Would you like to set yourself up for success this year? Reach your specific goals in life and achieve success on time? Would you like to make it easy for yourself rather than working so hard and not seeing the results you want? The plan to accomplish a task with positive achievement and positive performance to progress in your personal life? After helping my coaching clients at over 2.7 billion dollars over the last two decades, I've learned a thing or two about setting yourself up for success.
You need to follow these simple but very powerful steps to set yourself up for success and improve the ability to focus on the positive outcome. No matter what you're doing, setting yourself up for success means:
Healthy decisions in life is attainable when people manifest effective and positive mindset which may ensure living a freedom lifestyle, where you have:
Let me ask you this question, Would you get in your car, drive around in circles and then come back home without going anywhere? No one would ever do that and yet you know what people are doing with their lives. They're just driving around in circles, they say I don't really know where I want to go. In order to attain realistic and successful direction, people are required to set lifetime goals and effort to manifest a positive result.
An individual measures things based on the ability to control what's ahead. The problem is, people don't measure the process of planning to have an effective career. People should focus on the relevant impact of learning from experience and practice a habit to pursue a career with a positive impact.
It's really hard to get there isn't it? it's hard to know, it's hard to get where you're going if you don't know where you're going. Pay attention and reflect about your goal objectives, create a smart plan to achieve satisfaction. Failure doesn't mean that your goals aren't achievable, failure helps you to gain potential solutions to create strategy.
Identify your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, everybody wants more time, more energy, better relationships, more money, but what does that really look like to you? What's motivating you to stick on your goals and achieve that success?
What do you plan to achieve? Set your goal as a motivation to create your future with a positive outcome. It doesn't matter what goals you want to achieve in life, but you've got to identify what it is.
Where are you right now in relation to where you want to be? Where did your decisions brought you now? Did that decision save you from potential damage? or did it provide you with the ability to identify your CPR.
CPR stands for your current perceived reality
The thing is, you have a lot of time and the ability to attain that goal but you're not taking steps to start in the first place. I call that getting rid of your head trash but first you have to identify what your head trash is.
Where are you right now in relation to where you want to be? Are you pursuing the goals you set? Are you trying to improve your writing skills? What are the strategies you have to approach those goals you set? You might say one from this list:
But you don't know where to start, that's the number one thing that people say to me when they hire me and when they work with me in my group coaching 30k income secrets or one-on-one in my elite inner circle. You can start to do that right now, confidence with a proper behavior will help to pursue and attain ambitious dreams.
What's the gap between where you are and where you want to be your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? what's the strategies that you pay attention to? Did it result in positive and effective terms? If there wasn't a gap then you'd already be there and if you're not there, meaning there has to be a gap. That just makes logical sense doesn't it?
Achieving goals are becoming difficult from day to day, people feel short and as a result, people forget the goals they set. According to psychology, people need a break too and failure to do so may lead to negative mental health and behavior. Focus on creating a positive mindset to create a successful career. The number one thing that I see holding people back from the goal is:
An attainment of an individual doesn't define how short you are, understanding the suggested values and feedback from successful people may create an easier guide to accomplish the challenging part of achieving the goals you set. People should be oriented on which types of abilities needed to be approached by the individual to attain the efficacy of the set goal.
You have to take action, that's actually the fourth step, the bonus step. You have to start to take action to overcome the gaps, learn to take action based on the experiences you have. Here's the thing, remember that you can't just believe it to achieve it, you have to take action.
Why don't you believe in yourself? The reason is probably because most of the people have a lot of head trash. What Do You Have to do to Take Action When You Don't Believe in Yourself? People should start a plan in order to step forward to their goals and live easy, focus their mind to the action and create change in our daily life. People should get rid of that head trash that's saying I can't do it because.
- What is it that you want?
Do you want to publish a book?
Do you want to have an online course?
Do you want to get to 30k per month in your online business?
Do you want to do virtual events?
Do you want to do one-on-one coaching or group coaching?
Do you want to have an advance in your career?
Do you want to have a happy relationship?
Do you want to lose weight?
People need to figure out what it is. People should set a destination, set a target; not your goal but your target.
- What is holding you back from reaching that target?
A Belief Gap is the thing about your head dressed, it says I can't do it because.
Are you thinking, What Are You Going to Make Yourself?
Setback your imperfect path and fears from your decisions. It only takes a couple of minutes to make your mindset right, it may not be perfect but it can change simple decisions in life to start in a positive energy.
- What's the gap? Do you have a knowledge gap? Do you have a skills gap? or do you have a belief gap?
- Learn to understand your action, is there something wrong?
- Are you making progress? Assess yourself and change your habit into something powerful to increase your enthusiasm.
It's a combination of all three of those, that's what I've seen both of myself as I've tried to progress throughout my lifetime and throughout my career. Every single time that I wanted to reach the next milestone, whether it was getting to my first ten thousand dollar month, my first hundred thousand dollar month, my first million dollar year. Every single time there was one or more of those gaps. Life offers success, however life offers failure too. It's only a matter of waiting for the right time, learning to stay focused, and starting to apply positive actions in our day to day life.
In the case of a knowledge gap, someone probably knows what you want to do. In other words, somebody's probably done what you want. Practice an effective mind to manifest the possibility to increase the chance of your dreams.
Let's say you want to publish a book, for example:
I publish 15 books - As someone who's published 15 books, I know everything there is to know such as the resources and conditions about publishing the input and output. I've helped a lot of my clients get their books published, their very first book even when they thought they couldn't do it.
A quick example, here's a case study for you. One client came to me, she hired me and she said I want to publish my book. I said great, do you have it already? I mean is it something you've been thinking about? Have you already written it? What's the status of it? then she said
I've already written it. Do you know where it is? I asked, she said it's in a shoe box in my closet. I said really? You have your book manager in a shoe box in your closet? She said yes.
I said, the first thing you should do is to take it out of the shoe box. You might want to take it out of the closet because it's kind of hard to get it published in the shoe box or in the closet. Second, I'm just curious how long it has been there and she said that it's been there 15 years.
Do you think there's a little head trash there? Isn't that interesting because she actually already did it, had already done the hard part and the heavy lifting. She'd written the book but because she didn't know what to do, she didn't have a knowledge gap, she didn't have a skills gap. What she did have is a belief gap, she literally said nobody's gonna like it. What if they make fun of me? What if people criticize me? What if they don't like it? What if they don't like me? The fear of feeling that she won't achieve success rules her systems.
She slammed her foot on the break for 15 years. Long story short, I coached her through my power habits process and not only did she publish the book, she has published six more books. What are the odds of you creating difference and motivation for the people if you started working your writings back then?
Imagine what this means for you, the obvious meaning is that you'll gain your worth and that feeling would force you to effectively progress in life. The point is, you are capable of creating your life perfectly. People are born with imperfect lives to live, but we have a chance to escape the pain of living unknown. Follow the goals and dreams you set to avoid the feeling of inaction, time flies fast and so are we.
That's really all you need to do, now you can hire a coach like me. I would say that the number one thing for most people is they don't have someone in their corner believing in them. That is the number one reason that's holding most people back from the success they're capable of. Taking action even when you don't believe in yourself. It only takes minutes to spend a day with people who pay attention and listen to your words when life gets pretty bad.
Let me just say one other thing, sometimes you have to take action when you don't believe in yourself. There's that old phrase that I hate which is called fake it till you make it. That's not right because instead of faking it, just take action and then you’ll realize that you will gain opportunity after you've done it.
There were many times that I took action even when I didn't believe myself, I didn't believe that I could ever be a Hay house author. I dreamed of it but I never thought it would really happen, but now I'm a Hay house author, HarperCollins author, and a Nightingale-Conant author. People spent hundreds of dollars to make life feel better, because they think that a job is always available for them. The point is, there is nothing wrong in creating your own dreams without the thinking of being stuck. As someone who's done all of this, I can say for sure that 99% out of 100 that I didn't believe I could do it but I took action anyway. If I can do it, you can do it too. Remember that deprivation won't make your life's path easier, it will only create bad existential problems in your life.
In times like this, when social life is at rest, people need someone to remind them to find true happiness and practice positive Daily Affirmations and Afformations®. People are supposed to encourage one another to remember beautiful moments of life while sharing reasons to be grateful. Daily Affirmations and Afformations® shows the simple meaning of what should people apply to be happy and look forward to the future with a power to encourage people. Let's change the future by powerful statements and a positive and healthy life and by doing that, people may learn to manifest Daily Affirmations and Afformations® in their daily life.
Is there a science behind positive Daily Affirmations? If you've ever read self-help books, it's a powerful mindset practice which manifests specific positive events and actions. An affirmation is a statement simply known of something you want to be true or affirming an action.
One of the things I always have in mind is to practice affirmation examples, like every guru encourages people with an uplifting voice to talk simple messages to create a positive environment. Most common statement is I am rich, people were asked to say I am rich, everybody is repeating I am rich and you know what happens next? People start laughing and I ask, what are you laughing at? and they say, but I'm not rich. You just said you were rich a moment ago I tell, and people answer, but I don't believe it. When life offers difficulties, suggest an optimistic mindset to your brain which will also manifest to the body of a person. People allowed negative things define their life, instead of being resilient.
For some people, affirmation works incredibly, repeating dreams and goals daily to manifest Daily Affirmations. Some people had powerful results using Daily Affirmations, the problem is for millions of us, we didn't have that experience. In fact millions of people got frequently frustrated using affirmations, some people are not effectively empowering and encouraging themselves to simply believe. If you've ever had that experience of trying to use Daily Affirmations and yet you haven't seen the results, set a time to learn effective action to vision the benefits of Daily Affirmations. Millions of people all around the world have experienced Daily Affirmations and literally hundreds of thousands have told me with the feeling of joy and happiness that they've had that experience and learn over the last 20 years.
In 1997, I was in the shower one morning and I had an epiphany when I realized the existence of something that I call Afformations®. The development of psychological aspects in order to trust the process of creating a positive mind. Focus the energy on the positive benefits and possibilities of Daily Affirmations and Afformations®.
If Affirmations is a statement, an Afformations® is the question. Afformations® is creating a positive mindset to share effective guidance for the last two decades, reminds me of the studies I've written on the subject matter.
An Afformations® is an empowering question that immediately starts to change your subconscious thought patterns from negative to positive energy. Here's an example of people going around asking themselves very disempowering questions like:
Using The Law of Sowing and Reaping which is sometimes referred to as The Law of Attraction, The Law of Attraction is shared to people that whatever you set your mind into, you get to manifest it with positivity.The Law of Sowing and Reaping says, As you sow, so shall you reap. The effects designed to resonate one's behavior and action. People haven't come up with the benefits of thinking positively and on how it will bring power and abundance to a person's physical and mental health. That's where Afformations takes place, learn to have a healthy mindset in life.
When you ask lousy questions, you get lousy answers which can lead us to negative psychological health. Using my Afformations® method, instead of asking negative questions that lead negative ancestors and create a negative life, ask empowering questions that focus on affirming answers and create an optimistic role of life. Captivated by feelings and emotional aspects day by day, personal experiences may step forward to be told.
There was a woman who came to me and she had been overweight for her whole life. In fact, she was even told that since she was a kid, she was going to be fat and obese for the rest of her life. Imagine all the head trash that she had about her weight she had a lot of negative mindset due to the words told by people and a lot of people do, all around the world unfortunately. She told me that she tried every diet and exercise program and nothing was working, she found my Afformations® method and she invested in my Afformations.com system and she started to use it well.
She realized that she had been telling herself a lot of really disempowering and negative thoughts her whole life and it wasn't really her fault, it was the negative behavior of the people around her that had been telling her these types of negative words. In her daily life, she reminds herself to love herself and live life with positive people. She internalized it and using my Afformations® method, she was able to flip those disempowering questions to empowering questions and in no time, she ended up losing over 200 pounds.
Her experience is a perfect example of change, achieving goals, and success in creating dreams. People are encouraged to vision positive ideas through your personal dreams and ideas, through your mind and meditation. The point is that we have to understand that whatever you are thinking about, that is what you are sewing via the law of sowing and reaping.
People have to make sure that you're using the foundational process method of Afformations®, but you also have to do the rest of it with the power of positive practices, it's a whole system. Afformations® is the foundation, but then you have to do everything else in order to really get those specific results to provide our day with encouraging dreams to help us achieve personal life goals and having a positive vision of future success.
That's the point about using Daily Affirmations versus Afformations®. They're both fine, there's nothing wrong with Daily Affirmations. The effective way to learn affirmations worth is to focus on the goal and the mindfulness to achieve success. There is a psychological theory behind positive affirmations, the integrity is similar to power in which we recognize the ability to manifest moral success and practice flexible concepts when threatened. Affirmations and Afformations are positive mindset and guidelines that manifest future actions with success.
People need to understand the positive goals of Daily Affirmations and Afformations® to be able to set positive energy to the mind of people. Let's make our daily lives full of Positive Affirmation and Afformations, let every positive word provide healing and improve psychological aspects.
The benefits and worth of having a positive mindset is to remember beautiful moments and include the idea in your affirmations and Afformations. The concept of the study was to learn coping with changes and manifest it through action and broader understanding about how minds work when Daily Affirmations and Afformations® are implemented.
Whatever it is you want to manifest and whatever it is you want to experience. Whether it's more time, more energy, better relationships or more money, learn to put aside negative mind and practice positive energy. Doing the exact opposite of what's in the secret and what I do show you is the exact opposite of everything that you've been shown in the traditional success literature and many people have called affirmations the biggest things.
Our powerful guide using Daily Affirmations and Afformations® will set us with our goals to success and positive life. Don't let others treat you with no respect, don't set negative thoughts on your mind because we are supposed to be empowering people to create change for the people who experience it. People have their own mantra to stay positive and encourage themselves to do beautiful actions. The point is to manifest your dreams into reality, start to create something that would change your daily life routine.
We have some of the world's top celebrities that love my work including Jenny McCarthy, Gary Vaynerchuk, Stephen Covey, John Assaraf and then we have Just Amazing Stories of people who have helped make millions of dollars a result. Not just about Afformations® but also the concept of optimistic actions including flexible framework, the messages that Afformations ®includes is an amazing track to start.We have other celebrities Marie Forleo, Jack Canfield, Harvey Mackay, including Andre Branch who's a professional football player, he's gotten great results.
The point is people can manifest different results, the evidence from studies shows that the universe has a unique way to manifest future events. Developing confidence will manifest effective thinking which will guide our mind and our body to create better personality. The goal is to take charge in every action we choose to achieve, which encourages us to be responsible enough to resonate healthy outcomes to our daily life. People should have positive life goals, learn to focus on positive people. People feel negative things such as anxiety from day to day, however, every morning is a new shine to start to focus the mind to think positive.
People are responsible for empowering our mind to offer positive actions and lessen negative feelings that can provide us with soothing and relaxing feelings which will lead to success. Our physical body will be grateful if we manifest positive mindset and it will be helpful for people to practice both Daily Affirmations and Afformations®.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could have experience affirmation by with the guide of affirmations? people will affirm positive experiences to other people and helping others to learn the benefit of applying Daily Affirmations and Afformations® to our daily life. The images in our mind wouldn't just be visions but a reality of our dreams.
Our actions define our future life, our role is to be responsible for our actions and the effects it can produce to the people we love. The goals should be set and focus on something bigger and more true, people can’t rely on dreams we create and do no actions to it. By the help of positive thinking, people will effectively design the future to have a positive change in life to manifest Daily Affirmations and Afformations®. Our mind should change in a positive way to properly focus on creating positive guidance and impact on people.The point is to help create success that would change life without the feeling of negative energy.
In these challenging times, a lot is happening, people have to stay at home which affects the emotional stability of an individual, depression and anxiety became the topic. Stress and anxiety is a common problem to people, psychology says that our brains need time to relax while practicing exercises such as sleep, it’s a way to retrieve our sense of reality. However, I am grateful that I've had a work from home business for the last two decades and as far as the pandemic goes it really hasn't affected me at all, in fact it affected me in a positive way, because all of the people now are hiring me to help them so it can also be free way for you.
Some steps are provided to guide people on how to find your life purpose,set goals and define your passion. A lot of people hire me to coach them on how to scale, start and grow their online business to get to that 20,000, 30,000 or 50,000 per month income level and even more. The meaningful side of a grateful heart that discovers life with a bigger purpose to write. One of the questions we get all the time that people ask me now, is how do I find my life purpose?
The question is, How do I do that? How will I find the purpose of my life? How will the universe help me find meaning and joy in my actions? because there's so much conflicting advice out there and I really want to know why I'm here on earth. There are plenty of reasons for success, there is no smooth journey, but at the end of the day, the love from the people will bring us joy and strength to go forward. The journey with my passions brought me to success, the suffering and fears brought me to achieve my goal. Many years ago when I was 25 years old I decided to commit suicide because of this reasons:
The hours I spend thinking about how my life matters, finding the purpose and the meaning of living, I start to step on the journey that would change my life. Thinking that life is a game, you can play it easily or live life to the fullest. It took a moment of suffering, I didn't understand or discover my life purpose till I was 30 years old. The day I embrace my identity and learn to live positive, the quicker I change my path to reach my destination. When I had two epiphanies that changed my life in 1997, when I discovered Afformations® and when I also discovered success anorexia. The point is it took me a long time to discover my life purpose, but it doesn't have to take you so long, all you have to do is take a moment to learn my 3D method.
From the time that I was a little kid, I always loved writing and I love reading books, unlike any other kids. My passions helped me to write a bigger impact to people, the action I create to have a meaningful life and story to tell. The true meaning of happiness and joy that I sense while reading a book was awesome and according to my mother who is a teacher, as a former teacher retired, she said that I was reading books for fun before the age of two.
I would read books
I love books
I love going to bookstores
I love going to libraries
I spend my childhood in the library
I went and I read a lot of science fiction books by people like Isaac Asimov and Robert A. Heinlein and Anne McCaffrey and all the science and fantasy novels because I wanted to escape from the real world that I was in. When your heart is lost, looking for missing existence is the way to go. Maybe you have something like that that you've always loved, I used to dream that maybe someday I'd be an author and I said that's probably not going to happen I mean, the statement like Who's going to listen to me?, Why would anyone listen to me?.
Years later I'm the published author of 15 books including Power Habits, Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money, The Book of Afformations® published by Hay house, The Secret Code of Success published by HarperCollins, Permission to Succeed published by the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher.
I am the only author in history to have works published by Hay House, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Mine Valley, Nightingale-Conant, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul Publisher. No one else has ever done that before in history, the point is that's something that I always love and I'm passionate about. Expressing passionate writing skills and discovering bravery has told me that chances happen when you lessen pressures.
What does that mean?
What is something that you love to do? What would make your heart enjoy? What matters to your life? How will you impact the universe? Ask yourself some of this questions:
Do you love writing?
Do you love speaking?
Do you love singing?
Do you love painting?
Do you love golf?
Do you love pottery?
Do you love helping people create a difference?
Whatever that is, determine what you love and what you are really passionate about. Whether it's talent, skills and strengths, offer it with the community and bigger chances may manifest. Living life's true meaning of success and difference, a path of process finding the journey to success.
Offer your uniqueness, determine your unique offer. If you have reasons to positively impact a community through your actions, then do so. When I discovered success anorexia back in 1997, I realized that I had to help people with that problem because no one ever talked about it before, no one even knew what it was. The goal is to identify the unique talents a person could enjoy, bringing them with a meaningful life.
I wrote a book called Permission to Succeed and then I wrote a book called The Secret Code of Success published by HarperCollins and all these books, the point is I knew that I had to come up with something to help people with this very specific problem. If you look at being an entrepreneur, being an entrepreneur is really all about solving problems, it's about being a problem solver, but when you're solving people's problems, you have to package yourself up in order for people to hire and pay you. Many years ago when I started teaching, I would just coach people for free because I just love coaching and I love helping people. The gratitude I felt towards the community was my happiness, living life with a meaning and values.
What I realized is that it's great that I'm feeling good but right now my bank account wasn't looking so good. The goal was to feel passionate with my career while marketing my talents and skills. The point is, I realized that I've got to put this package together, I've got to put different packages together and change my business plans while spreading happiness and joy to the people.
Why Put Different Packages Together?
You're not only marketing your talents and skills, you're also making a difference to your dreams. Now my coaching clients and I have added over 2.7 billion dollars as a result of following my methods. You've got to determine your unique offer, what is it that makes you unique that people will pay for? Take a moment and vision yourself in a career you enjoy.
What is your growth strategy? How are you going to reach the people who are waiting to hear your solution to their problem? Do not fear the process of growth, finding meaningful strategies and creating strategies for growth.
With my high level coaching clients, my elite inner circle clients, we work on something called the Authority Cycle. The Authority Cycle is five stages where we start with:
When we have those five stages, the Authority Cycle happens in order we have a sequence and a step-by-step system for both of them. The formula for a good strategy is given, it is your job to decide and identify the things to discover to be able to vision success. Having the right attitude, thinking and values may lead us to our personal success, and in no time, we'll reach the dream destination our heart truly desires.
That's really how to find your life purpose and not just how to find your life purpose but also how to get paid for doing what you love which is basically like going to heaven without the inconvenience of dying. When life gives you games, play it. When you have questions, find answers. Do meaningful activities and the chance to step out and create your future.
The Law of Attraction has garnered significant attention in recent years, often portrayed as a mystical force capable of bringing all our desires into reality with minimal effort. However, beneath the surface lies a myriad of misconceptions and misunderstandings that cloud its true essence.
The Law of Attraction, popularized by books like "The Secret," revolves around the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. While the concept itself isn't inherently flawed, the way it's often interpreted and applied can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment.
The law of attraction is a vast, abundant concept that brings impact to people. The law of attraction is taught and shared to people that whatever you set your mind into, you get to manifest it with positivity. People haven't come up with the benefits of thinking positively and on how it will bring power and abundance to a person's physical and mental health.
That would be nice, wouldn't it? People in the universe would be really grateful if that were true, lives would be easier, creating the future, and infinite joy would be leading people ahead. Focusing on the possibilities that the law of attraction could offer and the limitless dreams and power that people desire the most would simply be achieved by believing that it's real. The point is that they teach in movies like the secret, they teach a three-step method which are:
That's all you got to do, ask for what you want, believe you're going to get it, and then you just receive it. Doesn't that sound great? the tool to make the law of attraction possible is simply offered, all we need to do is respond yet we lack to understand the law of attraction. The idea of achieving a million dollars and then you just wait for it to come in reality is just a vision in mind, that's not going to work that way, not unless we discover reality, the reality that the law of attraction should come with the ability to produce realistic actions.
It would be great if the process of law of attraction tends to work that way, however, people making a lot of money control you with confidence because we all want to hear what we think can bring us happiness and joy, that our goal and long term practice was to utilize nothing, but to ask, believe, and receive. It doesn't work that simple, the patterns don't offer sense.
Won't that be quite nice, People would experience instant happiness and automatically be grateful, but that's not gonna happen in real life situations.
Humans are creatures of habit but we're also creatures of vibration, we are in fact magnets, every single person in the universe. Science proves that humans have a wide range of access to our own brain which we haven't realized and discovered.
What does that mean for you? what it means is that let's say you're thinking about being wealthy, you're thinking about having 30,000 a month income, you're getting that 30,000 a month in your online business. The point is, let's say your desire was about wanting to get to that 30,000 a month, that's some kind of magic number, it's definitely life-changing money. You're thinking about that, but there's a part of you where negative thoughts rule's your mind that will change your understanding and perspective and would impact your decision. That's why people's fear of limiting their body, impact the brain that makes people believe that:
I probably can't utilize it
I probably can't get there
I've tried everything already
That's not gonna work, what's happening is in fact you are pushing that positive vision away through your vibration, through your thoughts including your beliefs. Read tips, articles, ideas, and learn secret tools on how to improve everyday situations, people do have to change the vibration and you do that by using an Afformations® method.
1. Changing your beliefs and the subconscious level
- Change our beliefs using the Afformations® method
2. Take action
- We have to take action
3. Have positive expectancy
- We need to have that optimistic thinking to attract positivity
Through these steps, people are able to change the vibrations and attract infinite possibilities. People should not just ask, believe, receive; it's actually asking, meaning a form and then you act which brings people the reasons to be mindful and to take action. Positive thinkers do enjoy the daily offer of life without the fear of negativity, people should put aside stress and start to enjoy the moment that life brings.
A million dollars doesn't just show up in an instant to your bank account, six rich pack abs don't just magically appear. All the marketers are basically lying sociopaths, they're making stories to get to your financial check and get you to buy their word, they're making it sound like you don't have to do any work because who wants the idea to do work? people are quiet lazy, and we are aware of it.
Everybody says I want change, every hand tends to go up and then when asked, who wants to change? and everybody responds, not me. People don't want to change but we simply want change and the law of attraction doesn't work that way, not on planet earth.
I'll give you a great example, many years ago when I started my spiritual studies back in the 90s, I was reading books by people like Louise Hay and Ernest Holmes, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Neil Donald Walsh, all the spiritual thinkers of our time and I had a dream to be a Hay house author and I said wouldn't that be amazing to be a Hay house author but then instantly my head trash that voice in my head literally said that'll never happen, who's gonna listen to me I don't have anything to talk about, I'm nobody, I'm nothing. Who's ever gonna listen to me? I hear that voice all the time, constantly.
Then in 1997 I had two epiphanies when I discovered affirmations and then I discovered success anorexia which later became my book, the point is that I said, this is why I believed I'm here on earth, I just kept taking and it was more like hope, it wasn't even really a belief. One day I got introduced to Reed Tracy the president of Hay house, one of the most brilliant marketers here on the face of the US, one of the most amazing people here in the publishing industry and he loved my work and he offered me a publishing contract with Hay house and here I am, a Hay house author for life.
Even if you don't really believe it, as long as you keep taking action, miracles do manifest. Focusing on the possibilities of the law of attraction and combat the people's negative experiences through the help of meditation. The visualization of our desire matters, the vibrational frequency the law of attraction suggests is to include optimism and continue to manifest in daily life.
Another powerful example: there's a great golfer named Bubba Watson. You may not have heard of him but he won the masters. Bubba Watson is not as famous as Tiger Woods or some of other golfers, however, he is a masters champion. In the interview at the masters, Jim Nance asked him, was it just like you pictured it? and Bubba Watson said he was crying, his tears running down his face as he remembered, he said I don't know, I never got this far in my dreams.
He didn't even dream to achieve it and yet he did it, the point is don't worry about believing so much and you have to strengthen your receiving muscles, people should remember that the human brain is powerful enough to attract frequencies. Sometimes it's hard for us to receive help, I've been such a giver my whole life. What is amazing is that I've been giving for so long that I honestly forgot the feeling of receiving, people have to receive attention absolutely but you've got to take action and you've got to add value and improve effectively for the people you love before you can expect to receive anything.
Do you know what a vision board is? Have you ever tried to create your own, maybe for a school project or for a material to be used in the office? And maybe it didn't work out the way you wanted?
In today's Ask Noah St. John Show, I'm going to teach you why everyone's wrong about vision boards and how to do a better vision board for you, for your family, for your business, your career, and your legacy.
What is a vision board? As we all know, a vision board is an art piece of motivation that the gurus have been telling us to do for years and years. A vision board is something where you think about your journey, what you want to focus on, your deepest desires, and the achievements you want to fulfill in the future. It is designed to represent your visions.
There's a broad concept when it comes to the designs of a vision board. The very common tools are paper and pen where you just write down quotes from your favorite books, stories you have read, or films. People often use words of affirmations that aim to grow positivity within. Perhaps, you can use my words of Afformation® which reinforce your confidence by simply answering empowering questions about the things you are capable of achieving.
Others use magazines to pick and cut fun pictures, gluing those to paper, and sticking them on the wall. Some use photos they have taken to remind them of memories. Most students make vision boards using different materials and resources which resembles their school projects having various themes, colors, and textures. Anything that appeals visually great can attract positive vibes and inspire a person to keep moving and hustling for a dream.
Well, vision boards are supposed to help you get all the things that you want. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
I remember years and years ago when I started to educate myself through spiritual studies. I read all these books and talked a lot about vision boards. I said, “I'll try it”. I got all these magazines out, I cut all these images of cars and houses of money and I put them on my wall. I think about it and I'd stare at my vision board, look at it and think about it. My eyes are glued to these pictures hoping I will be able to experience success.
Do you know what I got while I was looking at the picture? Do you know if the pictures of cars, houses, and money become true now? Why didn't the vision board work for me? A reason the vision board didn't work for me and it didn't work for millions of people out there who have tried vision boards is that a vision board doesn't fix the actual problem. It doesn't guarantee automatic success.
Basically, like going to the dentist you say, “Hey Doc, do you know I got a toothache? My tooth really hurts.” He goes, “Hey, you've got a cavity there.” Okay, next. You’re like, “Wait a minute. Don't you want to fix it well?” He says, “Well you didn't ask me to fix you just asked me to tell you what was wrong”. See, that's the real problem. Here’s the point, when you look at a vision board, cutting out pictures and all that texts, and you're visualizing the pictures on a wall, all you're basically doing to your brain is saying; “See. Look at all that stuff.” Your brain's going well.
What are we going to do now to see your brain? It’s a question seeking an answer, “finding machine” - that's what it is. Your brain is always in the process of asking and seeking answers to questions. This is one of the reasons why I invented the Afformation® System. If you look at my books like Power Habits® and Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money, in the book of Afformations® from Hay House, and my Afformation® system at afformations.com, this is exactly what I’ve been teaching my coaching clients for more than two decades since 1997. It's also one of the reasons that my clients and I have added over 2.7 billion dollars using my legendary methods.
While you're doing a vision board wrong, it's not your fault. It's just that they told you to put all these ideas and pictures together but then, they didn't tell you what to do. You became "blind" and too much focus on dreaming, you definitely lack a bit of moving.
What works way better and more efficiently than a vision board is?
Asking yourself the things you want now, goals, or dreams you want to achieve.
You can write specific objectives for a short-term project you want to finish or an outline of goals to check development in achieving a long-term one. You can still draw them out and creating a vision board would be nice, too.
The things you value and believe in can definitely help to identify what's more essential to include in your list. You don't need to rush and frustrate yourself to envision mind-blowing ideas, or to visualize a clearer future right away. If you still don't know where to settle because maybe you're focusing on the present, asking yourself now can be truly helpful. This will serve as a key guide in your journey of understanding your feelings, learning your experiences, and knowing your purpose in life.
I call that going from your CPR to your NDR - your Current Perceived Reality to your New Desired Reality. Yes, it is important to know where you want but you gotta understand and relate what's between you and what you want. I call it "the gap.”
There are three kinds of gaps that you can have. You can have a knowledge gap, a skills gap, and a belief gap. A knowledge gap is “I don't know what to do”, the skills gap is “I don't know how to get there”, and the belief gap is “I don't really think I can do it now”.
From 99 of the coaching clients that I've coached over the last two decades, it's the belief gap that's keeping you stuck meaning most people just think or believe they probably can't do it anyway. What's the point now that maybe it is a conscious thought, may not be it, or maybe a subconscious thought but it doesn't matter because of the law of sowing and reaping. As you sow, so shall you reap.
If you think you can't do it then guess what, you're going to prove yourself right. Your emotions define the core of this life mission, how inspired and motivated you are to take risks and grab opportunities, and how you acknowledge the negative feeling and turn it into a challenge. You should want it more than you're afraid of it. Believe me when I say it helps you feel powerful when someone explains your gap, whether it is closer to your dreams or there's still a long track to go through.
Take the actions necessary to overcome your gap. Being committed to a goal is allocating time regularly, setting aside insecurities, and having the courage to push through no matter how difficult it is to get there. A visual board should not end with the image or text on the wall, it should empower you with a daily step to take and gain lessons through trials so it can add up to your growth.
That's why I have so many different programs that help you to overcome whatever gap it is whether it's a knowledge gap if you don't know what to do, a skills gap meaning you don't have the tools to do it, or much more important and the foundation of all is a belief gap. I have programs and tools that will help you believe and actually know that you can do it but believe it or not, belief isn't as important as you think even though it's crucial. It's much more important to take action than just try to sit there and change your beliefs. The Law of Attraction is not a bad thing to believe in but you need to work on your goals to make it happen.
Remember that I've said this many times and you've heard me say this if you've been on these programs, “One positive action beats a thousand positive thoughts.” I’d rather see you taking action without even believing it rather than sitting there trying to believe, and waiting until you're ready to take action because guess what you're never gonna be ready. It really takes time to be confident and speak positively about the abilities you possess. This only speaks a lot about the trust you put in the process no matter how blurry your view is on reaching your goal.
I can give you a thousand examples from my own life of how I took action even when I didn't think I could do it. A great example is my Hay House book. I started reading Hay House books in the 1990s when I started my spiritual studies more than 30 years ago and I dreamed of being a Hay House author. I kept saying, “It'll never happen to me. I'm probably not good enough. Who's going to listen to me? Why would they ever publish my book?” Well lo and behold, they published my book and now there's so much demand for it that they're sold out. When you go to Amazon and look at my Book of Afformations®, they're actually sold out which is pretty funny.
Anyway, my point is that even if you don't believe yet, go ahead and take action. Learn to contribute to your progress. Shape up your mind and upgrade your career. In fact, here's something you can do right now. I’m gonna show and tell you something you can do right now today. You can start making money in your online business without even having to build anything. It's really simple.
First of all, just go to noahstjohn.com/jv. You're going to see a million of me right now. Let me share how you can join my inbound ram, that's what we call our Affiliate Program, the Ambassador Program. You can earn commissions on every sale. All you have to do is put your email, password, your first name and then you just type in your PayPal email because I'm going to pay you here when people come to me through you. If you know anything about my work and if you're a fan of mine then you know you want to recommend me, you may want to refer me to your friends, your colleagues, your teammates, your family members, and the people whose lives for them to know that this works and can change your life.
I’m happy to pay you commissions on every sale that comes through from your efforts. Isn't that great? It’s a win-win, everybody wins! Go to noahstjohn.com/jv then it will take you to your Affiliate page. Everybody has a unique affiliate number. I have programs like Online Business Virtual Retreat, Power Habits® 21-Day Challenge, the Afformation® System, Get Unstuck Out Six-Figure Machine, Funnel Secrets, sendmeabooknoah.com for my free book called Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money, and Traffic Income Secrets. That's my eight-week coaching program where I teach you to massively increase your traffic without spending any more, authority cycle mastery where I show you how to have the traffic and the funnels so that you can become a trusted authority in your space. We have Power Habits® Secrets where I teach how to have more mind health and business wealth in just eight weeks and Power Habits® Academy which is a virtual health program where I teach you the Power Habits® of unconsciously successful.
You can make money on all of these if you want to so I recommend starting with the easy ones which are Afformation® System, Power Habits® Challenge, and Online Business Retreat. You’ll just hit the link, copy that affiliate link, scroll down on the page, copy and see what email social media swipe copy says then share these pictures on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, wherever and whatever the newest social media is out there. You can also send it through email. Email is really going to be the best way to do it.
In fact today, right now, at the time of this year, the early bird promo is ending so make sure if you want to get in on my Power Habits® Challenge so I can help you have better mind health and more business wealth in the next 21 days. Go to powerhabitschallenge.com and sign up today before the early bird expires. We have Power Habits® which is right here at powerhabitsecrets.com, Funnel Income Secrets, and Traffic Income Secrets. I've got you covered in a cradle to grade A to Z. There's nothing missing so there it is right there, it's pretty simple friends so you can get paid right now.
I wish that I had this all, all those years ago when I started successclinic.com in a dorm room with 800 in a book on HTML. I didn't have any of these accessible tools that you all have available to you right now. I had HTML all by myself and I tell you, it was awful. It took me 10 years before I broke six figures but if I had the tools, had the training and workshop, and had the support that I have for all of you right now, I would have gotten there a heck faster. You can actually get there faster than I did and much easier than I did. You won't have to spend half a million dollars on all the gurus only to find out that they can't teach their way out of a paperback.
Again, a vision board is only a representation of your goals in life which anyone can agree that it serves as an inspiration. All it takes to make it work is to follow the tips I've given you. Ask yourself empowering questions to discover yourself more. You'll be able to understand and explain the things you live up to. When you recognize and accept where you are and where you're going, you'll be able to attach and connect lessons from the past, apply strategies today, and create an objective plan for tomorrow.
Make minutes in your life count by spending time day in and out for your dreams. You don't stay where you are residing, you grow and bloom. But always be reminded not to compare your vision boards to someone else's because we all have our own version of progress and success.
If you ever need a helping hand, there is plenty of support you've got out there. Parents will definitely ensure you'll land a good life. If you've been thinking about seeking professional help, don't hesitate to ask for mentorship from people who've been there longer, just like me. We will help you become strong with decisions, enhance the ability to lead, and wake up every morning, like a bright yellow sunflower, a boost of good mood.
Clarifying the visualization you have in mind is where I am good at. We'll help you realize and process what you are thinking to essentially design a concrete plan so you can achieve your goal and improve your career.
Go ahead and follow your chosen path to make your visions happen starting today.
Well today, I'll teach you my three proven tips so you can have more confidence even if you're shy and introverted like me.
Let's talk about confidence! This is one of the big things that people ask me all the time, especially my high-level coaching clients. When I'm doing live events, when I'm doing private workshops with my clients whether I'm doing group coaching or even one-on-one coaching, I notice that the subject of confidence comes up all the time. Why is becoming confident plays a big role in achieving your dreams?
Well, very simple because most of the time people who do not feel confident, don't believe in their own strengths. Most people think negative and doubt their ability because most of them have a lot of what I call head trash. That’s why I’ve written 15 books on this subject including my new book Get Rid of Your Headtrash About Money. You can get this book free at sendmeabooknoah.com.
Now, why is confidence important? It’s very simple. The word confidence comes from the Latin word confidere which means ”with trust”. When you don't have confidence, you don't trust yourself. You avoid criticism and lack the right behavior to accept the challenge that comes with it. When you let these negative emotions fill your mind, other people are going to have a hard time trusting you as well. Because if you don't believe in yourself, if you don't trust yourself, how can others trust you?
For most of my life, I didn't believe in myself. I had no self-esteem at all. My self-esteem was lower than zero. I had no self-confidence. I was a nerd in school before it was cool to be a nerd. I remember I had coke bottle glasses about that thick, I didn't have shoulder-length hair and amazing personality that can attract women. I had an afro out here and I envy those men with the super-cool image. I was a scrawny geeky kid growing up in Kennedy Compound, Port, Maine. You can imagine how poor I was. My family was in a poor setting living in a rich neighborhood so I had everything stacked against me. As a result, I had no self-confidence, no positive outlook in life. I feel like a failure and all I can see are my weaknesses. If you can relate to something like that, you probably didn't have it as bad as I did or weren't as shy and awkward as me.
I didn't have any trust in myself, I didn't have any belief in myself and I didn't have anyone to support nor help me. That's one of the reasons why at the age of 25, I decided to commit suicide because I was so depressed, so frustrated, so lonely and so unhappy that I said, “Why am I here? I don't need to be here. Nobody's going to miss me if I'm not here.” Fortunately, at the very last moment, my life was spared.
But my point of the story is this: If you don't have confidere - trust in yourself, then it's going to be hard for other people to trust you which means that as a result, you're not going to be making the money you want to make. You'll never have achievements or successes. You're not going to have the time freedom, not having the energy, probably won't have the relationships you want and you definitely won't have the financial freedom that you're looking for. These are some of the reasons why confidence is so important. Not being confident in your own skin may increase the negative feeling inside, disturbing questions that will not help you at all.
Let's talk about how to gain confidence even if you don't believe in yourself and even if you're shy and introverted like me.
Now, the first thing you need to do is to find your purpose. You've got what I call in my Power Habits® book and in my Power Habits® training, “find your because”. You got to find your because now. What does that mean? It means you've got to understand your purpose here on Earth. I just shared my experience when I attempted to commit suicide at the age of 25 because I didn't know why I was here on Earth. Now even when I didn't take my own life, it still took me another five long years and five years of study and hard work. I was reading all the spiritual teachers of our time --- Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay, Ernest Holmes, Neale Donald Walsh and other people like them. I would just try to find my purpose and in 1997, I found my purpose. I want to share my ideas and hopefully influence others with my principles.
I had two epiphanies that changed my life and I discovered first of all Afformations® which you can go to afformations.com and learn more about the shower that changed everything and how to change your subconscious thought patterns so you can change your beliefs and change your life. It has been an incredible eureka moment for me and now it has not only help in developing strategies for better performance but also improve other's life.
The second epiphany was when I discovered success anorexia which is why so many people starve themselves as success and that's what I teach you in my book Power Habits®. The point was when I discovered my “because”, I was 30 years old. It wasn't 30 that I knew why I was here on the Earth. That's 30 long years of not knowing why, so you don't have to go through that. How do you find your purpose? Well, I do talk about that in the Power Habits® book and empower habits account. There I share how to overcome this phenomenon, learning to take control and be assertive in every action I make.
One thing you can do right now is a very simple "ask easy exercise". You'll say, “What would I love to do if money was not an object? What would I love to do?” See everybody talks about out there, all the gurus say, “ Do what you love and the money will follow.” That is such a lie! That is one of the biggest and most costly mistakes out there in this industry, the industry of business and personal growth. It's totally not true.
I love going to bookstores. I love going to libraries. I love reading books. Are you going to pay me for reading a book? No, you're not! Nobody's going to pay me for going to bookstores. Nobody's going to pay me to lounge in the library but I enjoy it. That's what I love so why isn't the money following? It doesn't make sense!
Well, because they forgot to tell you the most important part of that equation which is to know what you love, find what you love, and take action. But then, you've got to show other people why and how they will benefit from you. Like I help health professionals, course creators, and coaches to start and scale their online business to 30k per month. In online business, I help them do that in 90 days or less. That’s a really, really big value if you'd like to do that. I know that you're interested and you'd like to start or scale your online business to 30k per month in 90 days. My task for you is this, you've got to know your purpose which I call on your "because". I do teach you how to do that in Power Habits® Academy and my friends’ Powerbook. It is a key to unleashing your abilities and taking you into the zone, where your purpose lies.
Secondly, you've got to have the right habits. You've got to take the right actions. Power Habits® is really, actually very simple. The Power Habit® System that I developed and have created over the last two decades of working with people like you has played competent roles to achieve your life goal. I've helped to add six, seven, and even eight figures to their business. There are 11 total Power Habits®. These are the Power Habits® of unconsciously successful people meaning highly successful people, what they do without even thinking about it.
You've got to find the right habits so that you can fulfill your purpose right. One of the habits that I’ll teach you is Afformations®. It is changing your subconscious thought patterns so you can stop stopping yourself from the success you're capable of. All right there are 11 total Power Habits® out for me, the foundational habits, so you've got to have that foundation so when you're building your house, your dream house, your dream life, and your dream business, you've got to have that foundation. That’s why everything starts with Afformations® but it doesn't end there. You can find the difference between feeding yourself with positive reminders versus recognizing the skills you own through empowering questions. It is one of the easier tasks yet it gives you the knowledge and the urge to perform towards efficacy.
You’ve got to have the right half, you have your purpose, you gotta have the right habits and then the third step and tip you can do right now is you gotta breathe properly. Now, I know that sounds so simple. I think I knew I had to breathe and that’s great. Did you know that when you are stressed, tired, overwhelmed, when you're feeling fear and in that fight or flight, you actually stop breathing? You're not obviously stopping breathing completely but what happens is you breathe very shallowly. Have you ever been in that situation like maybe you're wanting to talk to that person or even make a phone call or maybe even go on a video? And ends up, it is actually happening. You're breathing very shallowly so you've got to actually learn how to calm your breath. One great way to do that is to just breathe in through your nose and then hold it for a few seconds then breathe out through your mouth. In through the nose, out through the mouth.
Doesn't it feel better? You can literally connect to your authentic self in seconds just by breathing properly. Now, it might sound silly, might sound simple. It is really simple yet it's not silly. It works like a charm. It works every time and you can actually notice that as you're in that situation or even thinking about going into that stressful or that overwhelming situation, that fearful situation. If you're conscious of your body, you can start to feel your breath going and that's the worst thing you could do. The best thing you could do for yourself at the moment is to breathe properly right into the nose, hold out through the mouth and you can literally get centered all the way to your diaphragm right down here.
By the way, I want to show how you can make money from me right now? If you're struggling to find your purpose, you're not sure what it is exactly you're doing well. I will show you how to make money from me literally in the next 21 days, all you have to do is go to this website. First of all, I'll give you some links of what I was talking about earlier so powerhabitsbook.com. That's where you can get my Power Habits® book. You can also go to powerhabitsacademy.com and learn my Power Habits® academy online, and sendmeabooknoah.com wherein you can get my new book for free which is Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money.
You can make money from my products. Just go to noahstjohn.com/jv. Join our affiliate program and earn commissions on every sale that you make so when you recommend or when you refer people to me, I pay you a commission. It's all super simple. I'll show you exactly how it works so just fill this in. It takes about 30 seconds there's no cost, it's you and so you just put in your email, password, put in your first, last name, and your PayPal email because I'm going to pay you through this. We have programs like Online Business Virtual Retreat, Power Habits® 21-Day Challenge, Afformation® System, and we've got a ton of great stuff. Here is what the Afformation® System looks like at afformations.com, view Online Business Retreat at onlinebusinessretreat.com, find out Power Habits® Challenge at powerhabitschallenge.com.We also have Funnel Income Secrets, Traffic Income Secrets, and basically, we've got you covered --- cradle to grade A to Z. We've got you covered at nine ways to Sunday.
All you have to do is go to noahstjohn.com/jv, click these blue buttons and it is your custom link. If you want to put Afformation® System, you just copy this link here. You scroll down on that page, highlight just like a word doc, copy, and just post it on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can even share it with your friends via email and all you have to do is make sure you put your affiliate link in there so we can track your sales and I can pay you your commissions. You can find your affiliate ID on each page of the programs. These are called evergreen programs, evergreen courses which means they're going on all the time. You can promote this 12 months out of the year, 52 weeks out here, 24/7, and I will pay you. Again, you can make money online right now without ever having to build anything. All you have to do is share these links and I’ve given you even the words to say. They're right here and it says Email and Social Media Swipe Copy. You just copy and paste, copy and paste, copy and paste! It's that easy, friends! How cool is that? It is free freaking awesome!
Again, when you have the right purpose, the right habits, and when you breathe properly, that's going to give you confidence in any situation even if you're shy and introverted like me. Smile and start your Project Confidence now!
Today's crazy times: are you one of the leaders who have followers? Are you wanting to be an influencer? Do you want to have more impact, more influence, and more income even especially right now in today's great times? Well, in today's Ask Noah St. John's training, I'm going to give you my top three leadership qualities that I have seen and observed which helped my coaching clients over the last two decades to add more than 2.7 billion dollars using my strategic methods.
Are you an effective leader right now or do you want to lead and earn respect from your subordinates? Do you have a company or team that you are planning to lead? Do you want to have a team of people that you can help develop a culture of understanding and growth? If you don't have a team then you're not much of a leader, are you? If you are a leader and no one's following then you're not really much of a leader.
So, there are three hugely important qualities, I will share the most important qualities that you need as a leader, especially the skills and traits one has to possess now that we are facing challenging times here on planet Earth.
Now, the first most important leadership quality that you need is vision. A strong vision means you got to see where you're going. It wouldn't be very smart if you got on a plane and you sat down. You got all set up to go and the pilot said, “Well, I’m not sure exactly where we're going but I’m sure it'll be fun.” You wouldn't feel too confident, would you? You probably runoff that plane pretty quickly so that is not a great idea, to not know where you're going. Now, that's obviously a big problem for a lot of people whether you are a leader or not. But certainly, if you're going to be a leader even if you're just leading a person or a team of one or two or five. A small team with positive engagement is all you really need.
I have a very lean team right now. I have fewer than seven people on my team and we have a multi-million dollar business. I’m working from home and I've been in this situation for the last two decades. The point is you don't need to have a large group or lots of staff if you don't want to, you just need to have that vision. This only means you've got to know where you're going and why you want to get there. Next, you got to communicate that to your team. Let them feel the emotions, the passion, and commitment you have for the job. It is also your responsibility to communicate in clear simple plain language so that everybody's on board. Helping them listen, learn, and understand these ideas easily will help them trust you more with your future decisions. Communication includes creating a culture of entertaining honest feedback from the team. It is essential for leaders to create a vision that will directly answer "where we're going and why we want to go there". Vision is number one.
Number two is focus. Focus is very important. Imagine you're on that same plane and you know the plane's flying and you're sitting there, maybe you're reading a magazine. All of a sudden, the pilot comes out of the cockpit and he's going like this on his phone. He’s like “Oh wow, that's a funny tweet, that’s a funny Instagram, that's a funny thing…” You’re like, “Shouldn’t you be flying the plane.” “I’ll get around to that later but man this is funny. Did you see this video?” Did you get me? Not a great idea! You got to be focused. People often blame others for their mistakes yet it is them who easily get distracted. Setting a mindset to focus on your ability and your goal helps you to take your actions mindfully which is already a level ahead of others.
People ask me all the time, “Noah, how have you written 15 books like Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money?” By the way, you can get this book free at sendmeabooknoah.com. I'll send you this book!
“How have you written books like Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money, the Book of Afformations® published by Hay House, Power Habits® published by Nightingale Conant and a dozen more. How have you done that?" They ask me all the time and I say, “Well, by writing them.” I wrote them by writing, sitting there and focusing, putting the blinders on saying, “This is what I’m doing right now, not multitasking."
Multitasking is the least best thing you can do, the worst thing you can do, the thing that you need to avoid, if you want to get things done. Just ask my good friend, Dave Crenshaw, who wrote a great book called the Myth of Multitasking. It doesn’t exist, so don't do it, don't even try now. It doesn't mean you have to work 24/7. You don't have to be like my friend, Gary Vaynerchuk, who is all about the hustle and the grind. I'd rather just be relaxed and just work in small little bite-sized chunks, get it done and then you take a break from all the tasks.
Vision, focus, and the third quality that you must have as a leader in today's times is courage. You've got to have courage! Courage comes from the Latin word “heart”, “core”. When you act from courage it means you're acting from your heart. I’ll give you a great example. Many years ago, when I was $40,000 in credit card debt working in my parents’ basement. I was at a very low point in my life and I was faced with a decision to hire a business coach or keep doing what I was doing. I remember sitting there going, “This business coach he’s really expensive and I’m skeptical and I don't think I’m going to get what I want.” I don't know if he's really going to help me but I looked at his record. I looked at all of the testimonials and all the case studies and I said wow he's really helped a lot of people who are in my position and I didn't really know much about internet marketing back then. I tried a lot of different things but it didn't work out. I talked to him and he's really a great guy, very smart, very caring and a big heart. I said, “I’m going to take this leap but my head said it's never going to work but I acted with my heart’s courage." In my first month of working with that mentor, I made twelve thousand dollars for my very first teleseminar and I went on to now have made millions of dollars selling my products and programs and courses and coaching online.
What does this mean for you? Every day we're faced with choices, every day we’re faced with decisions. The easy thing to do is just stay where you are, that's what most people do. “Well, I’ll just stay where I am”. That’s easy. If you keep doing the same thing you're doing, you'll keep getting the same result. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting different results. Leaders also fear what lies ahead but they try to face each with confidence. Intelligence, the right attitude, and perseverance will help you become successful.
Do you have them? I mean I know we all think we have them but do you really act from courage? Don't act from your head, you gotta act from your heart. I hired the mentor by the way, and the results speak for themselves. Now, the people who've hired me have also gone on to make over 2.7 billion dollars as a result of following my methods. Good characteristics will get you there.
In fact, if you want to make some money right now, you can make money by working from home. Actually, you don't even have to build anything, I'll show you how to do it. You can literally get this started today, you can get this done today. I'm going to share my screen here with you. First thing you need to do, go to this link right here, it’s noahstjohn.com/jv and you become one of our affiliates which we call our ambassadors. You can become an ambassador.
For those of you who are watching this, you're probably familiar with my work, maybe you've read one of my books, maybe you've got Afformations®, maybe you have gotten coaching from me. Whatever it might be, you can make money from me and you don't even have to build anything just enter your information in here. This doesn't cost you a dime. It's all free make sure you put your Paypal email in there because that's how I’m going to pay you and then you just log into your affiliate area right here and you're going to get something like this we use a platform called Click Funnels and it'll have your name your email and Affiliate ID, and your Ambassador ID. All you have to do is click one of these buttons that says affiliate tools: “Get my Link”.
Let’s say you want to promote my upcoming Online Business Virtual Retreat, you click that button and it will come up here and then you just copy that link. You just scroll down on the page, you'll see I've given you all the images. I've given you even the email and social media copy, all you have to do is just copy like this, and just copy it and then you post it. When you see the green right here, see this green section you just insert your affiliate link that's all you need and you share it on your Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, on LinkedIn wherever you want to share your social media you can even share it via email. Everything is tracked to you and then when your friends and your colleagues go to this page, onlinebusinessretreat.com and they buy from me. Let's say they buy my upcoming online business retreat then you get paid, I pay you that.
Now it's the same thing with the Power Habits® Challenge so I have a Power Habits® 21-day Challenge that's coming up very soon and you can just go here in your members’ area, in your affiliate area, see where it says Power Habits® Challenge. Click that button, it'll come up to this section right here, there's your link to the powerhabitschallenge.com, there's money that you're going to earn when you do this and the same thing you just copy and paste, copy and paste. How many of you can copy and paste if you're watching this right now? You can copy and paste, type in yes in the comments here if you can do this.
All of you can do this so you can be sending people to, for example, Power Habits® 21-day challenge, you can be sending them to the Online Business Retreat, you can send them to Funnel Income Secrets where I teach you how to and have built scale and launch your funnels in eight weeks or less Traffic Income Secrets where I show you know how to explode your online without spending a fortune on ads even if you're not famous. And afformations.com where I teach you how to use my absence method to change your subconscious beliefs and thereby, change your life at afformations.com. Everything is available for you, everything is very easy and that's all you need to do. Simple, isn’t it? So here, I’m going to type in that link for you there, it's Afformations®, sorry, it’s noahstjohn.com/jv.
There you go! That's all you need to do and remember there's no cost to you. It's all free and you can make money from me literally in the next seven days without ever having to build anything.
A true leader can't be built in a day, it takes time for a human to improve his attitude, practice his skills, and follow a leader's core. One needs a strong vision, a purpose to inspire and perspire, and displays patience in teaching his followers. One who is focused to achieve goals; never stops learning and knows that success is earned through hard work. One who is courageous; accountable with his actions and has a sense of empathy for his followers. He exudes honesty, integrity, and has a great sense of positivity. It's not easy to become a leader, but you can become one by starting with these simple tips.
Do you know what to do during the day? Would you like to have a simple step by step method so you can plan your day? And execute the things that you need to get done each day without feeling that sense of overwhelm, stress, and like you’re drowning in too many things to do? Well, today I’m gonna give you some of my favorite tips that you can do right now starting today so you can start planning your day easier and take action to the things you need to do without overwhelm.
Tell me, what’s your number one question about your daily planning? What’s your number one question about getting out of overwhelm?
Now, let’s talk about planning your day to set a schedule and create progress without overwhelm.
Well, there’s a lot of causes of overwhelm. Are you overwhelmed? Maybe not every single day but certainly, sometimes. I mean we all face that, right? So basically, overwhelm is that feeling of “Oh my gosh, I have too much to do and too little time.” See how people talk about time management. But guess what, time management is a complete myth. There’s no such thing as time management but there is behavior management which you could also say “action management”. --- meaning there are only three things that you and I, as human beings, can control. What we think, what we say, and what we do. That’s all we can do. We can only control those three things.
What we think - What are the thoughts that are going through our heads?
What we say - What are the words coming out of our mouth?
What we do - What are the actions that we do every single day?
“Well Noah, I’m so busy all the time.” Meanwhile, you’re spending 4 or 5 or 6 hours watching TV from morning to night which the average American does. The average American watches anywhere between 4-6 hours of TV every single day. Of course, that is based on your age group. The younger that you are, the less TV you watch because you were raised with these digital things called a phone. So, you were raised with that so this is your new screen, this is your new TV for those of you who are under the age of 30. Those of you who are 30 above, you’re probably used to watching the big screen TV. Again, it depends. But the point being is what this means to you is, do you really not have the time? Or is it much more of the function of you not organizing and prioritizing the things that you have to do each day? There are hundreds of reasons why tracking your daily activities and making the most out of your time will truly benefit you. You have to have the right intention so you can simply grow and accomplish your goals.
Now, I know that this is not really sexy. All the sexy things are when you have the Lambo, got thousands of dollars to spend on fancy stuff, and all the social media so-called influencers show you on their post. But, what they don’t show you is the bottom part of the iceberg. The bottom part of the iceberg is all steps seen below the surface.
The first thing you do to plan your day without feeling overwhelmed is, what I recommend is you start with, believe it or not, get a pen and paper and start planning by the month "Wait a minute, I thought you were talking about your daily planning?" Of course, I’m still talking about how to plan your day out. We live our lives in days but guess what, what is so important for you to realize that there is a business hour as an entrepreneur or even as an executive. Someone who is a leader, a thought leader, maybe you’re a coach, maybe you’re a consultant, maybe you’re an author, a speaker, maybe you are a chiropractor, maybe you’re a network marketer, maybe you’re a health professional. Anyone who has an understanding of productivity, you wanna see the time is being well spent and you are getting every turn on that investment at the time. Remember what Ben Franklin said, “Time is money.” So when you’re investing time, you are really investing money. It’s the same thing. They are interchangeable. So my point is, what this means for you is, I want you to take action, follow the process, and start the monthly approach to your planner.
What I like to do at the beginning of every month, and really what I do is at the end of the previous month. Let’s say we’re coming up to the end of November, right that’s the month coming up here, the time that is recording. So, coming to the end of November, on the last day of the month, you write down all the things you have accomplished the previous month and then you make a list of the things you want to do in this coming month. Of course, I’m also gonna be talking in future videos about long term planning and goal setting, and goal achievement for the long term. But for right now, let’s just look at your day. We have to break it down by “See here’s the tasks I want to get done in a month”. Let’s say you want to get 10 things done this month, now you don’t want to probably get thousands of things to accomplish right away. Let’s just say you want to get 10 things done this month.
So, what’s the number one priority? What’s the biggest thing that’s gonna move the needle for you the greatest amount, the fastest? What’s that one thing you feel more confident to start? Maybe it’s two. Write your book? Maybe watch an online course? Maybe it’s to launch your first online sales funnel? Maybe it’s to get more traffic from organic social media? Maybe it’s to start your first ad campaign? Whatever it might be and there’s a lot of things you can do, of course.
But what should you be doing? Where do you want to focus your time, money, and effort? That’s the first thing you need to do. You break it down by the month and then from the month, review and focus on the weekly plan. So this week, I want to get these activities done. Then from that list, you break it down by the day. So that’s what I do, I work by following the steps backward; from the big goals that I want to accomplish on my monthly tasks, and then what do I want to get done this week, and then tackle what I want to achieve today. That’s your first important task, sort of organizing your head and wrapping your head around all these sorts of massive things that may be floating around in there.
Now, the second thing that I recommend to my coaching clients that you can start doing right away is to start using a free app or tools that are readily available. My favorite tool for planning is Google Calendar. That’s a free plug-in, that’s a free platform and it's popular. It’s Google. I use Chrome as my browser. You want to put it on your calendar on purpose. You want to schedule the time for appointments or meetings, including your personal routine. What I’d like to say is you want to use blocks of time so you put that on your calendar. Take time blocking as a key to maximize your productive sessions. Let’s say you want your first or next sales funnel. Well, that’s not gonna take 15 minutes. It might take several days or weeks either but it doesn’t need to take months especially if you’re following my strategy, the Funnel Income Secrets framework. It'll just be quick.
You can get that done literally in 8 weeks or less if you follow what I show you. But my point is, a lot of people are thinking about it, we’re talking about it, dreaming about it for even months or years and we still haven’t got that done. When you follow my Funnel Income Secrets framework, you need that done in 8 weeks less. But my point is what are you going to get done this week? Block that out of your calendar! Maybe you have to keep track of your tasks and redo some research.
Maybe start our mornings with paper and pen. Maybe you have to write down notes to remember your agendas for the day. Maybe you have to organize your thoughts and choose a method that works. Maybe you have to take a look at your list often to feel more confident and encourage you to be productive in life. What could that be? That’s not gonna take 5 or 10 minutes. It’s gonna take whatever it is, a block of what you say 90 minutes. So you put that on your calendar, and you give yourself that room, that space. Right now, you should be breathing. And I hope you’re saying, “ Oh wow! This task actually sounds pretty easy.” It is pretty easy and you have to feel more confident doing it. You don’t have to work so hard to better understand that these simple tips are adding more value to your time. Avoid overwhelming by canceling out unimportant tasks. Remember to take your mind and body out for a break, too. So that’s the second point!
The third point I want to make is you got to make sure that you don’t multitask. Do not multitask. A good friend of mine, Dave Crenshaw, has written a book called "The Myth of Multitasking". There’s no such thing as multitasking. All there is, what he calls “switch-tasking”. Let’s say if I’m talking to you right now, and all of a sudden my friends say “ Oh, I’m gonna go”, then I’m trying to switch back and forth between a phone call and talking to you. What you see is now my brain is completely scattered and lost my train of thoughts and it’s just a mess. Experts have shown that there is no such thing, you can't do two completely different tasks at the same time. Multitasking is a myth. All it does is lower your productivity so you get less done in more time which is exactly the opposite of what we want. We want to get more done in less time, be more efficient and effective. So, don’t multitask.
Let’s say you’re focused on the most important task, maybe it’s research for that 90 minutes. Then, focus on the research. Don’t turn off your timer and go “Hmmm well, research for about 5 minutes. What’s on Instagram? What’s on Facebook? Who’s trending on Twitter?” People ask me all the time: “How have you written 15 books?” I just recently published my 15th book called Power Habits®: The New Science for Making Success Automatic. You can get this at powerhabitsbook.com. Or my other recent book which is called Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money. You can get this book at sendmeabooknoah.com. It’s free, just cover the shipping.
People ask me all the time: “How have you written all these books? I answer by saying, “I’m writing them, by focusing, by eliminating distractions.” Is it easy? No. Is it sexy? No. But, fifteen books later, it’s pretty, pretty awesome. The results matter and it speaks for themselves. That’s what I want you to do starting right now today, manage all your tasks, and take advantage of all the time that you have. All of you can do this. What happens is I was just talking about Funnel Income Secrets. So let’s say you want to build your first or your next sales funnel. So here it is right here: “In every 8 weeks, I work a financial miracle for 37 people and I’m inviting you to be the next even if you don’t know where to start and don’t have a big list right now!” All of you can do this! Do this but of course, it takes focused effort to see the outcome. But you also have to have the framework of how to do it. You have to set your priorities deliberately and make this planning a habit. Set your goals, create a schedule, prioritize what's urgent, cross off items on your list, and achieve whatever you want.
Well, you might be saying, “I need more traffic.” So, that’s Traffic Income Secrets. I’ll show you how to get a flood of qualified leads easily and explode your online sales without spending a fortune on ads. That’s Traffic Income Secrets. I also have a program called the Online Business Virtual Retreat where I teach you how to really become financially free from life-changing debts. Check out the video. It’s actually really cute here with me with the beard talking about the gurus, the elephant in the room is the guru. That’s the elephant in the room if you have watched the video.
Then we also have the Power Habits® Challenge where I teach you the daily tasks to effectively be more successful, deliberately have better mind health, more business wealth in just 21 days. Walking you through my Power Habits® System. Then the other program, or and another program. We have lots more. It’s afformations.com.
Now guess what, you can actually make money from all of this but believe it or not,one of the big things people ask me is “Noah, how can I make money online right now without having a big list, without spending a lot on ads?” Well, this is how you can do it without spending anything on ads. You don’t even have to build a funnel. You can actually make money from me. All you have to do is to simply become one of our ambassadors. You just go to noahstjohn.com. You sign up here as an affiliate which we call our ambassadors.
You put your name, email, and your PayPal email. That’s how I pay you over PayPal. That’s all on noahstjohn.com then it will come into a place that looks like this. This will be your name, your email, and your affiliate number, your ambassador number. All you have to do is scroll down a little and click these buttons so that you can get your link to my specific programs. Like here’s your link for the Afformations® System. Then, you scroll down on this page, this shows you how much money you’ve made, how many… This is just an example on the page. It shows you how much money you’ve made. It gives you different assets and resources that you can use. Here is the email and social media swipe that you can use.
All you have to do is just highlight it and you right and you copy. All you have to do then is you put that in your Facebook, or your Twitter, or your LinkedIn or whatever. All you have to do is have that affiliate link so that we can make sure we track your sales to you. And, I will pay you commissions. Isn’t that easy? It’s simple. In Power Habits® Challenge, it’s the same thing. There’s your affiliate ID. There are different price points that we have. Here are the assets. Here’s the email and social media swipe copy. Again, it’s just simply copy and paste! Then, here it is for the Online Retreat. There’s your affiliate link. Scroll the page. There are different commission levels. There are images and there’s your social and email swipe copy. Bada bing, bada boom! It is so freaking easy! Isn’t it beautiful? Yes, it is!
So, do you have any questions about how to plan your day? About how to make money without having to build anything? Let me know if you have any questions. You can type in the chat here and you should have… I’ll just go and type in noahstjohn.com. That is our affiliate area or our ambassadors. For those of you who want to join my Power Habits® Challenge, Power Habits® 21 Day Challenge.
And, that is how you can plan your day without that feeling of overwhelm. Go ahead and give me a thumb/heart, give me a nice happy face if you like these training videos. If you have any other questions or any topics you want me to cover, put those in the comments below because I’d love to hear what is up for you and how can I help you to have more time, more energy, better relationships, and more money using my legendary systems. . I'd love to fulfill my goal of helping you wake up every morning with a purpose and sleep soundly in the evening knowing you're a step closer in achieving your ultimate goal.
Why is everyone wrong about positive thinking?
Positive thinking is the process of focusing your mind, your emotions, your skills, and your attitude on success.
The benefits of positive thinking may include:
All of these benefits sound great, right?
Yet here's why positive thinking is NOT enough to create the life of your dreams.
Let me give you an example...
Imagine you want a new house.
You want a beautiful mansion with a swimming pool and Jacuzzi. You want it to be near the beach or in the mountains or by the lake.
And you decide to use positive thinking like the "gurus" teach.
They tell you that positive thinking is what you need to do to reach your goals.
So here you are, doing positive thinking about your dream house.
But where is your dream house?
Only in your mind - because all you're doing is thinking positive.
Meanwhile, someone else is out there not just positive thinking, they're taking daily ACTIONS to make it real -- putting it in their schedule, feeling it in their body, going beyond emotional goals to where it's not theory - but following a proven path so they become immune to sadness and grateful for possibilities and options.
Which person do you think is going to get their dream house?
Clearly, the person who is taking daily actions and following a proven path.
The saying, "Talk is cheap" is not bad. It simply means that you need to learn to start -- you need to practice taking actions, even when you may feel bad.
At https://BreakthroughwithNoah.com I've been teaching my coaching clients for more than two decades now that positive actions beats positive thinking.
That's one reason why my coaching clients have added more than $2.7 BILLION dollars using my proven methods.
Let me give you another example.
In the 90s I started my spiritual study and exploration of how mindset, emotion and positivity affects how we attract our physical results.
I began finding books by authors like Louise Hay, Ernest Holmes, Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald Walsch, Deepak Chopra and the spiritual thinkers of our time.
At that time, I used to dream about being a Hay House author.
Like I was playing clips in my mind, it would be like “Wouldn't that be amazing if I had a book published by Hay House!”
I dreamed about that goal for a long, long time.
Yet after a while I thought, "Well, it's probably not going to happen."
Years later, I was introduced to Reid Tracy, president of Hay House.
We had a conversation and immediately hit it off. Reid offered me a publishing contract to publish my Book of AFFORMATIONS®.
In fact, you can go to AfformationsBook.com and grab your copy of this life-changing transformational book.
What does this story mean for YOU?
Even though I didn't really have an optimistic outlook, even though the images I had created in my mental state said it would "never happen," it happened anyway.
Because I kept doing my job. I would write my books. I consciously let go of that pessimistic attitude.
I discovered how to have contentment and enjoy every moment. It was like an experiment where I would explore the quality of meditation. My studies led me on the path to optimism and gratitude, even when positive thinking did not come naturally to me.
I kept working to improve my situations. I discovered the ability to control my thoughts and find joy, and in my writing I was open to things being imperfect.
I was open to possibility, even when my head said well it probably won't happen so what does this mean for you.
To go beyond positive thinking, first you've got to focus on what you want.
Even if you tend to automatically follow stressful situations with negative thinking, you still have to focus on your goals.
Step two is to understand what's in your way, what are the roadblocks, obstacles, head trash that's in your way telling you that you can't do it.
Go to https://SendMeaBookNoah.com and get my new book FREE called Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money.
Because I will show you how to get rid of your head trash easily, which will support your attraction to developing skills for receiving your goals and letting go of anxiety and stress, and the traffic in your head so you can achieve more and enjoy the adventure of life.
Step three is to take inspired action even in the face of fear.
Whenever you want to change your life, you've got to cross the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
That means that everything you want is on the other side of fear.
That means being happy and thankful for the multiple little things every day - like the smell of your home, the kindness of others, the positive effects of sleep, your emotions, your health, the people in your life.
The more you practice being happy, the more you will learn that positive thinking doesn't need to be a one time thing.
You can talk your mind into being happy every day and step into your best future.
And did you know that I can help you have better mind health and more business wealth in the next 21 days WITHOUT having to use willpower?
Join my Power Habits® Challenge, so you too can have better mind health and more business wealth in the next 21 days even if you don't have any willpower, even if you don't feel confident and even if you don't have any experience.
Every other month, we’re promoting and inviting people to join the Power Habits Challenge.
It's that simple!
That's how you can make money right now without ever having to build anything.
How cool is that?
You can play with that event and just spend a few minutes developing your positive thinking and money making muscles, then rest for the rest of the day!
It's even better than the Law of Attraction, because it affects everything in a very valuable way and can have a major impact to increase your feelings of love and train your brain to increase and broaden your list of friends.
I hope today's lesson has helped to show you why everyone's wrong about positive thinking - because remember, one consistent action a day beats a thousand positive thoughts.
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