Usain Bolt is the fastest runner on Earth. He is motivated to win in all steps, based on what he believes are the best ways to play for the sport he loves. The same way affirmations nourish us in our daily lives, making everything much easier to imagine. There is always a reason to celebrate joyful events, and spend time to release the pain from the past. Finally, affirmations allow us to identify which goals to achieve first, clearing the path towards a huge success waiting at the end.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS 

If you like daily affirmations, you’re going to LOVE DAILY AFFORMATIONS.


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

daily affirmations, afformations

Affirmations are always mentioned by the people around us -- our family, our friends, colleagues, and others -- that sometimes, we lose the real importance of our daily lives. Little did we know that in affirmations, things can start to go the way we want them. These positive words serve as catalysts in improving our quality of mindset, reflecting on how we live our lives based on these powerful words. There is always an article read at church, in your inbox, or at a newsletter post that talks about how emotions and encouragement can be handed to people through a single word of affirmation. That means that there is growth to be analyzed in a single affirmation.

If you trust the phrase "you are what we think," then your thoughts truly shape your life. However, we cannot rely solely on our thoughts; we must translate our thoughts into words and actions to manifest our intentions.

I was initially skeptical of the idea of affirming oneself (it just seems so indulgent, doesn't it?). Nonetheless, I've realized how much of a positive influence they can have on my mindset.

How Powerful Are Affirmations?

affirmations, negative, heart

These words are a powerful tool for improving your mindset daily, and research has also shown that they can boost our self-esteem.

If you believe the adage "you are what you think," then life is truly an affirmation of your thoughts. Nevertheless, we cannot rely solely on our thoughts to manifest our intentions; we must translate our feelings into words, actions, and services.

This means we must be careful with our words, speaking only those that benefit us and cultivate our highest good.

Because of their ability to reconfigure our brains, affirmations are tried and true methods of self-improvement. Affirmations, like exercise, increase the level of feel-good hormones. It stimulates the formation of new groups of "positive thought" neurons in our brains.

These play an important role in the thought-speech-action sequence by breaking negative thoughts, negative speech patterns, and, consequently, negative actions.

A positive reminder or statement that can encourage, affirm, and motivate yourself or others is known as an affirmation. This also serves as your personal pledge to yourself. It's often much easier to affirm everyone else than it is to affirm ourselves. We must, however, remember to encourage ourselves as well.

If you say "I can't" all the time, the energy of your words will repel both the university and the widespread force against you. But if you say, "I can!" The universe will bestow these abilities on you simply because they genuinely think you will merge your mind and spirit and become a man worthy of a healthy and perfect life.

So speak up; let go of your fears and anger, forecast your own future, and live up to your full potential with this helpful list of 26 affirmations that will change your life as real-life examples:

1.) My body is good; my mind is sharp, and my soul is at peace.

2.) I am stronger than negative thoughts and ineffective actions, as my mind is filled with wisdom and commitment to succeed.

3.) I embrace and forgive those who have wronged me in the past and peacefully distance myself from them.

4.) A torrent of compassion washes away my rage, replacing it with love and learning to associate and share with willing participants.

5.) (If you're married) My marriage grows stronger, deeper, and holds more stable every day.

6.) I possess the qualities and talents required for extreme success in adherence to joy.

7.) (For business owners) My company and career are expanding, growing, and thriving with various opportunities that are sustainable for my growth.

8.) A surge of creative energy rushes through me, propelling me to new and brilliant ideas.

9.) Happiness is an option. My true Happiness is centered on my own successes and the graces I've received.

10.) My ability to overcome obstacles is limitless and free, as is my potential for success is safe.

11.) (For the unemployed) I am entitled to work and to be fairly compensated for my time, efforts, and ideas. Every day, I get a little closer to finding the perfect job for me. Stillness has taken control of me.

12.) My thoughts are free and full of optimism, and my life is sound and abundant with prosperity.

13.) Today, I'm breaking old habits, moving on, and I am ready to grow and receive new, more positive ones.

14.) I am admired by many people who look up to me and who offer to recognize my complete worth.

15.) I have an incredible family and simply wonderful friends.

16.) Everything that is going on right now is for my ultimate good.

17.) I am a force to be reckoned with in my community; I am unbreakable, supported, and deserve the respect I get from the workers.

18.) Even though these are difficult times, they are only temporary phases of life. I have the strength to get through this.

19.) The universe assists my efforts; my dreams are becoming a reality before my eyes.

20.) (For those who are single) The ideal partner for me will arrive sooner than I expect.

21.) I exude doses of beauty, radiance, and grace.

22.) I'm overcoming my wave of illness; I'm beating it every day.

23.) My impediments are dissolving; my path to greatness is being carved by a helpful mechanism.

24.) I awoke this morning with courage in my heart, which allowed clarity in my mind.

25.) My worries and pain about tomorrow are simply dissipating, and I am so happy.

26.) I am at peace with everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen in the future, and that is the truth.

You can do any affirmations by themselves or merge them to create a distinctive combination based on your unique desires and needs. What matters most is that you establish a profound communication with the rest of the world, so utter it with conviction, say it in your own unique voice, and make it happen in the real world. Inhale, exhale, and allow yourself to be a willing participant in this mystical experience.

How to Use Positive Affirmations

Affirmations can be used in any scenario where you want to see a positive change in your life. These could include instances when you want to:

  • Boost your self-esteem before giving a presentation or attending an important meeting.
  • Negative emotions such as frustration, anger, or impatience must be managed.
  • Enhance your self-esteem.
  • Complete any projects you've started.
  • Increase your output.
  • Break any bad habits.

Affirmations may be even more effective when combined with other positive thinking and goal-setting methods that will undoubtedly improve your physical and psychological well-being.

Affirmations, for example, work particularly well when combined with Visualization. Instead of just forming images in your head about the change you want to see, you must write it down. You can also say it loud and clear using a positive and beautiful affirmation.

Affirmations can also help you set personal goals. Once you've identified the aims and goals, affirmative statements can help you stay motivated to achieve them.

The power of affirmations comes from uttering these words to yourself regularly. It's a good idea to repeat your affirmations several times a day (have them pop up in an app's notifications!). You should also say your affirmations again and again whenever you encounter a negative thought or behavior you want to change. Fill the space with care, healing, and support by writing them on a blank piece of paper.

Writing the Best Affirmation Statements Yourself

affirmations, life, love

Affirmation statements are typically used to address a specific problem, behavior, or belief. It is usually determined by your commitment. The outcomes will persuade us that everyone leads to doors of achievable commitment and hope.

Put those areas that you want to improve in your life into consideration. Do you, for example, wish you had more patience? Or deeper bonds with your friends and coworkers? Or do you want a more productive day at work? Answer these questions in your head, and you'll be able to create personalized affirmations that are sure to work for you because they are the most meaningful to you.

Make a list of areas or behaviors you'd like to work on, focusing on your opposing energies and strengthening and nourishing your joyful sensitivity. Make sure they align with your core values and the most important things to you so that you will be genuinely motivated to achieve them. You can, for example, use affirmations to build your confidence in asking your boss for a raise you believe you deserve.

However, it's probably not a good idea to tell yourself that you're going to ask for your salary to get doubled: for most people and most businesses, doubling your salary in one go isn't feasible or helpful. Maintain realism! After all, affirmations aren't magic spells; if you don't believe in them, they're unlikely to change your life.

Negatives can be turned into positives. If you're having trouble with negative self-talk, write down a persistent word, thought, or belief that's bothering you. The next thing you should do is pick a specific affirmation that is very different from that thought and belief and use it to reinforce your beliefs.

Why Believing in Affirmations is a Must

Affirmations may appear to you to be unachievable "wishful thinking." But consider positive affirmations in this way: many of us do repetitive training to help our physical health, and affirmations are similar to mental and emotional exercises. Positive mental iterations can reprogram our thinking patterns, causing us to think – and act – differently over time.

Evidence suggests that affirmations can help you perform better at work, for example. As per researchers, spending just a few minutes before such a high-pressure meeting, such as a performance review, can ease your mind, boost your confidence, and make a bigger impact.

Furthermore, affirmations have been used successfully to treat people suffering from low and blank self-esteem, depression, and other mental health issues. They have also been shown to stimulate areas of our brains that make us more likely to make positive health changes.

According to one study, having a higher sense of self-worth makes you more likely to improve your well-being. So, if you're concerned that you eat too much and don't get enough exercise, using affirmations to tell yourself of your values can motivate you to make a change.

There is proof that the more self-esteem you have, the more effectual affirmations can be. On the other hand, positive affirmations make you feel worse if you have low self-esteem, according to this study.

They create a conflict between the desired positive state and the negative feelings you are currently experiencing. If this is the case for you, work on increasing your self-esteem before using affirmations.

Why Negative Thinking is Bad For Affirmations

Negative thinking can lead to serious health issues and, in extreme cases, death. While these techniques have been shown to help reduce occasional negative thinking, they should only be used as a guide.

If readers have any concerns about related illnesses or if negative thoughts are causing significant or persistent unhappiness, they should seek the advice of appropriately qualified health professionals. Before making any major dietary or exercise changes, consult with a health professional such as therapists.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS 

If you like affirmations, you’re going to LOVE AFFORMATIONS! 

AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the health, and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet, more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

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