How to Build Self-Confidence and Prepare Yourself for Success

How can you build your self-confidence and set yourself up to win right now?

Make the best of what you desire and deserve.

Recognizing Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

First, let's talk about self-confidence which a lot of people ask me when they hire me as their coach or whether I'm speaking at virtual events or live events or doing my group training all around the world.

While self-confidence is based more on the external measures of success and value, self-esteem focuses on its internal measures.

Self-esteem is one's overall sense of his own value or worth. It is your attitude towards yourself. 

Research findings report that one's self-esteem and psychological beliefs affect his goals and commitment towards them.

Psychology experts and researchers concluded that one can be confident in a certain area yet may lack an overall view of his or her own value.

One of the things people ask me about all the time is, “Noah, how'd you get so confident? How can I build my self-confidence?”

Here’s a little secret that I don't tell a lot of people.

I'm not a naturally confident person. I wasn't born with oozing self-esteem.

In fact, when I was growing up as a kid, I was painfully shy. I had coke bottle glasses. I had a face full of acne and I didn't have shoulder-length hair, but shoulder-width hair. I had a big Afro back in the '70s and '80s.

I had no self-confidence at all. I had often joked that I didn't have the fear of rejection, I had the certainty of rejection.

Maybe, you're like me and had low self-esteem or low self-confidence.

This is something that is definitely not natural for me. It's something I’ve had to work on for years and years. I didn't believe in myself and I didn't trust myself.

On Mental Health: Low Self-Esteem and Depression Tendencies

We all know that it takes a lot of effort and courage to believe in oneself.

News reports reveal an inflated growth of depression and suicide cases which created a global impact.

Most women show evidence of bulimic symptoms because of their insecurities, starving themselves to achieve unrealistic model proportions while some undergo surgery for enhancement.

They develop eating disorders later on. Students who struggle with their school performance were reported to have severe anxieties.

Those who were bullied and have experienced sexual abuse were prone to a sudden change of personality through their course of life and they suffer from depression.

Self-Confidence Success - On Mental Health: Low Self-Esteem and Depression Tendencies

Although interventions do help a lot in the process, we’ll be able to save and rescue more lives with simple preventive measures.

We can't blame it all on someone if he becomes delinquent and defensive with his actions after all the experiences and relationships he had in the past.

Nevertheless, what we can do is to take action against bullying, encourage healthy discussions and promote self-awareness.

Let me save you some time, effort, and maybe even some money because I know personally that not having that level of self-esteem certainly has cost me millions and millions of dollars over the years. 

Here are three proven tips to help you deal with self-esteem and press you towards victory:

#1 Decide that self-confidence and success is important to you

When an individual sets his priorities, he gives time, effort and really focuses on that matter.

Our society plays a big role in what we perceive as valuable for us.

There are differences in people's scale of priorities. Factors affect how they measure the level of importance.

People take each relationship of great value, may it be with family, friends, or significant other.

Students may focus more on their grades and scores because of academic endeavors.

Someone who is trying to get a promotion will dwell more on his job performance.

A public person may deal more with his physical attractiveness.

How do you set yourself to win?

When you set your priorities, you're setting yourself to things you want to achieve. 

Each achievement will contribute to a desirable outcome you want to gain in the future.

So if you set yourself at boosting your self-esteem, what could possibly go wrong?

It will all start within yourself and your decision to give yourself value. When you know and take self-confidence as a priority, everything else will follow.

Deciding to become confident does not equate to becoming perfect in all ways, but simply believing that you can do things despite all your fears and imperfection.

How will you excel in your school? How will you overcome your antisocial behavior and start making friends? How will you get good outcomes?

You just have to decide and know that it is really important to be confident. It is important to believe in yourself.

An indicator of self-confidence is being able to trust yourself. It is when you are able to trust your own instincts and realize that you can trust your own decisions, trust what you’re feeling inside.

Growing up, I didn't do that. I listened to everyone outside of me but I never really listened to myself and that was a big problem.

It got me into a lot of trouble and it really cost me a lot of money and opportunity over the years.

Now that we know what are the benefits we can get by simply being confident and how it can predict our life be in the future.

We have to understand the problem and situation were facing off, to risk ourselves at any cost, to study how we're going to succeed in our problem.

Remember that the first step to everything is to simply decide that it's very important.

#2 Develop self-confidence habits

If something is important to you, you'll take action to make things happen. Being in control gives you the power and freedom to navigate your life in the right direction.

A pattern of movement shows persistence in achieving a positive result.

This is something that I talk about in my books and online programs like Power Habits® - The New Science for Making Success Automatic.

So, what are some of the Power Habits®?

One of them is my teaching of Afformations®. If you go to, you can learn more about my Afformations® method that's taking your internal negative beliefs and really flipping them into empowering or positive beliefs.

You can also get the book at  or you can just visit the website and watch a free training that I did on how you can develop the millionaire habits of the rich and famous.

On doing consistent and positive reinforcement

While what you do creates a great impact, consistent actions are of great importance, too.

Parents may experience stress in juggling time and helping their children with their studies. But when they start to introduce the habit of doing educational activities with their children at an early age, study time with them will be easier.

Adolescents wanted to be included in a circle and face challenges with social interactions.

An adolescent can start by understanding and listening to his own feelings and encourage himself to share his true self with a peer.

Self-Confidence Success - On doing consistent and positive reinforcement

You may really want to develop chosen habits every day like the following:

  • Doing journals is one of the most common habits you can try that can also track other habits you may want to develop.
  • This also applies to unhealthy habits you want to stop like smoking and drinking alcohol.
  •  If you've always wanted to become a leader, practice your leadership skills with your own plans and projects.
  • If you're health-conscious, managing your calorie intake and physical activities may help.
  • If you're aware that you lack some interpersonal skills, you can spend more time with peers who can help and support you.

 Remember to be firm with your objective so you can focus on a specific task.

It will be hard on the first few tries but you'll be surprised how you've grown. Execute with growth and happiness in mind, effects will come afterward. Try approving yourself while trusting the process you are in.

#3 Develop better body language

They say, "You are what you think." 

What's inside your mind influences how you act. You are perceived based on your behavior. It's a causal relationship, after all.

Now, think about a person who's not confident.

Think about what they would look like. What would they sound like? What would they move like?

You’d probably realize that they'd be sort of slumped over. Their shoulders would be slumping forward, they might not look people in the eye. They would look down a lot.

That was me, that was how I went through most of my life when I was growing up. It took me a long time to realize that I’ve got to put my shoulders back. I’ve got to look people in the eye. I’ve got to just say what I mean.

There’s an old saying, “Say what you mean and mean what you say.”

It took me a long time to figure that one out. I'll tell you that and those little habits every day putting your shoulders back and taking a deep breath.

When somebody asks you a question, maybe you don't know the answer yet.

Take a deep breath, go and say, “That's a good question. I'm not sure. Let me find out let me get back to you on that one.”

You don't have to answer right away just because somebody is demanding it of you.

You have permission to check in with yourself and make sure it's something that you really want to do and want to move forward on.

Posing Confidence Virtually

Also, notice that a lot of our communication these days is done virtually. A lot of people are meeting instead of face to face or instead of going into your work environment perhaps your office, you're meeting on Zoom.

If you're meeting virtually, make sure that you're looking right into the camera whether it's on your phone or your laptop.

Make sure you're looking right into that camera. A mistake that people make oftentimes is they'll look over here you know looking at the person that they're talking to.

And it's sort of natural to do that right but actually, the truth is you want to look right at the camera.

What I do is I look at the person out of the corner of my eye. I'm looking at my own screen so I can see myself over here.

But I am looking right at you and that makes the person on the other end and the receiving end feel a lot more comfortable because you look a lot more confident when you go like this.

Even though you're looking at the person, you're actually not. They don't feel you're looking at them because they don't get that.

Anyway, just use these little tips and let me know what you think of these tips.

Perception & Perspective: How Do You Position Yourself?

Individuals dwell with self-esteem problems every now and then. We badly wanted to be recognized, accepted and appreciated.

We look for support, crave attention. As we go further in finding our place to be socially approved, we lose our ways. We allow individuals to abuse us.

We are now left with the consequences because we care so much about people's opinions than our own ability.

Some become socially awkward, some result in aggression.

How can we highly regard ourselves if we are looking at the wrong concept of self-esteem?

When you love yourself, you embrace your personality. You change your unruly behaviors. You care less about likes and ratings.

So, if you think of yourself worthy enough then you'll be able to understand that society has standards beyond compare. People are predicted to follow them. 

But, beauty is subjective, and not all things are supposed to look pretty. We are only subjected to look, feel, and act like humans.

Keep a journal. Review what you've done in the past years. Look at the relationships you've been with. We never know what's ahead of us, we don't hold an accurate answer.

Failure will be present and it measures how persevering and true we are to our goal.

Self-acknowledgment leads to learning self-respect. Allow yourself to feel lovable and capable.

After all, it is not what we can't do that brings us fear, what frightens us the most is how powerful we can be beyond measures. 

Let your light shine.

We don't live in the information age, we live in the information overload age. We pass the information age about 20 miles back, we are all on overload. Everybody that I talk to whether I'm working one-on-one with Inner Circle clients, whether I'm working with my 30k Income Secrets, group coaching clients or whether I'm talking to big companies, CEOs and vice presidents of big companies, everybody tells me they're on overload. Are you feeling the same way?

What does overload mean?

It means there's too much information out there. There are many transformative, practical methods, practice and training programs that will guide us in transforming individuals to accomplish excellence.

There are over a billion blogs on the internet and that's one for every seven human beings on this planet. How do we cut through the clutter and go from information to transformation? If you want to learn how to do anything you can go on YouTube and find out how to have a solution.

  • Whether it involves your business.
  • Involves your career.
  • Involves your home improvement
  • What involves your weight, your health, your relationships.

There are a billion blogs out there and videos on how to do anything that you could ever think of and things you can't even think of.  Create happiness by changing your perspective as a person, strategic teachings that are empowering and the abundance of transformed mindset will cultivate confidence and opportunity in your future.

Why do we need anything?

The reason that we need some help is because sometimes we get stuck and one of the ways we get stuck is trying to go from where we are to where we want to be. we forget the benefit of movement, stopping is practiced when you shift valuable things you've learned. I call that going from your CPR to your NDR.

CPR stands for Current Perceived Reality 

  • Where you are
  • You are who you think you are 
  • You are where you think you are
  • You have the limitations that you think you have

NDR stands for New Desired Reality

  • That's your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Will Rogers said, it ain't what a man doesn't know that gets him in trouble, it's what he knows it ain't. What this means for you is that a lot of times we think things about ourselves that aren't really true. Humans' attachment to the field of negativity has consciously changed our opportunities, and society impacts our actions to succeed in challenges that we vision to achieve.

  • I can't do it 
  • I'm not smart enough
  • I'm not good enough
  • I'm not techy enough 
  • I don't have the right skills 
  • I don't have the right talent 
Transform Your Life - Head Trash

I call that your head trash, that's why I've written 15 books on this one subject, how to get rid of your head trash about money. Commit to improve your potential worth by thinking positively, discover the quality of your passions to serve your purpose. Accept the suffering to achieve that expansion, dedicate your strength, presence, and effort to your mission.

Go From CPR To NDR

What does that mean for you? For everyone that I've ever coached over the last two decades of helping my clients, people just like to add over 2.7 billion dollars in sales. It really comes down to these four things which we call living the freedom lifestyle.

  1. More time
  2. More energy
  3. Better relationships
  4. More money

The freedom lifestyle means you have those four things, how do we go from where we are, to where we want to be. Clarify your answer to get started and maintain a regular check to your plans to properly execute it. It comes down to these three simple steps:

1. You Need To Identify Where Is Your Pot Of Gold

We all want more time, more energy, better relationships and more money but what does that mean to you? A lot of my coaching clients tell me they want to get to 30k per month in their online business, they want to get to 30k per month. That's like the magic number, at 30k a month you are really killing it, you are in the top two percent of people who are making money online. 

I've helped many people get to that level all, the point is at 30k a month that's where you want to go. It could also be in your health, it could be in your relationship, it could be in your career, you want to get  that career advancement. You have the permission to receive change and correct your path.

2. Why Do You Want To Get There?

What is your why on why do you want to get to where you want to go now? It's one thing to say I want to get to 30k a month in my online business, why do you want to go there? You get in your car and you drive to the grocery store, you go in the store and why was I here again? What do I want and you don't know why you're there. 

What do you do? You walk around the aisles for a while and you look at some stuff, that was kind of dumb. You get back in carter, go home that wouldn't make any sense would it? That's what so many people are doing in their lives, they're doing that in their careers and business.

You have to understand what other reasons, it's really important to understand. I call it finding your because, finding your because is a very important step that I teach in my books like Power Habits®, the new science for making success automatic. The whole point about that is you've got to make sure that you understand why you want to get there because if you don't know why you want to get there, then even if you get there you'll probably sabotage it.

3. Identify What's In Your Way

What's standing between you and your end? What are the obstacles, uncontrolled conditions, and misery that contribute to your actual growth? what's standing between you and your NDR and getting to your CPR? 

Going from your CPR to your NDR means you've got to understand that there are three kinds of gaps that you can have. There are three helpful gaps that are standing between you and what you want.

Transform Your Life - Identify What's In Your Way

A. Knowledge Gap - “know where I want to go, I don't want to get there but I don't know what to do”

Most people probably won't admit that they don't believe they can do it but that's why you need to have the right support from a coach, a mentor, a trusted friend. I call it a loving mirror, somebody who believes in you, before you even believe in yourself. If you don't have that belief in yourself then you will give up because it's a lot harder. You have to build a foundation and then you can have whatever it is that you want.

B. Skills Gap - “I don't know how to do it and I don't have the tools”

Set your daily wisdom that you may feel the nature of spiritual instructions to keep you inspired in creating joy in the outcomes of your dream. Aim to be happy in the principles of life, have peace, be gratitude, be grateful and enjoy every moment of life. The creation you spend will have blessings that result to inspire people to be successful and develop amazing perseverance in life.

C. Belief Gap - “I don't have the support and I don't believe that I can do it”

Remember that waking up every morning means a continuous gift to improve life, accepting beliefs, and a chance to be a professional. Tomorrow is a new beginning, the earth keeps on writing our future to save and celebrate the gifts of opportunities that God gave us.

Start your day with love, change the desire of your mind and experience a day with the process of learning. Make it a habit to read a book, share your meaningful goals to the universe, free your body and soul from unhappiness and focus on your pure dreams. 

Follow your plan of action and it will have everlasting impact.

Imagine how fear brings us to realizations that empowered our values to remain understanding and challenge our responsibility. Transforming life requires deep forgiveness from the past misery in life, it's hard to control and decide but you've got to solve that fear to be able to reach your peak.

How to embrace change when you don't want to? Change is the thing that we all love to hate and we hate to love. People learn to hate it, what are we talking about? Let me make this very clear for everyone, what do people want? What do you want to write down? What do you want in life right now? Do you want to keep on embracing failure and resist opportunities?

Based on my conversations with thousands of entrepreneurs, small business owners, coaches, health professionals, network marketing professionals, and internet marketers over the last two decades. People want to make more money, someone wants to get to 30,000 a month in business. You want to make 30k a month, here’s the 30k income secrets:

1. We Want More Money and Time to Embrace Change

We want more time to enjoy the good things in life, that's what we all want. I've identified that as what I call the free lifestyle, the freedom lifestyle has four elements.

  • have more time to enjoy the good things in life
  • have more energy so that you can actually enjoy
  • you want better relationships 
  • we want more money 

The point is that's what we all want, we all want those things that represent a change from the things that we are right now. The success that would let us live easier and experience career growth that create opportunity and inevitable possibilities in life. 

If I want more money then that means I want to change, if we want more time we want change, what is the only thing that people can actually want? The only thing we can want is change, seeking reality to accomplish life's crisis.

What are your fears?

Let's talk about some common fears, fear might be running out of money. Changing to a negative mind, potential experiences, constant goals and other natural loss is one of the fears of some people. A lot of people as they're getting older, nearing retirement age and they're afraid of running out of money and outliving money.

That's a big fear of older people, as we're getting into our 50's and 60's and towards retirement age, afraid of actually outliving money, another fear like getting sick and running out of money. These types of things we fear, those are the common fears that we notice in living our personal life.

Embrace Change - What are your fears?

What do all those represent? all those things that we fear represent change. Isn't it ironic that the only thing that people can want is change and yet the only thing we can fear is also change. The transition moment is moving deeper in response to the comfortable culture to growing discomfort level in uncertainty of life.  

That's the point, isn't it ironic when I'm doing my training when I'm working with my clients one-on-one or with my group coaching classes like 30k Income secrets or Inner Circle by Noah. People say they want all those things that we talked about. 

Who wants change? Everybody raises their hand even when I'm doing virtual training, private workshops or even virtual trains for a thousand or five thousand or ten thousand people. Talking to companies and organizations associations, I always say how many people want change.

People want change but we don't want to change, it doesn't work that way on planet earth. On planet earth we have to change, we've all heard the expression the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results. We know that if we want more time, more energy, better relationships, and more money we have to do something different because if not, then you'd already be doing it right.

The question becomes how do we embrace change when people never want to change? there's not one of us that says, I can't wait to make these changes in my life, I can't wait to change. 

What we should say is I can't wait for things to be better. Remember to take steps to reach the chance, let the impact progress in your current resources to have positive outcomes. 

What do we do?

  • Identify what you want 
  • what is it you want?
  • where are you going?

What is it you want? I call that your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. you're going in your car do you get in your car and drive around in circles and come home. That would be kind of dumb wouldn't it? 

Nobody would do that, you need to know where you're going even if it's just down the street, to the grocery store to pick up some milk and eggs. Keep a mindful connection to the path you want to achieve, the key is to keep on learning in the process of accepting and facing your fear.

2. Why Do You Want to Embrace Change?

You don't drive to the grocery store, go in and walk around for a while, get back in your car and come home. That wouldn't make any sense either, got to the grocery store but didn't have any reason to go so I just walked around for a while, looked at stuff and then came home and that would be kind of dumb. 

Isn't that scary? having no ideas, no list of goals, no stories to tell, no character to handle, and no credit for improvement. Guide yourself from adversity to acknowledge the resilience and integrity you have.

3. You've Got To Identify What is the Gap

What is the gap? There are three kinds of gaps that are holding you back from reaching your goal.

Embrace Change - You've Got To Identify What is the Gap

A. Knowledge Gap - “Know where I want to go, I know why I want to get there but I don't know what to do to get there.”

When I started my company, my college dorm room in 1997 in the middle of a recession. I had 800 and a book on html and I said, I also had a mission. What is your mission to do what you're doing, the point is why do you want that?

What is it? and then what's in the way? I knew that I had a mission to teach the world about Power Habits® to teach the world about how to get rid of their head trash. This mission happened over 20 years ago to teach people to get rid of their head trash, how to stop driving the road of life with one foot on the break.

What do I do? I knew I didn't know what to do. I spent the first 10 years of my business from 1997 to 2007 not knowing what to do, I never broke six figures because I didn't have a plan. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to do it and worst I had no support. Those are the three elements of making the changes.

  • You got to know what to do. 
  • You have to plan. 
  • You have to know how to do it. 
  • You have to have the right tools 

B. Skills Gap - “I don’t know how to do it and don’t have the tools to do it”

That's the nature of people, we start to stay unknown and accept failure. The practices we've known our whole life became a formula to reject being discovered. People are shifting from pain, loss, and negative lives instead of simply seeking positive teaching and support.

C. Belief Gap - “I don’t think I can do it”

That's what 98% of people out there are saying. Why even bother if you believe that you can't do it? What do you think is gonna happen? You got to know what to do, find somebody who knows how to do it, find someone who's done it, find someone who's done it and help millions of people do it too. There are times that you need to seek help to start your goal to accomplish the job right.

I've helped millions of people through my books, Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money.

The belief gap is the one that you have to overcome, you can't just sit there and believe, you have to take action. Let that river of control bring color to the events in your life inclusive the downside of life, step on the changed social sense to make your story, tips, and outcome may change life.

Let me give you a bonus tip: 

Embrace the suckiness because it's going to suck, you have to go through the sucky part before you get good. What average business people do, what average entrepreneurs do is they wait till they’re good. 

Believe in yourself and then it'll magically happen, on this planet earth we have to do this annoying thing called work and we have to do this annoying thing called being sucky at something before you ever get good at it.

Embrace the suck and embrace the fear, embrace the fact that you're gonna hate it and

it's gonna suck and you're gonna look stupid. I could say every one of my coaching, whether they're in my 30k Income Secrets or whether in my Inner Circle, this is something we have to embrace the change and nobody likes it. 

Feel the change as a person and sooner, you'll start to care for the community and the language of love.

What are smart goals? Back in the 1960s, there were researchers that talked about goals, how to do goal setting, and achieve progress which project a cool acronym called smart goals. A guide of topics to be focused is a free tool example to create relevant progress on the template of your goal.

Smart goals stands for specific measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Smart goal means you need to have something that's a specific focus where you are achieving and it's got to be measurable, you have to know what the objectives of success are.

  • It has to be achievable
  • It's got to be a performance that you can accomplished
  • It has to be relevant platform
  • It means promotion to you 
  • It seems worthwhile and it has to be time-bound 

When you focus and when you've achieved a targeted campaign, that's what smart goals really are. It's perfectly logical because that's what humans do, we think about something we want and we take timely steps to get it but here's the problem with smart goals.

Reach on the average in increasing sense of growing as an individual position. Set the team to increase marketing track based on the social platforms, this may improve  the company deadline and create training to increase the resources within the time-frame. 

Humans are goal oriented organisms but when you accomplish a lot, when you think about goals, people get very bent out of shape about goals and here's why. 

  • Have you ever gotten married
  • Have you ever planned a vacation 
  • Have you ever taken a trip maybe across the country, on a plane or taking a cruise.
  • Did you goal your wedding?
  • Did you go on vacation?
  • Did you plan your party?

What it means is that the attainable goals for millions of people is certainly a lot for people, this leads the development to get very bent out of shape. A quantifiable listing scale of mistakes and popular reports from running platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Messenger that have been accomplishing decent revenues from people.

These platforms may be used to have sessions and webinars to break the hard boundary for easier guidance in reaching goals.

What Are Your Plans?

What I plan to do is I plan to make thirty thousand dollars a month in my online business. Noah has a program called 30k Income Secrets, it teaches you how to get to 30k per month in your online business.

Smart Goals - What Are Your Plans?

A lot of people, when you say the content objective of a goal, it just puts it way out there. That's the goal but you never take any action to achieve the milestones.

  • What are your plans for the next 90 days? 
  • What are your plans for the next six months? 
  • What are your plans for the next 12 months? 
  • What are your plans for the next two to three years?

When you start to ask that question, your brain instantly switches. This is what I've seen in both myself and working with my coaching clients.

For example one of my clients came to me, she was sixty thousand dollars in debt because she'd spent all this money on all this self-help stuff, and she was about to declare bankruptcy. She was about to lose her home, she was about to lose her motivation to boost and start up easy.

All this self-help stuff isn't helping, in fact it's making everything worse. She decided to hire me as her coach and I started doing exactly what I'm sharing with you today.

We started forgetting about goals and talked about her plans. In less than a year, she went from sixty thousand dollars in debt from all the other self-help programs to a six-figure income.

She’s doing what she loves, now she's actually published her first book and she asked me to write the forward for her book because of how I changed her life.

Building direction, purpose and optimizing strategy to approach opportunities ahead. 

What does this mean for you?

1. Forget About Goals

I'm not saying don't have goals, but don't talk about goals and talk about your plans. Launch your plans into efforts to process and grow your career.

2. Understand What’s Goal

  • What is that plan?
  • What is that target? 
  • Why do you want to get there?

Aim in creating realistic goals to experience reasonable platforms in the industry.  Continue to generate the plans you have, check your customers, ask questions if you need to, ask the users using media platforms to complete specific goals in time and for you to manage a certain job.

3. Write About What's in Your Way

  1. What's the obstacle that's holding you back?
  2. What's the gap?
  3. Why don't you have it?
Smart Goals - Write About What's in Your Way

Review and check your personal ability, common grounds, your leadership as a whole, the qualifications needed to be involved in order to provide action in improving additional tools and criteria. 

  • Is it a Knowledge Gap - You don't know what to do? 
  • Is it a Skills Gap - You don't know how to do it?
  • Is it a Belief Gap - You don't believe you can do it?

If you have a belief gap, you need to find a coach, find a mentor that will help you find who believes in you before you believe yourself. A person that shows you the way step by step like for example in Noah's Elite Inner Circle and 30k Income Secrets.

I show you and hand you my Authority Cycle, Five Step Framework and that has caused many people to make so much money. It worked for them over the last two decades, why not for you? 

The key is to have a current plan and apply positive management that helps the customer to plan actionable advertisements and templates for the plan and goals. Being smart in goals links the progress from day to day, provides increased positive views from people that may be an answer to your success in career setter.

What are you going to do over the next 30 days for you to set yourself up for success and for you to set yourself up for a new opportunity?

  • Do you want to start up your career?
  • Learn about the online business industry?
  • Travel and gain knowledge about day to day jobs?
  • Meet friends and learn ideas from friends?
  • Experience simply creating skills?

We just left the year behind, but did we really leave it behind? A lot of people didn’t. There is so much fear, uncertainty, pain, and suffering that build up worldwide during the pandemic and it’s not over yet. People can't feel the perfect way to live due to the pandemic, maybe we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I think we can.

What Does It Really Mean?

  • All of that fear
  • All of that doubt
  • All of that uncertainty

There are also people who have unprecedented growth, evolution, expansion from the last year. I’m one of those people because as I saw the pandemic unfolded, I realized that this represented unprecedented opportunity:

  • For growth 
  • For expansion
  • For self expression
  • For evolution

What are your goals going into this new year? Because a lot of people are setting new year's resolutions. Study shows that most new year's resolutions are broken above January 12, it didn't last too long. Started perfect confidence to create an amazing lifestyle, but the dream to achieve it didn't happen.

Why Is That Happening?

1. People Don’t Understand What Habits Really Are.

The point is, I want you to give you a different way to look at this whole topic of new year's resolutions and I want to talk about something specifically and that is a question that I want you to ask yourself.  What do I need to let go in order to make this year the year that I want it to be? 

Create Opportunities - People Don’t Understand What Habits Really Are.

You need to go after your goals but at the same time you're going after your goals, many people are driving down the road of life with one foot on the brake. You have one foot on the gas which is driving you towards what you want but you also have another foot on the brake which is holding you back from getting the things that you want. It may be personal goals, take a step to unlock the potential in learning to grow from your expertise. It's hard when people don't understand the habit they have and sometimes you're a boss, sometimes you want to write a blog, the goal is to fill the table with a unique success and luck for the future.

2. What Is It That You Need To Let Go?

It is important to set your target, connect your purpose to improve your influence to the community. set your strategy to increase professional capabilities in order to promote the future with no hustle. A person should notice simple existing negative thinking in a team to let go of specific issues needed to be addressed.

What’s One Thing You're Going To Let Go in the Next 21 Days?

  • The fear of financial insecurity
  • A job that isn't filling you up, being busy by the sake of being busy.
  • The feeling of not being enough 
  • The feeling of doubting yourself
  • The feeling of procrastination
  • The feeling of self sabotage
  • the feeling of not meeting the contents

I’ll give you an example, I was talking to my parents and they told me that they’ve watched a great movie that they enjoy watching. I asked what was it? They say Hollywoodland. I say that’s a great movie, Ben Affleck and Adrien Brody. She said no, it’s Adan Brody. I said no it’s Adrien Brody the actors name is Adrien Brody, I even spelled it out. We’re arguing there, they’re arguing with me. It’s about 10 minutes later, they called me back and she said you  know what? You’re right it is Adrien Brody. 

Create Opportunities - What’s One Thing You're Going To Let Go in the Next 21 Days?

What's the point of the story? What is it to you? The point is I learned that in my entire life, I've been doubting myself because that's what I grew up with, an argumentative family. For years, for almost all of my life, I prefer to doubt myself. I realized that the number one thing that I want to let go this year is doubting myself. Spend social activities in a circle to gain tips on how to corporate respect, choice, and service to be better in the field of entrepreneur.

Doubting myself has cost me probably millions of dollars just doubting myself and not trusting my intuition, listening to the wrong people, what does this mean for you? What is the one thing that you’re going to let go right now in the next 21 days? Why do I keep telling in 21 days? Because study shows that it takes 21 days to change a habit, it takes 90 days to really install that habit.

3. You don't have to do it alone.

There is help available for you. Whatever you do, I want you to realize that there is help available for you. I wished I had known this many years ago when I was struggling to get my business going, or self-esteem which I haven't had any. Make sure to get yourself the help that you deserve so you can have the time, the energy, relationships and money that you really deserve.

Speaking and asking questions is free, spend time to develop a path to your desired freelance job. Don't be afraid to ask advice from a coach, ask for the services offered. Speak and reach to remote communities, let your position offer promotion to the local community. Offer charity for the need, offer education that creates people to share your love, goals, values to people. By offering your service, you're building a family to grow like you did.

Are you trying visualization right now? Are you visualizing your goals and not getting the results that you really want? Do you want to learn different techniques to achieve powerful visualization? Spend time in creating vision, free yourself from negative things, and bring your attention to the success of your goals. Don't compare your achievement to others, days and night may be hard, but set your expectancy high and scatter the power of visualization.

What Is Visualization?

Visualization is the practice of visualizing in your mind and using your imagination to project forward in time of the things that you want. By the use of visualization, people will start to imagine success and achieve a future with positive outcomes. One of the things that I work with my 30k Income Secrets and my Elite Inner Circle clients is this process of what I call,  going from your CPR to your NDR.

CPR is your Current Perceived Reality

  • That's where you think you are right now today.
  • That's where you have the time, the energy, the relationships and the money that you have.

NDR is your New Desired Reality

  • That's your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
  • That's where you have more time to enjoy the things you really want to do.
  • More energy so that you can actually enjoy life.
  • Better relationships so you have the people around you, 
  • Your life and business that make you happy and feel fulfilled and joyful.
  • More money so that you can enjoy the finer things in life.
  • A week of sitting in a theater and taking a break.

Do you want to have more time, more energy, better relationships, and more money? Do you want to experience your daily life as bright as morning and feel complete from day to day? One of the things that I teach is 30K Income Secrets Elite and Inner Circle which are both coaching products of Noah is to practice writing down the things that you want. Write that down, get very clear on your goals, get very clear on what it is that you want. Feed the subconscious with positive visualization that may result in motivation on performing the dreams you visualize.

The goal is, I want to make 30,000 in my online business. Now with the visualization, just picture the image in your mind. imagine yourself growing old, arms and hands are tired, drinking coffee while thinking about the photograph of your family and friends. Imagine that you're finally experiencing living a vivid life as you aged, set that positive affirmation you've learned and focus on meditation.

  • Picture when you have all that money.
  • Picture to yourself driving a new car.
  • Picture that house that you're gonna buy with all that money.
  • Picture the moment you're on a vacation.

Visualize it, you're obviously not doing something right because you're not visualizing it well enough that's why you don't have it right now. Visualize it, put some energy, put emotion into it. Avoid that negative feeling, exercise your brain to gain positive development that will guide you to create strong sensation and improve visualization.

Why Don't I Have What I Want?

It's actually very simple, the reason that's never going to work is because they never told you how to actually get what you want. there's something in between your CPR and your NDR, there's actually something between it and it's what I call a gap. There's a gap between where you are and where you want to be. If there wasn't a gap then you'd already be there wouldn't you?

Visualization - Why Don't I Have What I Want?

What I've been teaching my coaching clients for over two decades is that most human beings are unknowingly, unconsciously, and unwittingly driving down the road of life with one foot on the brake and if you're driving down the road of life with one foot on the brake, how long is going to take you to get to your destination? it's going to take you a long time, in fact you might never even get there. life isn't a marathon, but remember that your office wouldn't pay your lifetime bills. Plot your life and select positive people, you'll notice super positive dashboard plans ahead of you.

  • That's one of the big reasons that my clients make so much money. 
  • That's one reason that I felt my clients add six figures, multiple figures to their businesses and have more time, more energy better, relationships and more money all while working less.

It's quite a dream to spend your excess time with family without worrying about money. Remember I want to remind you that there's nothing actually wrong with visualization, I think it's great that you are visualizing and filling in your body but if you don't have the steps and if you have the three gaps, nothing will manifest. The different types of category are ready to be on fields of motions, the visions and goals should be visible in the eyes of the public, a vision needs to be supported and should serve as a break for you.

Live life with a direction, sounds easy to do but loud enough to visualize the hard process to achieve the positive affirmations you've dreamt about. Being successful doesn't happen in a blink of an eye, look at the eyes of the athletes, they train during spring, summer, fall, and winter to achieve that visualization of success. In times of precipitation, achieving success easily fades. However, the ability to target a wide range of imagery and visualization offers representation of completed career and elevation of excitement powers your actions.

Three Gaps You Can Have

1. Knowledge Gap

- That means I don't know what to do.

- I’m not sure what to do to actually reach my NDR

2. Skills Gap

- I don't know how to get there maybe.

- I know what to do but i don't have the right tools. 

- I don't really know how to get there.

3. Belief Gap

- I probably can't even do it anyway so why bother.

- You know what I think I'll just go watch some T.V.

A Belief Gap is the thing about your head dressed, it says I can't do it because. The statement that would harness you from your cell and sentence you with a negative life.

  • I want all those things you just talked about but I don't have the time. 
  • It's going to be too hard. 
  • I'm not a technology person, I don't want to get stuck in all the tech stuff. 
  • I don't have a lot of time.
  • I don't have a lot of money.
  • I've tried everything else
  • I've been lied to before, the gurus lied to me and ripped me off so I'll just stay right where I am.

Are you thinking, What Are You Going to Make Yourself?

  • If you say you don't have the time, you won't have the time.
  • If you say you don't have the money, you won't have the money.
  • If you say you can't do it you're going to make yourself right. 

Previous moments that map your fears from your decisions, achieving those maximum mistakes that moved your sensations to the right position. It only takes a couple of pieces of advice to make your sight right, it may not release perfectly but it can change poor decisions in life to start wearing positive visualizations.

Visualization - What Are You Going to Make Yourself?

People learned that no matter what season or temperature a day is, visualization of our goals estimates our presentation that should result with a provisional step from the accumulated technique from the power of visualization. Create the positive dashboards you want to plant, fill your desk with powerful motivation and most importantly, picture the trends that level up the minimum trend to a maximum trend.

That's what millions of people are suffering from, poisoning and repeating mistakes that increase fear be trained. Do you have one of those gaps, do you have a knowledge gap, skills gap, and belief gap. What you really need is to have what we call the three pillars of transformation, that's what's going to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Keep your souls and brains motivated to earn chances that involve the benefits of achieving your goals.

The Three Pillars Of Transformation

1. The Right Plan

- You need to know what to do.

2. The Right Tools

- You need to know how to do it.

3. The Right Support

- You actually need someone in your corner believing in you before you believe in yourself.

Get yourself a confident team and be interactive, explore specific exercises to grow, be united with success and walk relaxed and repeat the vision you pictures. That's one of the biggest things that I do for my clients and one of the biggest reasons that my clients have made over 2.7 billion dollars since 1997 is because I am the person in your corner believing in you before you even believe in yourself. The consistent training, stronger mental, and effective visualizations will be leading us with a confident sound of success and positive affirmations.

According to a data, the average mortality rates of birth and death is caused by increasing changes that occur overtime. To avoid countless deaths, people should aim on the improvement of the resources. Not only would this help us achieve the principles of our goals, this would also activate the benefit for the people. Overdose your minutes for a period of time with positive visualization in achieving the vision of your soul. 

The annual patterns people need to include to properly focus on the positive outcome is to set goals based on what you really want to achieve and you'll finish the vision on perfect timing.

People have the visualizations tool to manifest an individual to hear examples of visions, creative visions that would instantly keep them running and aim for winning that goal of success. the detailed scientific method on how visualization manifests on people can be found in different software such as windows explorer.

The purpose of envisioning positive outcomes is to know the impact of Imagining and picturing change for the environment including the people itself. Visualization of change that would create effective and relative programs to map out plan of performance and recommendation needed to manifest. The list of feelings I picture during a competition like business, creates an adjusted feeling of nervousness. Visual increases the ideal motion needed to manifest to be confidently focused on your personal senses.

Most people live a life of quiet desperation, that's a famous quote. Most people live lives of quiet desperation, why is that? There's a lot of reasons for that, one of the big reasons  is because people simply don't ask for what they want, they settle for less than they want. People should start a plan in order to step forward to their goal and live easy, focus their mind to the action and create change in our daily life.

I remember when I was growing up, In 1984. When I graduated high school, there was no internet. There were only two high paying jobs out there:

  • Doctor 
  • Lawyer 

Those are the two things that every mother wished that their kid would be when they grow up, to be a doctor or a lawyer. I remember growing up that I didn't want to be a doctor and I didn't want to be a lawyer, neither of those appealed to me. I wandered around for many years and I didn't know why I was here on earth.

I tried a lot of different jobs, I tried a lot of different things but nothing ever worked out. I was reading lots of self-help books and I just couldn't put the pieces together, at the age of 25 I decided to commit suicide because I didn't know why I was here on earth, that’s the last moment my life was spared. Focus on the progress of your goals, it may be difficult but you'll achieve it at the right time.

I went on a long journey of self-discovery, finding my purpose on the earth. In April 1997, I discovered Afformations®, my Afformations® method of which I've written several books. I was very  fortunate to discover my purpose on earth but I still didn't know how to make money at it, how to have a business set even though I finally know why I'm here on earth.  

  • How do I make money?
  • How do I help people?
  • How do I make a difference?

It took a long time but I finally figured it out, now I've helped my coaching clients people just like you to add over 2.7 billion dollars using my authority cycle and Afformations® and power habits methods. I have a lot of methods, systems, frameworks, and formulas that help people to:

  • Make a lot of money
  • Have more time
  • Have that freedom lifestyle that they really want

How Can You Set Yourself Up To Succeed?

Set your mind with personal realistic goals to achieve, start planning the future with a positive list. How can you set yourself up? How can you live the life that you really want?

1.  Find Your Purpose Here On Earth

Find our purpose, that sounds easy to say doesn't it? it's really hard, it certainly was. when you start to find your purpose, it seems really difficult to unlock the potential you have. In my books like power habits, I do have a process for that which I call find your because.

Personal Goal Setting - Find Your Purpose Here On Earth
  • You want to find your because.
  • What is your because?
  • What is your reason why?
  • What is your why?

What happens is that, if you don't know your purpose, if you don't know what you're really passionate about, and what keeps you going. It's going to be very easy to quit and give up when things get tough and when do things get tough all the time. Practice a habit to reflect on the goals you set to achieve a positive performance you attain.

Things don't turn out the way we thought or hoped it happens all the time, it happens to everybody no matter who you are and no matter what stage of life. Things don't always turn out the way you want, what's going to keep you going? Why do most people quit before they reach their goals? You've got to find your purpose here on earth, challenge yourself to have a healthy thinking to achieve your potential.

The analogy that I always like to give is, if you go from your home to the grocery store:

  • You either walk
  • Take a bicycle
  • Drive a car
  • Take an uber
  • Take the bus

It doesn't matter how you get there, but you're going on a trip. You're going from where you are to where you want to be, you have a reason to get to go there. You don't go to the grocery store and walk around, look at the shells and go without a purpose. You have a purpose right even if it's just to get milk, egg, and bread, that's why you're there at the grocery store. You just go look around and go and that was fun and then go home, nobody would do that  but there's a lot of people doing that in their lives. People have different pathways to live, that makes us accountable for our decisions in life.

2. What Is Your Destination?

Where do you want to go? Did you evaluate the pathway you're planning to achieve? some examples that i hear:

  • I really want to get to 30k a month in my business especially right now with everything going on.
  • I want to get to 30k a month.
  • I want to do it without all these complicated funnels and without spending a lot of money on ads.
  • I don't really have a big list right now, can you help me get to 30k a month.
Personal Goal Setting - What Is Your Destination?

You can do that, the resources and strategies are all attainable to achieve your dream career. That's just one example of what you can do, reflect on this questions:

  • What is your because? 
  • Where do you want to get to?
  • What is going to keep you going?
  • In the tough times what is the thing that's going to keep you going?

It's got to be more than money, in my experience of over 20 years of helping my clients earn over 2.7 billion, ironically money isn't a good enough motivation for most people. For some people money can be their greatest motivation in creating their future career, some people are very focused on money. I've never been that way personally, I'm not driven by money. I'm certainly not suggesting that money is not important, money is important and powerful in terms of creating your future success.

I grew up poor in a rich neighborhood, I know better than most people how bad it is to not have money. Most people mathematically aren't making the money they want to be making here on earth and why is that? The idea of achieving money can bring happiness to people but it's hard for them to achieve, there's a lot of reasons why:

  • They don't have the right plan.
  • They don't have the right tools. 
  • They don't have the right support for them to actually reach their goals.

What is it that's more than money that's going to keep you going through those tough times? You usually find in my conversations with thousands of entrepreneurs over the last two decades, I've seen few people come to me and say you know what i really want to make a lot of money because money is the most important thing to me. It is smart for people to think about creating money, however when the challenging part of the progress on achieving your goals becomes difficult the behavior and mindset change.

3. Take Action

Rate yourself on a scale from one to ten, how stuck or abundant do you feel in time, energy in relationships and in money? Are your objectives on the last for lifetime? IN other words,

  • Do you have the time that you want? 
  • Do you have the energy that you want?
  • Do you have relationships you want?
  • Do you have the money that you want? 

If your answer is no to any of those then you need to take action, whatever it is. Decisions are always present in our daily life, from setting goals and day to day actions. People just need to learn what achievement they want to achieve in the future, whether it's to.

  • Read books
  • Get coaching 
  • Go back to school
  • Watch YouTube videos 

If you think that the key about the billions and trillions of youtube videos that are out there, you’ll know that all the information of the human race is here on youtube, the question is why isn't everyone a professional? it's because what's missing with videos is the insight, you're not really getting the insight that's why most people need the support, the personal step-by-step, honest guidance from somebody who's been there and then can show you the way. You can do it on your own if you want, you can get some help if it's easier for you to get some help that way. You can create a strategic compress time, rather than taking so long trying to figure it out for yourself.

Personal Goal Setting - Take Action

It took me over 10 years to figure this out trying to do it all by myself, it wasn't until I hired my first business coach back in 2007. That's what really changed everything for me, maybe it will for you too. That's really how you can set yourself up for success and how you can really get more of what you want over the next 12 months without having to settle for less than you

desire. Psychology says that we settle on the things we are comfortable with, however, people don't need to feel short in terms of success and achievement. People have the decision to change our imagination and focus on the goals we set to have psychological satisfaction.

One more bonus tip, look at what you're settling for:

  • Are you settling for not having the time that you want 
  • Not having the energy that you want 
  • Not having the relationships that you want
  • Not having the money that you want

If you're settling for less than you desire, then you have to take the action you can't just start talking about it like most people do. Make sure you're not one of those people, don't be that person that talks incessantly, instead be an action taker and let your actions do the talking.

That is really what's going to make the difference for you over the next 90 days, 6 months, 12 months, the next 5 years and 10 years for you and your loved ones and your legacy.

The point is, people should have the strategy to achieve the task they set to measure the performance needed on achieving the goal. Despite the difficult process in creating a pathway to achieve your dreams, the goals you set will soon create a change and impact the world. The progress may take small steps but the success will be based on the right decisions you learn throughout the entire process of achieving your goals.

Would you like to manifest some money right now? Are you thinking about how to attract money to change your financial status? There's a lot of people around the world who manifest some money right now without the stress, without the overwhelm, without having to build a bunch of complicated funnels, without even having to spend money on ads and without  working different jobs for weeks and not being able to create savings because of debts.

What is Money?

Money is a very important and a powerful thing here on planet earth. I grew up poor in a rich neighborhood, I know what it's like to have no money and there's nothing good about it. The desire to have abundance in terms of wealth and to be able to afford a house, car, and even pay your own bills. It sucks when you don't have the money that you want because:

  • Money represents choices 
  • Money represents freedom 
  • Money represents being able to choose the life that you want

One of the things that I teach in my thirty thousand dollar clients is how to reach that 30,000 per month level in your online business. Having a 30,000 automated months, that's when you really have that freedom lifestyle where you have more time, you have more energy, you have better relationships, and you have the money that you want to make the things happen that you really want to do. Wouldn't it feel fun, if the process of attracting and visualization of the future manifested? The feeling of content and focusing on habits that would make my physical body productive.

In reality when you have money, manifesting your dreams is easy. It is difficult to focus on the goals and visualize the future when you're struggling from your day to day finances. The feeling of living your daily life without the intention to set your goals and be grateful for life.

The point of why money is very important, and the people who say money isn't important, probably don't have any idea and they probably don't know what it's like to not have money. What I want to help you realize is that, you can manifest money without the stress because a lot of people are working really hard right now and they still don't have the money that they want.

I went through that for almost all of my life prior to doing what I'm doing right now, having my online business working from home. I know what it's like to be on that treadmill and you're putting in all of your time and you're just not making the money that you want.

Three-step Method to Manifest More Money

1. You've Got To Know What You Want

- What is the target that you're shooting after?

- What is the target you're shooting at?

- What is your destination?

If you're doing archery and you're just throwing your arrows all over the place, it's really not gonna work. Let's say you get in your car, then you say let's go somewhere and then you just drive around your neighborhood and you say I don't really know where to go, might as well just go home. That's what a lot of people are doing, they don't have a destination.

Manifest Money - You've Got To Know What You Want

The problem with the universe is overtime, people are simply visualizing living wealthy and not manifesting the goal. People aren't thinking of abundant life, they start to manifest negative mindset and forget the destination.

2. You Have To Know Why You Want To Get There

- What is the reason that you're working?

- Why do you want to have an online business?

Is it to have a greater impact? Is it to have more influence? To have more income? To have all three of those. That's what I teach my 30,000 coaching clients, how to have more income, more influence, and more impact by doing the things that you really want to do in life right.

You don't just drive down the street, go to the grocery store, walk around for a while, and then leave. You probably wouldn't do that, you would say if I'm going to the grocery store I'm going to get these groceries. You're going for a purpose, it's not enough to just reach your goal, you also have to know what you're doing when you get there.

People are limiting themselves about what they want to do, they don't create a positive mind for the future. Bring the vision into reality and experience a debt free life, positive vibration, and receive reasons to create more success in life.

3. Take Away The Things That Hinders You For Reaching Your Goal

If you're driving down the road, you're going to the grocery store and you know why you want to get there. You're in the car driving with one foot on the brake, guess what? It's still going to take you a very long time to get to the grocery store.

 Manifest Money - Take Away The Things That Hinders You For Reaching Your Goal

The whole point is, I’ll make you realize where you want to go, not only I’ll help you realize why you want to get there, I’ll also show you exactly how to get your foot off the brake to be able to stop yourself from stopping to the success you're capable of.

You can make money right now without the stress, without information overload, without even needing a big list.  The secret is to learn affirmations, the law of attraction that will help you manifest positive vision and magnet a positive action to achieve your desired goals. Applying the simple steps including the forces you manifested may gain you positive life which will manifest to you as a person.

Would you like to set yourself up for success this year? Reach your specific goals in life and achieve success on time? Would you like to make it easy for yourself rather than working so hard and not seeing the results you want? The plan to accomplish a task with positive achievement and positive performance to progress in your personal life? After helping my coaching clients at over 2.7 billion dollars over the last two decades, I've learned a thing or two about setting yourself up for success.

You need to follow these simple but very powerful steps to set yourself up for success and improve the ability to focus on the positive outcome. No matter what you're doing, setting yourself up for success means:

  • You have the foundation for living the life that you want. 
  • You have the foundation for having more time, more energy, better relationships, more money.

Healthy decisions in life is attainable when people manifest effective and positive mindset which may ensure living a freedom lifestyle, where you have:

  • The time to do the things you really want to do.
  • You have the energy so that you can enjoy doing things.
  • You have the relationships.
  • You have the right people in your business in your life.
  • You have the money that you want to accomplish.
  • Your big dreams.

The 3 Sneaky Steps to Set Yourself Up For Success

1. Identifying Your Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

Let me ask you this question, Would you get in your car, drive around in circles and then come back home without going anywhere? No one would ever do that and yet you know what people are doing with their lives. They're just driving around in circles, they say I don't really know where I want to go. In order to attain realistic and successful direction, people are required to set lifetime goals and effort to manifest a positive result.

An individual measures things based on the ability to control what's ahead. The problem is, people don't measure the process of planning to have an effective career. People should focus on the relevant impact of learning from experience and practice a habit to pursue a career with a positive impact.

  • If you don't have a destination
  • If you don't know where you're going 
  • If you don’t know why you want to get there 
Goal Setting - The 3 Sneaky Steps to Set Yourself Up For Success

It's really hard to get there isn't it? it's hard to know, it's hard to get where you're going if you don't know where you're going. Pay attention and reflect about your goal objectives, create a smart plan to achieve satisfaction. Failure doesn't mean that your goals aren't achievable, failure helps you to gain potential solutions to create strategy.

Identify your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, everybody wants more time, more energy, better relationships, more money, but what does that really look like to you? What's motivating you to stick on your goals and achieve that success? 

  • some people want a Lexus
  • some want a tesla 
  • some want a big house in the mountains
  • some want a condo on the beach

What do you plan to achieve? Set your goal as a motivation to create your future with a positive outcome. It doesn't matter what goals you want to achieve in life, but you've got to identify what it is.

2. Identify Where You Are Right Now

Where are you right now in relation to where you want to be? Where did your decisions brought you now? Did that decision save you from potential damage? or did it provide you with the ability to identify your CPR.

CPR stands for your current perceived reality

  • Where you are, who you think you are and you are where you think you are, and you have the limitations that you think you have right now. Are you thinking of being successful in life and gaining control on the life you want to achieve?

The thing is, you have a lot of time and the ability to attain that goal but you're not taking steps to start in the first place. I call that getting rid of your head trash but first you have to identify what your head trash is.

What is Head Trash?

  • Head trash is a bad weight that's holding you back to start your goals.
  • Head trash is the voice in your head that leads to potential bad outcomes.

Examples of Head Trash

  • I want to make more money, but I don't think I can do it right.
  • I want to double my income like your clients do, but I'm not even gonna try.
  • I want to get to 30k per month in my online business like your clients do, but I can’t.
Goal Setting - What is Head Trash?

Where are you right now in relation to where you want to be? Are you pursuing the goals you set? Are you trying to improve your writing skills? What are the strategies you have to approach those goals you set? You might say one from this list:

  • I want to have my own business
  • I want to write books like you do
  • I want to have online courses like you have
  • I want to coach people like you do

But you don't know where to start, that's the number one thing that people say to me when they hire me and when they work with me in my group coaching 30k income secrets or one-on-one in my elite inner circle. You can start to do that right now, confidence with a proper behavior will help to pursue and attain ambitious dreams.

3. Understand the Gap

What's the gap between where you are and where you want to be your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? what's the strategies that you pay attention to? Did it result in positive and effective terms? If there wasn't a gap then you'd already be there and if you're not there, meaning there has to be a gap. That just makes logical sense doesn't it?

Three Kinds of Gaps

1. Knowledge Gap

  • This means, I don't know how to get there.
  • I don't know what to do to reach my pot of gold.

2. Skills Gap

  • This means, I don't know how to do it.
  • I don't have the right tools.
  • Maybe I know what to do but i don't really know how to do it.

3. Belief Gap

  • This means you don't have the right support .
  • You need to have the right support from the right coach, the right mentor so that someone believes in you before you even believe in yourself see.

Achieving goals are becoming difficult from day to day, people feel short and as a result, people forget the goals they set. According to psychology, people need a break too and failure to do so may lead to negative mental health and behavior. Focus on creating a positive mindset to create a successful career. The number one thing that I see holding people back from the goal is:

  • They don't think they can do it
  • They don't believe that they can really do the things that they want to do 
  • If you don't believe you can do it well, you won't do it right because you just said you won't believe it.

An attainment of an individual doesn't define how short you are, understanding the suggested values and feedback from successful people may create an easier guide to accomplish the challenging part of achieving the goals you set. People should be oriented on which types of abilities needed to be approached by the individual to attain the efficacy of the set goal. 

You have to take action, that's actually the fourth step, the bonus step. You have to start to take action to overcome the gaps, learn to take action based on the experiences you have.  Here's the thing, remember that you can't just believe it to achieve it, you have to take action.

Why don't you believe in yourself? The reason is probably because most of the people have a lot of head trash. What Do You Have to do to Take Action When You Don't Believe in Yourself?  People should start a plan in order to step forward to their goals and live easy, focus their mind to the action and create change in our daily life. People should get rid of that head trash that's saying I can't do it because.

What is Head Trash?

  • Head trash is the thing that's holding you back
  • Head trash is the voice in your head that says I can't do it

Examples of Head Trash

  • I want to make more money, but I don't think I can do it right.
  • I want to double my income like your clients do, but I'm not even gonna try.
  • I want to get to 30k per month in my online business like your clients do, but I can’t.

1. Identify Your Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

- What is it that you want?

Do you want to publish a book?

Do you want to have an online course?

Do you want to get to 30k per month in your online business?

Do you want to do virtual events?

Do you want to do one-on-one coaching or group coaching?

Do you want to have an advance in your career?

Do you want to have a happy relationship?

Do you want to lose weight?

People need to figure out what it is. People should set a destination, set a target; not your goal but your target.

2. Reaching Your Target

- What is holding you back from reaching that target?

How to Take Action - Reaching Your Target

Three reasons you're not reaching your target:

  1. You have a Knowledge Gap that means you don't know what to do.
  2. You have a Skills Gap that means you might not have the tools or you might not know how to do it.
  3. You have a Belief Gap.

A Belief Gap is the thing about your head dressed, it says I can't do it because.

  • I want all those things you just talked about but I don't have the time.
  • It's going to be too hard.
  • I'm not a technology person, I don't want to get stuck in all the tech stuff.
  • I don't have a lot of time.
  • I don't have a lot of money.
  • I've tried everything else
  • I've been lied to before, the gurus lied to me and ripped me off so I'll just stay right where I am.

Are you thinking, What Are You Going to Make Yourself?

  • If you say you don't have the time, you won't have the time.
  • If you say you don't have the money, you won't have the money.
  • If you say you can't do it you're going to make yourself right.

Setback your imperfect path and fears from your decisions. It only takes a couple of minutes to make your mindset right, it may not be perfect but it can change simple decisions in life to start in a positive energy.

People Should Identify What is in the Way

- What's the gap? Do you have a knowledge gap? Do you have a skills gap? or do you have a belief gap? 

- Learn to understand your action, is there something wrong? 

- Are you making progress? Assess yourself and change your habit into something powerful to increase your enthusiasm.

It's a combination of all three of those, that's what I've seen both of myself as I've tried to progress throughout my lifetime and throughout my career. Every single time that I wanted to reach the next milestone, whether it was getting to my first ten thousand dollar month, my first hundred thousand dollar month, my first million dollar year. Every single time there was one or more of those gaps. Life offers success, however life offers failure too. It's only a matter of waiting for the right time, learning to stay focused, and starting to apply positive actions in our day to day life.

3. Determine How You're Going to Overcome the Gap

In the case of a knowledge gap, someone probably knows what you want to do. In other words, somebody's probably done what you want. Practice an effective mind to manifest the possibility to increase the chance of your dreams. 

How to Take Action - Determine How You're Going to Overcome the Gap

Let's say you want to publish a book, for example:

I publish 15 books - As someone who's published 15 books, I know everything there is to know such as the resources and conditions about publishing the input and output. I've helped a lot of my clients get their books published, their very first book even when they thought they couldn't do it.

A quick example, here's a case study for you. One client came to me, she hired me and she said I want to publish my book. I said great, do you have it already? I mean is it something you've been thinking about? Have you already written it? What's the status of it? then she said

I've already written it. Do you know where it is? I asked, she said it's in a shoe box in my closet. I said really? You have your book manager in a shoe box in your closet? She said yes. 

I said, the first thing you should do is to take it out of the shoe box. You might want to take it out of the closet because it's kind of hard to get it published in the shoe box or in the closet. Second,  I'm just curious how long it has been there and she said that it's been there 15 years. 

Do you think there's a little head trash there? Isn't that interesting because she actually already did it, had already done the hard part and the heavy lifting. She'd written the book but because she didn't know what to do, she didn't have a knowledge gap, she didn't have a skills gap. What she did have is a belief gap, she literally said nobody's gonna like it. What if they make fun of me? What if people criticize me? What if they don't like it? What if they don't like me? The fear of feeling that she won't achieve success rules her systems.

She slammed her foot on the break for 15 years. Long story short, I coached her through my power habits process and not only did she publish the book, she has published six more books. What are the odds of you creating difference and motivation for the people if you started working your writings back then? 

Imagine what this means for you, the obvious meaning is that you'll gain your worth and that feeling would force you to effectively progress in life.  The point is, you are capable of creating your life perfectly. People are born with imperfect lives to live, but we have a chance to escape the pain of living unknown. Follow the goals and dreams you set to avoid the feeling of inaction, time flies fast and so are we.

What you can do when you overcome your knowledge gap, your skills gap, and your belief gap?

That's really all you need to do, now you can hire a coach like me. I would say that the number one thing for most people is they don't have someone in their corner believing in them. That is the number one reason that's holding most people back from the success they're capable of. Taking action even when you don't believe in yourself. It only takes minutes to spend  a day with people who pay attention and listen to your words when life gets pretty bad. 

How to Take Action - What you can do when you overcome your knowledge gap, your skills gap, and your belief gap?

Let me just say one other thing, sometimes you have to take action when you don't believe in yourself. There's that old phrase that I hate which is called fake it till you make it. That's not right because instead of faking it, just take action and then you’ll realize that you will gain opportunity  after you've done it.

There were many times that I took action even when I didn't believe myself, I didn't believe that I could ever be a Hay house author. I dreamed of it but I never thought it would really happen, but now I'm a Hay house author, HarperCollins author, and a Nightingale-Conant author. People spent hundreds of dollars to make life feel better, because they think that a job is always available for them. The point is, there is nothing wrong in creating your own dreams without the thinking of being stuck. As someone who's done all of this, I can say for sure that 99% out of 100 that I didn't believe I could do it but I took action anyway. If I can do it, you can do it too. Remember that deprivation won't make your life's path easier, it will only create bad existential problems in your life.

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