Affirmations: Everything You Must Know

We have been talking about “what are affirmations?” on this site countless times. Also, we talked about the magic it brings to your life, your loved ones, and the people around you. We all know how the power of affirmations work and make our lives much easier than before. However, there are still a lot of people who do not know what an affirmation truly means. They throw the words around without knowing what these words really mean. They know that all of these bring positive energy and throw the negative thinking out of your mind.

It is also possible that you might ask: why knowing the matter of the meaning? Would that change anything? It is still important to know what affirmations truly mean because, by that, your brain would understand everything, and thus, everything would make sense.

This article will tell you everything you must know about what affirmations mean, how they work. Some tips on how to write the best statements you can repeat every day. We hope that you learn a lot from this article, and may you use it to affirm positivity in your life.

What Affirmations Mean

Let us define first what affirmations mean. Simply put, these are powerful statements aimed at attracting success, both basic and specific ones.

What are Affirmations - What Affirmations Mean

These words allow you to tell your subconscious that you are clearly in control of your mind and body. These words do not simply mean happy thoughts. In theory, these should be constructed to make you feel more powerful each day. Each time you repeat these words, they become a part of your personal behavior, allowing you to practice positivity and spread love to everyone around you. These statements shape your reality to be a person who is grasping everything.

Most of our waking time, we are thinking of negative thoughts more than positive ones, whether we like them or not. One research has revealed that most of your subconscious thoughts (80% of 50,000) are all negative ones. Psychology tells us that having that much negativity would not have any benefits for us. Your confidence would drop, you would not experience any mindfulness, no healing is in sight, and there is no way you will feel healthy and achieve your goals daily.

When you affirm, you declare something positive. Every time you do it, your health, esteem as a person, feelings, and many others will be affected in a good light. When you declare positivity, it reduces anxiety. It makes you more focused on meditation to achieve your true objectives in mind.

When you look at the mirror and repeat these words with the belief that you will start your day, a simple phrase can bring you free motivation to work harder. When you take a video of yourself, and you love how you look, it is an important step in letting positivity enter your life and improving its different facets. In short, these examples show that practicing this easy step every morning will help your words become more effective for your life and those around you.

What These Can Bring To Your Life

What are Affirmations - What These Can Bring To Your Life

Uttering affirmations every day would make quite an impact on many aspects of your life.

You will not feel bad about sleeping a lot when you sleep because you need it for your overall health. For instance, repeating words that say you will be able to take care of your health will impact your physical aspect. You will soon experience having sound sleeping patterns because you feel well-rested inside.

Positive words are also helpful in bringing your stress levels down, and avoiding depression, anxiety, and other psychological and mental issues and concerns. If you believe in the positive words you utter, it will also reflect on your social circles, allowing you to create an aura that your friends will surely find nice.

By allowing positive thoughts to run your life and do your job, you are helping your mind create unique habits that will bring happiness to your life.

How to Write Effective Affirmations

Creating a list of positive words you can pass off as affirmations is easy, but it is more than that. These phrases will not be called affirmations if you just wrote them without any concrete idea. These messages will be turned to waste, so it is important to know how to write truly meaningful and beautiful affirmations.

There are several steps you must follow in writing affirmations that work. Here are some of those.

Talk about what you want to happen.

It is very important to avoid using negative feelings and emotions when writing an affirmation. For example, suppose you want to overcome your money troubles. In that case, you must not include something about being broke or poor in the affirmation. You must choose which words to use in your affirmations. Including negative words would deflect the energy and not focus on the bright future ahead of you.

Use the present tense.

Using the present tense in your affirmations will give a huge boost to the power it holds. Why? Your mind benefits from visualizing your affirmations if you think it has happened to you as part of your experiences. For example, you can say, "I have a great academic standing," instead of saying, "I will be great in school." When you use the present tense, it makes you capable of thinking that you already have it in you.

Start with "I am..."

When you start your affirmations with "I am...", it gives actions to your brain, like a command. It has an effect on your cognitive thinking, as your subconscious sees it as an order that needs to be followed. Giving your affirmations an identity to your brain would guide your brain to follow it as a command. This is a shred of perfect evidence of how our mind works.

Always be specific.

The moment you start to be specific with your affirmations, you command your mind once again to listen to you and visualize your affirmation in your head. Suppose you want to be promoted at work, or you want a successful career shift. In that case, you can say, "I am enjoying my position as a ________, or I am currently enjoying my new job."

Keep it short and succinct.

There is no need for you to record long audio about how you wanted your life to be designed as you wish or write several pages in your journal based on your dreams and aspirations. Keep it short, encapsulating your values and beliefs in one or two short sentences. Keeping it short and snappy allows your brain to remember it as part of its mind exercises.

Write it especially for you.

Your positive affirmations should mean something to you. Avoid vague, broad, or ambiguous statements as much as possible. For example, if Louise wants to talk to Mr. Cohen about her promotion, she has to make it sound like it's for her.

Keep it meaningful.

Lastly, always make sure that your positive affirmations have a distinct definition to you. You should maintain an air of meaning to it because that is how mantras work. Say it as you mean it, and make sure it has meaning to you too. Always remember the sunny days you may have if you keep everything meaningful.

Are They Similar to Mantras?

Now, you might be thinking if affirmations work the same way as mantras since they all sound the same in theory. Even though they seem to mean the same thing, there is a difference between these two.

Mantras have spiritual meaning, and these words and phrases have more spiritual weight to them than affirmations. They are usually associated with meditation, especially in Asian cultures. On the other hand, positive affirmations do not bear any spiritual weight on them. These are simple phrases and statements designed to be repeated frequently to cultivate positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts in those who speak of them.

In short, mantras have spiritual weight on them used in many Asian cultures and in meditation. At the same time, positive affirmations are designed to create happy thoughts for those who use them frequently.

Our Takeaway

Affirmations are simple phrases meant to invoke positive feelings and happy thoughts to people who use them. It would help you attract more positive energy that you can enjoy in your everyday life when done right. Always make sure to keep your affirmations short, concise, and specific. Always use the present tense, and of course, keep it meaningful to you. They might sound the same as mantras, but remember that positive affirmations do not have any spiritual meaning on them. Thus, you cannot replace it with any religion or faith. This also goes the same with psychological assistance. Remember to use positive affirmations properly, and you can be prepared to harvest the fruits of your endeavors.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS

If you like “What are affirmations?”, you’re going to LOVE “What are AFFORMATIONS?”.


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!Learn more at

what are affirmations

Affirmations, quotes, and inspiration are usually seen in a single sentence because most people think they are interchangeable and can be used positively. However, people don't realize that even though they seem to have the same meaning, they are still different. Others also confuse these words with mantras. It is important to understand the subtle differences between these three words because that will change the way you see them in your life.

Knowing affirmations and quotes can be very helpful. Knowing the proper application will help you conquer each day, bringing the right weapons to the battles. Affirmations have a lot of power compared to quotes. Depending on when you use this, it will usher in more happiness and success into your life every day, making you feel like Oprah in a sea of Ellens.

This article will tell you the differences between affirmations, quotes, and mantras. You will also learn how positive affirmations work and how you can create the best affirmation for every situation. Remember that everyone -- students, workers, families, and friends -- will benefit from it when used properly daily.

Affirmations vs. Quotes

Affirmations vs. Quotes

Even though they seem to have the same meaning, affirmations, quotes, and other positive words are different from each other in a way. Affirmations are positive words, phrases, and sentences aimed towards different aspects of your life that need improvement, such as your love life, family matters, body issues, and so on. People use affirmations to condition their subconscious into thinking that these sentences are orders. They must do everything to align their body, mind, and spirit to achieve these goals.

Positive affirmations also alleviate feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression in many people. It provides healing to those who need it the most, and it shakes fear away from your system. An affirmation can contribute to a beautiful day ahead. It also reminds you to always think positive thoughts to weaken the pessimistic energies inside your head that can take hold of your brain.

On the other hand, quotes are memorable phrases and sentences uttered by famous people such as celebrities, politicians, and other historical figures. These sentences are meant to inspire people who can read them. For example, a woman might take phrases uttered by Michelle Obama as powerful ones, inspiring her to start living her life as a different person. These quotes do not have to be positive or negative: as long as they can spark emotions inside a person, they will work both ways.

As you can see clearly from the explanations above, affirmations are only positive. At the same time, quotes can be positive or negative depending on the mood of the person who said them. Affirmations are meant to condition and prepare your mind for what the future holds for them. At the same time, quotes merely inspire people to be the best versions of themselves, whether in a positive or negative light.

Affirmations vs. Mantras

Now that we have settled the differences together, let's talk about how affirmations and mantras are different.

Affirmations Quotes - Affirmations vs. Mantras

While they also sound like they have the same purpose, they work differently. An affirmation is meant to talk to your subconscious, allowing you to focus on your goals and makes you capable of achieving them through positivity. On the other hand, a mantra has more than positivity in it. These words have deep spiritual connections to them, and they are meant to celebrate your faith with the deities above. The religious aspect gives mantras a stronger character. Still, affirmations do not require you to be affiliated in a specific faith for these to work.

We need affirmations because an affirmation serves as a reminder that we are powerful, that we can do it, reach our goals and dreams, and live life to the fullest, without making anything along the way difficult to reach. The moment you open your eyes in the morning, you should be thoughtful enough to think that your breath makes you alive, and you still have control over your life to change your narrative into something worth admiring.

Why We Need Affirmations

Our mind listens to us, and the universe always has to listen to a stubborn heart. Therefore, you must repeat those affirmations and walk with them every day, with a heart that accepts the truth and deserves gratitude. An affirmation can give you oozing amounts of confidence that will allow you to take each step with a calm demeanor, making it easy for you to love the skin you're in.

Lastly, affirmations can make us happy. We are full of wisdom when affirmations are at work, and it feels like the steps we take are much lighter than ever. Overflowing amounts of positive energy fuel us to be the best versions of ourselves, filled with the esteem that helps us accomplish our human goals and give love to our friends and family.

How to Write A Good Affirmation

We usually think about writing a good affirmation because we have to care about many aspects of our lives. While that is not a lie, focusing on one aspect saves us a lot of energy and effort, then casts affirmations on everything we can think of. It can drain us mentally and physically, but it can also be a bad experience with affirmations. Here are some of the things you should remember in writing the best positive affirmations.

Dedicate time for your affirmations.

You must set aside some time to create your affirmations. Your affirmations do not deserve the last few minutes of the day. They must be done at a time when your mind is ready to achieve inner peace, and these affirmations would speak to them about you. The best times to do that are when you wake up in the morning and before you sleep at night.

Why? Waking up each morning with positive affirmations at the top of your priority list gives the positive energy some sort of permission to enter your body, giving attention to the aspects that you have affirmed to be improved at the end of the day. Again, words can shape your days, so make good use of them.

Doing affirmations in the evening is also okay since the affirmations tend to remind you that you have done a good job in achieving the end products of your affirmations. It is also a good choice to do the affirmations in the evening since everyone is preparing to rest and recharge, giving us unlimited strength. At the same time, we sleep after we write our affirmations for the next day.

Write short and specific affirmations.

You do not need to be a seasoned writer or a published poet when you write your own affirmations. Affirmations lose their beauty when the words are too vague and when you feel that reading your affirmations bore you for some reason. Affirmations are meant to stimulate your mind and give it a mindset fueled with positivity, so do your part and be specific on what you want to happen.

For example, if you want to improve your personal relationship, write something about loving yourself. If you have bought many books yet you still do not have the energy to read, write something like, "I am reading one book today and aim to finish this in a week." 

This affirmation is specific and short, and therefore this helps you manifest this even better. Remember that what you wrote has power, and you need to pour your belief into it to make sense.

Repeat them aloud.

It is already a given that repeating these affirmations aloud will complete the equation. After writing the affirmations in your journal, say them loudly several times a day, but not too loud, especially if you have people living in your house. 

You do not want to have an issue with them about being loud, especially in the morning. Repeating these affirmations aloud attracts the energy you need toward prosperity, abundance, wealth, improved relationships, and so on.

By repeating these affirmations several times a day, we are feeling the energy pouring within us slowly, making us feel worthy and loved, erasing the lies that other people have left on us along the way, and providing the much-needed support to make us trust people more and be brave within our confines.

Visualize your affirmations.

Affirmations need to have visuals in them. This makes the affirmations extraordinary, and our subconscious can finally follow a story aside from the conditioning we do to them through an affirmation or two. You do not need to have an artistic career to do that. Start by clearing your mind and preparing your mental space for your painting session. 

Once you have done that, take charge of the brush and paint that picture in your head. Suppose you want to improve your professional life. In that case, you can visualize yourself going to work on time, leaving the office on time, and enjoying a cup of coffee with your colleagues every now and then.

The moment you finish painting that lovely picture, immerse in every color you can see and embrace it. Then, utter your affirmations. "I want to be more professional starting this week." Or you can also say, "I am going to work on time as I want to be a changed person this week."

Visualization is the secret to completely realizing your affirmations, and choosing the right visuals also works. You cannot clutter your mind with many pictures. We do not need a montage here. We need a simple mural that tells us the journey we want to take. Clear images help with affirmations, so always do that and remember that.

Some Affirmations You Can Use as Quotes

Here are some of the affirmations you can use as quotes, to begin with. Feel free to use them often, and seize the opportunities. Of course, you are free to write your own based on your own targets, irrespective of your goals.

  1. I am beautiful not only from the outside but also within.
  2. I am staying true to myself, no matter what happens.
  3. I respect myself and do not expose myself to situations that will lead me to be disrespected.
  4. I am smart, not only academically but also in life.
  5. My friends see me as their safe haven, and I'm happy with it.
  6. My past does not define my present, and definitely my future.
  7. I show my feelings towards others as authentically as possible.
  8. My mistakes do not affect my decisions at present.
  9. I cast away doubt and pain from my system.
  10. My social skills are improving and my family is proud of me.

You can compose affirmations related to your physical health, your dedication towards your passions and hobbies, and many more. The point here is that you should always find joy in writing the best affirmations for yourself.

Final Thoughts

Affirmations, quotes, and mantras are different, though they have a common denominator -- positivity. Using these to your advantage will make you more confident towards your actions and words, making you feel secure about your abilities as a wonderful human being.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS

If you like morning affirmations, you’re going to LOVE morning AFFORMATIONS.


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told… yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

self-love affirmations, positive, love, affirmation, change, mind

Self-love always comes to mind whenever we talk about affirmations. It is funny to think that we always refer to affirmations to show our love for ourselves. It makes sense because we need an affirmation to assure that we love ourselves. It boosts our confidence to hear something uplifting. Sometimes, all we need to hear from ourselves is a single sentence telling us that we are beautiful, worthy, and receive love from everyone.

However, there are times that we are always tired by our daily ordeals, people asking us to change to fit their narrative, and other factors, making us feel that we are inadequate and therefore usher negative energy into our lives. Self-love affirmations can help us change the energy to a positive one while making sure that we feel powerful with these words. These words have the power to release infinite amounts of joy and happiness to our lives only if we believe hard enough to make it happen.

We need words, phrases, and sentences that can be seeds sown in our life to make us feel healthy and at peace with our minds. With self-love affirmations, we are more willing to accept our flaws and live with them without any complaints. After all, self-love means accepting everything about us, the smooth and the rough ones included in the package.

This article will tell you everything you should know about self-love affirmations, how they work, how you can make some for your use, and the benefits you can get from believing and affirming these promises to yourself.

What are Self-Love Affirmations?

Simply put, self-love affirmations are affirmations filled with positive promises and claiming good energy about yourself. It can be especially hard if we feel that we are not enough, to begin with. These words will help you practice positivity about yourself, to begin with. If you think positively, you will not have any problems accepting everything and thinking that you deserve the loving and care you are claiming for yourself.

Self-love affirmations can also be a good start towards self-love in general. Each day, it can be hard to be positive because there will be people attacking your body image, your esteem, your worth in life, your beliefs, and so on. For those already having it tough as it is, it can be harder to repeat quotes that tell you you're perfect. Having these words beside you every day and repeating them every morning in front of the mirror can boost your confidence and make you feel loved by the universe and the people around you.

Self-Love Affirmations are Powerful

self-love affirmations, positive, love

However, you do not need to worry about having to repeat everything, and that's it. There's more to just that in self-love affirmations. When you read self-love affirmations to yourself, you have to believe in it, and repeating it will double the power it holds. Soon after, you will start feeling that everything is falling into place.

Eventually, people who were rude to you before will begin to respect you. More people will learn from you. More people share that you are inspiring their lives. Hearing those will make you more confident. Therefore, your self-love affirmations will hold so much power in your life that other people get that energy from you.

That shows how powerful these words can be. When used properly, success and opportunities will soon follow, and you have to be ready to accept all of them. However, remember that before you can love yourself, you must fix the relationship you have with yourself and forgive yourself for anything that you may still have problems with, such as your past issues, embarrassments, or anything that keeps you from being free to accept and love yourself.

It's not easy, we know, but everything has to start from somewhere. When you learn to forgive and embrace yourself, all flaws and imperfections included, that's where you will feel the steps toward complete self-love in your heart and mind. Those feelings would help you understand how you must love yourself in every way you can.

Self-Love is Never Bad

self-love affirmations, affirmation, change, mind

However, when people talk about loving themselves, most people would think that you are selfish. When a person talks about how they love themselves by believing in them, people treat them as selfish pigs. The lack of understanding and information about self-love makes people think that, maybe, they will be more likable if they show compassion by helping others first, them dealing with themselves after.

Remember that it is never a bad thing to love yourself because you must love yourself before loving everyone else. Again, you cannot give what you don't have. Trust me, it's okay to spoil yourself every now and then, because if not you, who will? The same goes for affirmations. It would be best to proclaim anything that can make you happy, grateful, unique, and comfortable with yourself. If you want to do an amazing job in your work or school, then claim that you will lead the pack. There's nothing wrong with that.

Back then, it may sound selfish because you must care for others' welfare before yours. The concept there is that they will return your concern to them when you need it. Nowadays, it's not the case anymore. People are busier than back then. They have no time to check if others are eating well, sleeping well, or are still alive at the very least. Nowadays, true love comes from loving yourself first.

When you tell yourself that you accept who you are, what you are, and how you do, it will make you capable of loving others. You can have relationships that last. You can see the true beauty of love and how it works when you love yourself first. It is the key to making self-love affirmations work.

Self-love Affirmations: How to Do Them

Now that you know how self-love affirmations work let's talk about how we make some for ourselves. It would be best if you remembered first that you will appreciate how these words work for you when you get your head into it. Actions speak louder than words, so always embody it while repeating it. That's how simple it is.

Here are some of the tips you should follow to create self-love affirmations that work.

  • Know your weak points.

We know most people would start by highlighting all the positives you want to get in your life. However, that can be boring as you would already know what you want. This step we are recommending is unique because we are asking you to identify your weaknesses. Are you pessimistic? Are you always lazy? Are you losing your focus every now and then?

Please list all of those weaknesses you have, then take a look at them and accept them. Now that you have acknowledged these weaknesses of yours, write affirmations that will counter the negativity it has. For example, if you are lazy, you can write, "I am productive as I can finish all the tasks for today." See how specific that affirmation is? It could counter the negative and affirm that you are doing your best to counter it.

By practicing this step, it would make your affirmations for self-love much easier to write. It will be a good tool for you to create affirmations for your life.

  • Repeat your affirmations aloud.

After you have written your affirmations in a journal or wherever you wrote them, you must repeat them loudly five times a day. It does not need to be consecutive. You can start by repeating one in the morning, then when you feel like you need it, do it again.

The last one should be uttered at night, especially if you affirm yourself in terms of friends, fears, and abundance. By doing that, it would radiate all the positive energy the universe is giving to you.

  • Visualize your affirmations.

It would be easier for you to believe in your self-love affirmations if you could see them in your head. Build an image of your journey becoming a reality. You can see that it helps significantly in achieving your potential.

There are many tips you can also follow, such as writing in the present tense, working on your breathing, and getting someone to repeat the affirmations with you. Follow these tips to ensure the success of your self-love affirmations.

Our Takeaway

Self-love affirmations may sound selfish back then, but nowadays, everyone does it. Self-love is not selfish as you need to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Remember that forgiveness and acceptance will open the doors toward many possibilities in making your affirmations work in your favor. 

Think of your weaknesses, then craft affirmations to counter that, repeat them aloud, and visualize them happening in front of you. Never underestimate the power of repetition and universal love and understanding gifts because the universe always listens to a stubborn heart.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS 

If you like self-love affirmations, you’re going to LOVE SELF-LOVE AFFORMATIONS


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

self-love affirmations, positive, love, affirmation, change, mind

Whenever people type “affirmations meaning” on their search engines, they always think that it involves the positive defeating the negative through words that we keep repeating every day. For most people, affirmations are like mantras that you utter each day to invoke change in your life through your mind. 

When you invoke positive energy, it affects your thinking, and your subconscious often gets conditioned to believe and be confident that greater things are happening. Without a doubt, affirmations make us feel happy, positive, and confident that everything goes on well.

However, not everyone knows what affirmations are. Aside from the fact that these words are great when you affirm the best things in your life, health, and your goals, no one knows how they work and how we turn the tables in our favor. Thus, many individuals believe that affirmations are just sweet words. If only they know how the theory works...

This article will tell you everything you need to know about affirmations: what it means, how it works, and what effects it has on your life, mind, and body. When you know the true definition of affirmations and how you can fully utilize it to change the way you wake up every morning, it will do wonders for you. Let's not waste any time and talk about it now.

Affirmations Meaning and More

Simply put, an affirmation is a short and powerful statement, usually done with positive thoughts and intentions in mind. With these short statements, the brain gets conditioned to listen to these as though they are commands to follow. It is a must that you repeat them daily to strengthen the power it holds and to help you achieve your goals and improve your overall behavior towards life.

These words are so powerful that they allow you to consciously control your train of thought, including how you think and process thoughts in general. Each person has a different way of thinking, according to psychology. Still, affirmations are proven effective to most people, receiving many benefits of practicing this act daily.

When you affirm something, you use the power of the word to invoke positivity in your life. In other words, an affirmation is declaring a positive thought as firmly as possible. At the same time, you mirror it to your belief and stating it assertively as the truth. It is important to remember that when you take these positive words and affirmations to heart, it helps your mind create a sense of priority that should be on top of your feelings. These words will do their job in bringing you confidence and success.

Benefits from Affirmations

Now that we have discussed what affirmations mean, let's talk about how these can affect our different facets of life and what benefits we can gain from affirmations.

Positive Affirmations Condition Our Mind to Succeed

affirmations meaning, affirmations, affirmation

Affirmations are mind exercises. Meditation is one form of mental exercise, and so are affirmations. When we do these, we send a message to our mind that helps us achieve a high sense of esteem, lesser bouts of anxiety, overflowing love, or even a good night's sleep.

Whatever you requested, by repeating it repeatedly, conditions our mind to follow them as commands. Commands are meant to be followed, and when our minds follow the commands, we can see a positive meaning in affirmations.

Affirmations can reprogram our minds into thinking that we can do anything and succeed, no matter what aspect of our life it is: personal, social, money, healing, and many others.

Helps You Do Better in General

Affirmations also help us do our best and achieve the best in general. For example, there are times that we do not have a great idea to present at work whenever Mr. Cohen asks us for ideas during brainstorming. If you continuously affirm that a great idea is forming into your head now, it will soon become a reality when you need it the most.

It also helps us achieve our goals in general. If you are a student who wants to do your best and have a great academic standing. Affirming that Mr. Harris will give you good grades this semester would ultimately work at the perfect timing. Whatever examples we have here, you can see the point: the more you repeat these words of positivity and promise, the closer you get to your goals, making you capable of anything and everything when you believe.

Encourages Happiness and Mindfulness

Whenever we say affirmations, it encourages us to forget stress, leave depression behind, and enter joy and other positive values into our lives. Affirmations help us alleviate signs of depression and anxiety. It conditions our minds into thinking that everything will be fine. Many things need to be processed nowadays. Positive affirmations allow us to prioritize the positive ones into our list.

Affirmations are also known to stimulate parts of our brain that allow us to think positively. It also helps us beat depression, anxiety, and other psychological and mental issues we might have. It may help us think and practice happiness and positivity to avoid getting thrown into a pit of hay where negative thoughts dwell.

How to Combat Negative Thoughts with Affirmations

The problem with negative thoughts is that the more we spend our time thinking about it, the more powerful it gets. Thus, it can have power over us if we do not practice positive affirmations more often. This is based on so many accounts of experiences, so this is real.

Remember that the universe always listens to us. It may not have our audio records, but they do listen to us. To combat any negative thoughts in our head, think of one specific sentence, an affirmation, and unique enough to be your mantra. When we establish patterns that can define our worth, we can put power into our words and push us closer to fruition.

How to Write Effective Positive Affirmations

Now that we know the definition, the benefits and use affirmations to our advantage, we will learn how to pen affirmations that work.

  • Start with "I am.."

When you start your affirmations with these words, it would be very helpful for you to visualize what message you are saying to yourself that can help you strengthen your beliefs. Starting with these words gives your subconscious a command, which is simple yet powerful. Then, your mind interprets it as an instruction that it needs to follow.

  • Use the present tense always.

In writing your messages, always use the present tense. Again, using the present tense is extremely helpful to reach your goal. It gives your mind an image that is clear and vivid, that it has to follow and make it work to turn it into reality. It is a great call to action to your mind, too, since it makes your mind work toward achieving this for you. When you do that, you're definitely on the right track.

  • Talk about what you want.

When you are affirmations on your journal or taking a video of you saying these words to yourself, you do not let any negativity enter the room. You must overcome thinking about the negatives when working on your affirmations. It can be hard, but once you do it, you can speak more comfortably, and it will help you be free to believe that you can do it.

  • Keep everything short.

Do not turn your affirmations into something you would get tired of reading. Think of what you are feeling, use your cognitive skills in keeping it short, then write it. Affirmations that are shorter yet more specific are strong enough to have an identity in your head. If you feel like you've been using the same words repeatedly, use a Webster dictionary or anything that can help you find the right words. Any book works.

  • Never forget to be specific.

Vague affirmations tend to be less successful than those that are more defined. Specific affirmations guide your brain to come to terms with your positivity, and this will allow your mind to work because of sheer motivation. Keep it short and specific, and these phrases will work for sure.

What's Next After Writing Affirmations

Now that you have written your positive affirmations, what's next?

affirmations meaning, positive, positivity, change

Next is how you manifest to make it work. First, you must check and monitor your mood. If you feel good, this is great because your feelings will help you work these affirmations into something more powerful. Your feelings work as fuel to your words, allowing them to gain traction, and its development shows through actions.

Take note of how you feel before you do your affirmations exercise. Keep in mind your feelings before the procedure to be able to compare what you are feeling before and after.

After checking your mood, repeat your affirmations slowly, then read them aloud whenever you feel comfortable. You do not need to scream or shout in doing this. Just be yourself, ignore the judgment, and focus on your minutes with yourself.

This is a nice time for you to connect with yourself. Make the affirmations ring through your head, and with every repeated word, your affirmations get affirmed. Make sure to utter these words frequently, feeling the affirmations growing stronger from within.

Now, check your mood after you do the affirmation exercise. See how gleeful and filled with the hope you felt, right? That physical feeling will help you as it will be your moral compass in future exercises. This feeling will also serve as evidence that you are earning the blessings of the universe every time you do these with the level of integrity to keep you motivated.

This simple exercise would boost your feelings and the abilities of your brain to receive wonderful visualization techniques, making this one a magical experience.


However, you must understand that this does not replace any religion in any way. It never suggests changing your faith because affirmations are designed to condition your mind into thinking that you can do it. Affirmations do not also mean that you must change your political affiliations because they are irrelevant to the discussion. You are human, and you deserve the blessings.

Some Useful Examples

If you still cannot visualize it, let us help you with some useful examples.

If you are a student who wants to do well in her studies, manifesting that you will have a great relationship with your teacher can help you study harder in school. If you want a raise or career growth, affirming that you will be promoted to your dream position would help. For instance, if you really want to read and develop a productive habit, affirming that you will finish all books you bought last month, be it a Britannica or a Merriam, it will help your brains grasp that thought and truly finish everything you bought in Amazon.

Final Thoughts

The concept of affirmations is simple -- it conditions your mind to follow those words as though they are commands, and everything will fall in its right places. If you treat affirmations seriously, it could really help you achieve all your dreams, goals, and aspirations in life.

Affirmations are responsible for motivating your mind, processing the information it received in the form of commands, and finding the realization as the process goes full circle. Affirmations are helpful in every aspect of your life. Even your spiritual life would thank you for being so grateful and positive.

Affirmations make you feel healthy in all senses of your life. It plays a role in attracting positive energy, allowing you to be more optimistic, and eliminates any doubts you might have. Affirmations are amazing, and many people benefit from them, from students to workers, parents, kids, and everyone in this world. 

Affirmations are built with trust in yourself, and it will create an uplifting, soothing, and relaxing experience for everyone.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS 

If you like what affirmations are, you’re going to LOVE what AFFORMATIONS are. 


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told… yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

afformations, affirmations meaning

Most of us think that affirmations have a definition, meaning everything would come true if we claim it would come true, period. However, that's not how it works. Well, yes, affirmations really have that definition, but it's more than that.

Think of it this way: most of us have anxious thoughts like these regularly. In theory, when we honestly believe like this, our confidence, mood, body, and outlook can all suffer.

Negative thoughts have the potential to become self-fulfilling prophecies that can eventually cause anxiety and depression. We convince ourselves that we aren't good enough. As a result, these thoughts wreak havoc on our personal lives, relationships, and careers.

However, suppose we intentionally do the complete reverse and think positively about ourselves. In that case, the impact can be just as strong but far more beneficial. In this article, we'll look at how affirmations can help you make positive changes in your career and in your life generally.

Getting to Know More About Affirmations

As previously stated, the term "affirmations" is gleaned from the verb "affirm" – to assert that something must be true.

Affirmations are positive statements that can assist you in challenging and overcoming self-defeating and negative thoughts. When you recite them frequently and trust in them, you can begin to see positive results.

These are sentences designed to influence and program the conscious and subconscious minds, causing changes in our behavior, thinking patterns, habits, and environment.

Positive affirmations, fortunately, are almost as simple to define as they are to practice. Simply put, they are positive words or statements that are used to counteract negative or unhelpful thoughts. Positive affirmation practice can be extremely simple; all you have to do is pick a statement and recite it to yourself.

These positive affirmations are also utilized to motivate yourself, inspire changes that will help, or boost your self-esteem. Positive affirmations are used to battle negative self-talk patterns and replace them with more dynamic narratives if you get involved in them frequently.

Affirmations may appear to you to be unrealistic "wishful thinking." But consider positive affirmations in this way: many of us do recurring exercises to strengthen our general health, and affirmations are similar to mental and emotional exercises. Positive mental iterations can reconfigure our thinking patterns, causing us to think – and act – differently over time.

Data suggests that affirmations can assist you in performing better at work, for example. According to researchers, spending just a few minutes before a high-pressure meeting – such as a performance review – can calm your nerves, boost your confidence, and increase your likelihood of a successful outcome.

The words that comprise the affirmation frequently conjure up related mental images in mind, inspiring, energizing, and motivating. The words you repeat, and the resulting mental images, become engraved on the subconscious mind, changing your behavior, habits, actions, and reactions in response to the repeated words.

How Do Affirmations Work?

affirmations, change, health

Stress can also be alleviated through self-affirmation. A short affirmation exercise improved the problem-solving strengths of "chronically stressed" participants to the same level as someone with low stress in one study.

Furthermore, affirmations have been successfully used in treating people who are suffering from feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem levels, and other mental health concerns. They have also been shown to arouse areas of our brains that make us more likely to make positive changes in our health.

According to one study, having a higher sense of self-worth makes people more likely to improve their well-being. So, if you're concerned that you eat too much and don't get enough exercise, using a positive affirmation to remind yourself of your values can motivate you to change your behavior.

You, I, and almost everyone else in the twenty-first century have heard of them. However, if you've never decided to try them before, the concept can appear extremely awkward.

Telling yourself how wonderful you are may appear strange. Still, if that's all you're doing, there are probably more efficient methods to go about it. And, if you're a skeptic, it's not a bad idea to learn how and why positive affirmations became so widely known day by day.

It is also significant to mention that positive statements make you feel optimistic, energetic, and active, putting you in a much better position to transform and improve your inner and outer worlds, helping you achieve your dreams as a positive person with a message.

Starting to Use Affirmations

To begin, pay close attention to which thoughts, emotions, or behaviors are working against you.

However, be cautious because simply repeating any positive affirmation will most likely not lead to significant change. If we really want our positive affirmations to be effective, we must first know how to construct positive affirmations correctly. Our positive affirmations are much more likely to result in more positive actions, emotional responses, and experiences this way. So keep these pointers in mind as you create positive affirmations' definition to achieve more goals.

Tips You Should Follow in Affirmations

Of course, there are many tips and tricks that you should follow when you are using affirmations to yourself. These tips are known to help many people make affirmations work in their lives. However, it is important to remember that these are not one-size-fits-all tips. You may customize the tips according to your needs so that you can properly use the power of affirmations to your advantage. We know you are already excited, so here are some of those tips and helpful examples.

Repeat and Speak Your Positive Affirmations As Loud As You Can Be

Speaking helps to reinforce our learning and improves the probability that our subconscious will hear our request. Including other sensory experiences can help even more.

Some of the examples include lighting candles or a stick of incense each time you remember your affirmations. These are ways of connecting the positive affirmation to other anchorages in your environment.

Over time, just the beam from the candle or the smell of the incense can stimulate the brain regions associated with a positive affirmation. By developing a routine that is reiterated regularly and linked to the affirmations, you form neural connections that can strengthen the affirmation's focus and inclusion of a good experience.

Of course, you must do this without disturbing other people if you share your house with friends or family. Getting them pissed off while you are encouraging the flow of positivity in your life for today might contribute to this not working anymore because you are also attracting the negative energy from your annoyed housemates.

Always Use The Present Tense

Concepts such as "soon," "later," and "better" lack clearness and can cause your affirmation to lose emphasis and effectiveness. So keep your positive affirmations brief and your phrases in the present tense. It is always free to use words in the present tense in a sentence as a part of your identity.

For instance, "I am healthy and happy," rather than "I will be happy soon." It's more of a comfort than a goal. By being specific and indicating that we already have or have what we want, we begin to generate the emotions that result from the statement being true.

Using the present tense would make the energy much more powerful, thus confirming your affirmations that it will happen. Again, never use the future tense, but claim that you will get what you desire when using the present tense for psychological development to overcome negativity.

Always Use Affirmations Meaningful to You

Some generic affirmations, such as "I am confident" or "I am happy," can feel a little forced, causing some conflict between the phrases and your current emotions about yourself. If you're feeling this way, try coming up with affirmations that feel authentic and healing to you.

Say these words in front of a mirror: "I am capable of realizing my dreams," for example, or "I am someone who can recognize love in my life." Affirmations can be very personal, and their success may be determined or based partly on how these words strike a chord with you as a unique personality. If those affirmations have meaning to you, they would be much more powerful since you put your heart, mind, and soul into them.

Visualize Your Positive Affirmations

Create a scene in your conscious mind that appears to support your positive affirmations. This way of practicing, or visualization, is an excellent way to communicate your desires to your subconscious mind and helps in mindfulness when you do meditation. It is also a good way of teaching your mind as a guide for common affirmations.

The more clearly you can see what you want to manifest daily, your affirmation will be more powerful. For example, if you're looking for a home, imagine the dream house, whether it's a nice and comfortable cabin in the woods or a big house on the hill, and bring it to life in your mind, complete with all the specifics, emotions, aromas, tones, and hues. If you can visualize what you are affirming in a word, it would be much easier to believe that these will truly happen to you, whatever gender you are or beliefs you have.

Add Heaps of Passion to Positive Affirmations

affirmations, definition, positive, negative

Positive affirmations that are full of sincere emotion and genuine belief have a greater impact. Feeling the change you want to enjoy helps your positive affirmations work. So try this out: say, "I am happy" in the morning. Now stop and think about when you were really happy and get in touch with that emotion or feeling. You should really try to enjoy the flavor of that feeling and milk it for all its worth.

​Now say "I am truly happy" a few times and really feel what happiness feels like as you utter your statement. By filling your affirmations with positive feelings and messages, these words can give much more efficacy and shower you with more benefits in bringing about what you actually want, be it money or a good night's sleep as a student dealing with microaggressions.

Take Action on Your Affirmations

Take some action to put your positive affirmations into action. Submit out some resumes if you're looking for a job. If you want to get in great physical shape, repeat your affirmations as you take a stroll to the gym. If you really want a business that you enjoy, start working on it now.

If you guys are college students and want good academic standing, such as good grades in psychology or a good engagement on a video you uploaded on social media, study hard and work things out. If you are a teacher who wants to have your kids amazing studies and a motivation to succeed, teach them everything they need to know.

Buy that laptop on Amazon and download that productivity, audio, or list app to track your growth, too. If you want to be good in the language you're studying, buy a dictionary and learn without judgment. Words are not as powerful as actions.

Affirmations vs. AFFORMATIONS

If you like the definition of affirmations, you’re going to LOVE the definition of AFFORMATIONS


AFFORMATIONS are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal of using Afformations vs. affirmations is to change your beliefs by changing the quality of your questions. 

In my Afformations® System online program, you’ll discover how to get the wealth, the body and the lifestyle you’ve always wanted by doing the exact OPPOSITE of what “they” told you in The Secret. 

In fact, what you're about to discover goes against everything you've been told…yet more than 1 million people around the world - including Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure CEOs and professional athletes SWEAR by it!

Learn more at

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